Diet for Fibromyalgia: A Natural and Effective Way to Treat Fibromyalgia

Updated on November 26th, 2019
diet for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a physical disorder that causes trembling pain across various regions of the body. The pain is chronic and is often unbearable if the conditions get extreme. Fibromyalgia is hard to recognize, and the reason behind its occurrence is still unknown. Though it is there that the causes of Fibromyalgia include environmental as well as genetic factors. You can treat the disorder by opting a healthy diet for Fibromyalgia.

Along with Fibromyalgia, people also complain about having bladder and bowel problems, tightness and numbness, restless leg syndrome, and sensitivity towards temperature, light, and noise. The person who has Fibromyalgia often tends to suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. It affects around 4 million US adult population. The cause of Fibromyalgia might be unknown, but it has enough possibility to get effectively treated and managed.

Fibromyalgia Diet Food List

pain due to fibromyalgia
Image: ShutterStock

There are certain foods that you can enlist in your diet plan and consider to have significant benefits from them. If you are wondering about what food can do to Fibromyalgia, then you must know that food supplies required nutrients to the body and stimulates certain chemicals that are essential for dealing with Fibromyalgia(1).

Having Fibromyalgia will not let you be physically active during your work. The lack of sleep and aching body will make the situation harder, and you’ll find it challenging to finish your regular job. The problem tends to result in causing depression and anxiety. Here is a fibromyalgia diet food list

[Also Read: Natural Ways to Treat Fibromyalgia]

Mediterranean Diet for Fibromyalgia

Mediterranean Diet

A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet is important. It helps to achieve successful treatment for Fibromyalgia. If you want to make your diet plan work for your condition, then preferring a Mediterranean diet is the easiest way to get there. It includes certain food items and recipes that can alleviate the problem of Fibromyalgia and other aching issues in the body.

Why Is It Helpful?

In a Mediterranean diet, some of the essential properties are it’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich supplies to the body. If the patient wants to get on the track of an anti-inflammatory diet, the Mediterranean diet with some essential nutrients can make you get a hold on it. According to the experts, the Mediterranean diet is quite safe and has least or no possible side effects. It controls the various factors that affect the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

It is the easiest way to avoid the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and chronic pain disorders. It also challenges other severe related diseases, such as some types of cancer and heart disease. Moreover, it will serve you best ways to lose some weight naturally. An essential Mediterranean diet(2) includes lots of fruits and vegetables, limited dairy or milk products, lean protein, whole grains, fish, and a small amount of red meat. There are no such assurances that being Vegan on your Mediterranean diet will change the things faster.

[Also Read: Physical Therapy to Treat Fibromyalgia]


Here are two methods of the Mediterranean diet –

1. Spicy Garlic Escarole

    • Garlic Cloves
    • Olive oil
    • One head torn escarole
    • Any Green leafy vegetable
    • Salt, as per taste
    • Red pepper, as per the taste
  • Take olive oil in a pan. Add three cloves of minced garlic to it.
  • When the garlic turns brown, add red pepper to it as per the taste.
  • Add one head torn escarole with any green vegetable in the pan and stir for some time until the greens get cooked for around 5 minutes.

2. Greek Salad

  • Tomatoes
  • Capers
  • Oregano
  • Sliced and pickled peppers
  • Olive oil
  • Salt, black pepper, as per the taste
  • Watercress, pitted green olives and scallions (for garnishing)
  1. Add all the main ingredients to a bowl.
  2. Toss them all and then add the ingredients for garnishing.
  3. Mix everything well, and your Greek salad is ready!

[Also Read: Magnesium for Fibromyalgia]

Vegan Diet for Fibromyalgia

Vegan Diet

A Vegan diet(3) requires all the essential nutrients, including fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Fruits and vegetables supply main complex carbohydrates for your body.

A large amount of energy is required to deal with pain and other critical changes in the body. Bananas and apples can provide you with a high amount of energy and will maintain the fiber content in the body too. The fruits that have low levels of the glycemic index can help you more, such as

  • Berries
  • Citrus
  • Peaches
  • Cantaloupe

Low-fat milk can provide you with enough quantity of Vitamin D, which is quite essential for the bones and joints of the body. Drinking adequate amounts of low-fat dairy will give strength to your bones, and their density will increase. Vitamin D is also known for enhancing the sleep and mood of an individual.

Why Is It Helpful?

There is no guarantee that a Vegan diet can cover all the requirements of the body faster than any diet. But, researches show that a vegan diet can keep a good record of the body helping recovery from the conditions like Fibromyalgia.


1. Healing Soup for Fibromyalgia

  • Coconut oil
  • Sodium-free vegetable broth
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Scallion


  1. Take a pan. Add some coconut oil to it.
  2. Add turmeric and ginger to it.
  3. After a minute, add the vegetable broth and let it boil.
  4. Add scallion slices and cook for some time.
  5. Serve hot!

2. Chickpea Salad

  • English cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Carrots
  • Boiled chickpeas
  • Basil leaves
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and black pepper
  1. Dice all the vegetables and add them to a large bowl.
  2. Add boiled chickpeas, along with olive oil.
  3. Add salt and black pepper as per the taste and toss well.

[Read: Kratom for Fibromyalgia]

Gluten-Free Diet for Fibromyalgia

Image: ShutterStock

The people who suffer from gluten intolerance along with Fibromyalgia should avoid the intake of gluten-rich food items.

Why Is It Helpful?

A gluten-free diet contains all the food items that lack gluten protein. Avoiding gluten containing food items such as wheat can reduce the inflammation and pain from the body.


  • Lemon Parmesan Polenta
  • Ingredients
  • Lemon
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Kosher salt
  • Red chili flakes
  • One torn head escarole
  • One can of polenta
  • Parmesan cheese


  1. Heat the oil on medium heat.
  2. Add all the main ingredients and stir well. Heat them for some time then change the heat to medium-low.
  3. Cook the polenta separately. Add lemon slices and parmesan on it.
  4. Serve the polenta with escarole mixture.

Food High in Antioxidants

Antioxidants in the body help in stopping the oxidation reactions that can create free radicals in the body. Free radicals tend to damage the competent cells and inhibit their ability to function. Some researchers believe that there is a relationship between the oxidation reaction and symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Some common types of antioxidants are – Vitamin A, C, and E.

1. Dark Chocolate

Why Is It Helpful?

Dark chocolate helps in producing nitric oxide in our body. Nitric oxide is responsible for maintaining a healthy blood circulation across the body.

2. Pecans

Why Is It Helpful?

Pecans have a healthy amount of essential fats, vitamins, and antioxidants. They have a vital role in preventing many types of severe diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases. They have a sweet flavor and also are a good source of thiamin. They generate the metabolisms which are essential for growth and enhancement of the body.

Foods to Avoid with Fibromyalgia

An individual suffering from Fibromyalgia should avoid some food items not to worsen the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Here is a list of foods to avoid with Fibromyalgia


Image: Shutterstock

High amounts of sugar can make the situation worse in the case of Fibromyalgia. Medical diagnosis and reports show that exceptionally high amounts of sugar in the body enhance the fibromyalgia pain. Limiting sugar in your diet. This will help you lose weight. The people who are overweight tend to have more stress and fatigue due to the high amount of stored fats in the body.


Consumption of refined carbohydrates, like bread, pastries, cookies, and white rice, can affect Fibromyalgia. These food items get digested quickly, causing high sugar levels. When the sudden drop of sugar level occurs, the person feels the strike of hunger again. This fluctuation of sugar level can cause fatigue and ache, enhancing the chances of overeating.

Unhealthy Fats

The significant amount of junk foods consists of unhealthy fats that, according to medical experts, can worsen the case of Fibromyalgia. Unhealthy fats or oils should not be there in your diet if you have Fibromyalgia.

Processed Foods

A lot of processed foods contain unhealthy fats and can make the symptoms of Fibromyalgia worse. They increase the inflammation in the aching regions and trigger the food insensitivity. You should avoid the consumption of foods that have high amounts of preservatives and added flavors.

Alcohol Consumption

Image: ShutterStock

According to some people having Fibromyalgia, the use of alcohol made their symptoms flare up again. If you are taking medications for Fibromyalgia, such as – acetaminophen, anticonvulsants, and antidepressants, then you should avoid drinking alcohol. It can be a reason to create harmful interactions between them.

Food is the primary source of essential supplements in the body. Food adds the required nutrients to the body. Doctors always advise acquiring a balanced diet to avoid any unfortunate health-related problem. Fibromyalgia gets controlled up to a great extent. The mentioned foods are highly beneficial to deal with Fibromyalgia, as well as immensely helpful in maintaining good health.

Try to avoid the foods that can create more issues in providing relief from the pain and hinder the absorption of other essential nutrients. A nutritious diet for Fibromyalgia can effectively help you out in dealing with the disorder. If the problems become more severe and affect your routine work, then consult a doctor immediately.


1. What Foods Trigger Fibromyalgia Pain?

Many of the food items from our regular diet can enhance the pain of Fibromyalgia. At the initial stages, it is difficult to know, but when the severity of the case increases, you must know how to avoid certain food items to prevent the pain. Some of the everyday food items are – excess sugar, caffeine, dried fruits and vegetables, yeast in dishes, pasteurized dairy products, aspartame, and junk food.

2. How Do You Know If You Have Fibromyalgia?

In extreme conditions, the symptoms of Fibromyalgia appear clearly and significantly. Apart from the sensation of widespread and unbearable aching parts, other symptoms are –

  • Severe headaches
  • Fatigue or extreme tiredness
  • Sleep-related disorders or difficulty in sleeping
  • Stiffness of the muscles
  • High sensitivity towards pain
  • A problem is known as the Fibro-fog (a deprivation related to the power of concentration and memory)
  • The occurrence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS – In this condition, the stomach suffers burning pain and bloating.

3. Is Mediterranean Diet Good for Fibromyalgia?

The foods that contain sufficient magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids are good for Fibromyalgia. The Mediterranean diet consists of the food items that are rich with these essential nutrients. It serves a vital role in maintaining the other metabolisms of the body.

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