Prevent Body Odors with these Essential Oils

Updated on March 16th, 2020
body odor

Essential oils have a long history of being used for skin care. Essential oils for odor removal are used extensively and frequently. Essential oils contain anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties that make them quite useful in treating unpleasant body odor(1). Essential oils also prevent and slow down the growth of bacteria and yeast and thus, reducing the body odor.

The antimicrobial properties of essential oils make them quite effective for several home remedies, as well as the pharmaceutical industry. Several essential oils can be effectively used to remove unpleasant odors from different parts of the body.

Essential Oils for Body Odor

1. Lemon Oil

Lemon as fruit has long been used for medicines as it cures several health issues. Lemon has the power to change the PH level of the skin(2), which inhibits the growth of bacteria, thereby reducing unpleasant body odor. Lemon essential oil is made from the rinds and peel of the fruit; therefore, it is quite effective to fight body odor with its appealing fragrance. This oil has antiseptic, astringent, and detoxifying properties that help get rid of body odor.

  • Mix few drops of lemon oil with two tablespoons of baking soda
  • Apply the mixture on the areas that produce unpleasant body odor such as armpits
  • Leave the mixture for 15 minutes
  • Wash thoroughly with water
  • Avoid sun exposure for eight hours after using lemon oil

A few drops of lemon can be used once a week to treat body odor.

2. Spike Lavender Oil

lavender Oil

Spike lavender has great antimicrobial properties that stop the bacteria from breaking down the sweat into acid, thereby, reducing body odor. This oil is quite relaxing and has a cooling property. It’s highly powerful in killing germs due to its high content of camphor and camphene.

  • Take two ounces of distilled witch hazel
  • Add a few drops of lavender oil
  • Now add a few drops of coriander essential oil
  • Mix it nicely and pour the mixture in a clean spray bottle
  • You can spray this mixture under your arms to get rid of the body odor

Lavender oil can be used daily as it kills bacteria and is a good moisturizer.

[Read: Excellent Lavender Oil Benefits]

3. Patchouli Oil

Patchouli oil is an effective oil that helps get rid of the unpleasant body odor-causing germs(3). The essential oil is used for its astringent effect along with its antispasmodic properties. It also helps to fight against aging skin.

  • Add a few drops of patchouli oil to sweet almond oil
  • Now with the help of cotton ball, apply to the areas, such as armpits, that produce bad body odor
  • Let it sit for an hour and then wash it thoroughly
  • This can also be added to the bath

A few drops of patchouli oil can be used daily.

4. Clary Sage Oil

Clary Sage Oil

Clary sage oil is quite famous for its refreshing scent. This oil contains antimicrobial agents that help the bacteria keep in control. This oil also tends to increase the levels of oxytocin. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of this oil make it quite effective to fight against body odor. Moreover, as a bonus, this oil also tightens and tones up the skin. This soothing oil tends to eliminate the feelings of anxiety and irritability while promoting relaxation and calmness.

  • ½ cup of distilled witch hazel
  • ¼ cup of Aloe Vera gel
  • ¼ teaspoon of baking soda
  • Ten drops of clary sage essential oil
  • Ten drops of sandalwood essential oil


Take a bowl and mix witch hazel with Aloe Vera gel thoroughly

Now add baking soda, and clary sage and sandal essential oils to this and mix well

Now pour the solution to a spray bottle and shake it well

The homemade deodorant is ready to be used

A few drops of clary sage diluted with base ingredients can be used daily.

[Read: Sage Tea Benefits and Uses]

5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree is one of the most effective and beneficial essential oils. It has great antimicrobial agents that help to kill the odor-producing bacteria. Tea tree oil is quite famous for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is a quite effective remedy to try at home. This essential oil tends to regulate the sweat secretion, thereby keeping the surface of the skin dry. In addition to this, tea tree oil is quite a powerful and natural cleansing agent that helps in the removal of dead cells and dirt from the pores that keeps the critters away.

  • Witch hazel ½ cup
  • Ten drops of tea tree oil
  • ½ cup distilled water


  • In a bowl mix witch hazel and tea tree oil until it is well-combined
  • Now add distilled water to the prepared solution
  • Pour the solution in the spray bottle and shake it thoroughly

The homemade deodorant is ready to use. Tea tree oil, when diluted with other base ingredients, can be used daily.

6. Sandalwood Oil

sandalwood oil
Image: Shutterstock

According to Ayurveda, sandalwood essential oil has long been known for its antiperspirant properties. This essential oil is known to be a natural deodorant. This is the only oil that not only helps in getting rid of body odor but also eradicates the germs that cause body odor. Furthermore, this essential oil tends to have a high astringent effect, which tones down the unnecessary perspiration.

  • Mix sandalwood oil with jojoba oil in a bowl
  • Add one teaspoon of honey
  • Pour the mixture in a spray bottle
  • Shake it well
  • The sandalwood antiperspirant is ready to be used

A few drops of sandalwood oil can be used daily to fight body odor.

Essential oils are quite an effective remedy for several kinds of skincare issues. However, these oils may also cause skin burn and infection. Excessive usage of such oils might also result in several adverse effects, such as blood pressure. It is always recommended to use any home remedy after the doctor’s advice.

[Read: Tea Tree Oil: All You Need to Know About]

Side effects and preventions

  • Make sure to dilute essential oils with carrier oils before applying otherwise; you may get a reaction.
  • For people who have sensitive noses, essential oils may cause headaches and nasal congestion. So use them in moderation.
  • The citrus essential oil may cause sunburn if you immediately step out after applying it. So avoid exposure to the sun after using applying the oil.


Essential oils are a natural and fantastic way to get rid of body odor without having to deal with chemicals. You can also make Do-it-Yourself (DIY) essential oil soap bars for body wash. But make sure to avoid the groin area. However, it’s always good to check with your doctor or dermatologist before you start using essential oils to reduce body odor and follow the doctor’s instructions for safe use.


1. Should We Always Mix Essential Oils With Carrier Oils?

Yes, essential oils contain concentrated extracts of plants. So it is a must to mix them with carrier oils like jojoba, almond, etc.

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