Get Stunning Eyebrows With Castor Oil

Updated on January 21st, 2020
castor oil for eyebrows

Facial features are shaped and enhanced by the eyes and eyebrows. It is said that you will never look your best if you haven’t shaped your eyebrows. Well-shaped eyebrows draw people’s attention towards you. Eyebrows play a very vital role in maintaining the beauty of the face. Many of us are unaware of this.

So, pampering your eyebrows becomes all the more important in today’s world. Flaunt your looks by using Castor oil. Read ahead to know how to use castor oil for eyebrows and lashes

What is Castor Oil?

Castor Oil

Castor oil(1) originates from the Ricinus Communis seeds. It is a bush that is local to Asia and Africa. It is removed from the seed of the castor shrub. It’s an extremely pale, thick yellow fluid. Castor oil has a solid and distinctive taste, which is for the most part obnoxious.

Castor oil has different features that can have other medical advantages, for example, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Vitamin E, protein and fat like omega-6 and omega-3 can be found in abundance in this oil. Castor oil is utilized for its medicinal points of interest for quite a long time.

It is likewise known to be helpful in therapeutic applications. Castor oil is said to determine all its useful properties from its elevated amounts of unsaturated fats. It very well may be utilized from multiple points of view to be consumed straightforwardly by mouth.

It is additionally high in ricinoleic corrosive, an acid that helps hair and skin, therefore, making the oil more valuable. It very well may be utilized to treat skin issues; skin breaks out, balding, scattered hair and significantly more. It advances hair development and develops out thicker eyebrows.

[Read: Benefits of Castor Oil]

Why use Castor oil for eyebrows problems?

  • Castor oil is flourished with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and moisturizing properties, that can benefit eyebrows in numerous ways. It also has restorative properties that support absorption and hydration.
  • The major reason that makes castor oil suitable for eyebrows is the rich content of fatty acids, nutrients, and minerals that nourishes and moisturizes the follicles while also triggering hair growth from dormant follicles.
  • Castor oil being wealthy in antibacterial and antifungal properties can be advantageous to battle against hair, scalp and follicle harm and counteract breakage.
  • Castrol oil also renews the scalps natural oils and can reverse the damage caused by the chemicals in different hair items.
  • Castor oil is an abounding source of ricinoleic acid which helps add volume and also curbs brow loss.
  • Its rich anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties soothe any possible inflammation or aggravation that might lead brows thinning out.
  • Tweezing, waxing and shaving can often cause permanently thinning of the brow. Castor oil can reverse this by encouraging hair growth from the follicles that have become dormant.

[Read: Thicken Scanty Eyebrows Using Home Remedies]

How to use castor oil for eyebrows


Applying castor oil is super simple and super convenient.

  • Choose a particular time to apply the oil on a daily basis. Pick a fixed time. The most convenient is before bed at night. You may want to put a cover to protect your pillowcase as the oil is thick and can leave a stain. Sue to the thickness, bedtime seems like the most comfortable time to apply the oil.
  • Wash your face properly, ensure there is no makeup on your face.
  • Use a cotton swab or a clean brush to apply a small amount of castor oil on your eyebrows. One can even use their fingers if they wish.
  • Massage the oil into the eyebrows. Make sure the oil does not enter your eye. In case the oil does enter your eyes, wash your eyes immediately
  • Leave the oil overnight
  • Wash the oil off properly in the morning

The effects of castor oil usually take two to three months to show. One has to ensure they are doing this daily without fail or skipping a day to see the full effects.

[Read: Castor Oil for Thinning Hair]

Precautions and side effects

  • Before utilizing or applying castor oil one should always look for guidance from health care experts as they are probably aware of what best suits your body vitals.
  • A few people could have hypersensitivity to castor oil. If you are purchasing items that contain castor oil, it could likewise prompt a hypersensitive response causing an allergic reaction.
  • One should ensure that the oil is organic, natural and 100% pure without any adulterated substances or corruption.
  • One must tell the expert their medical history as the oil responds with patients who have had a ruptured appendix and can cause queasiness, stomach torment, and change in motions and stools, inner blockage and seeping of the rectum. However, such serious allergic reactions are rare.

Which castor oil is the best for your eyebrows?

There are various types of castor oils that one can choose from but the most recommended oil for the eyebrows is either cold-pressed castor oil or Jamaican castor oil.  Jamaican castor oil gets its dark color due to the ash of the roasted beans. It is rich in phytochemicals and fatty acids. This makes it extremely useful for eyebrows and eyelashes(2) as well as skin and hair.

The castor oil must be pure and free of additives. One must test a patch on the skin first before application. One should also seek a health expert’s advice before starting treatment.

Dos and don’ts

  • Make sure that the oil is pure and does not contain color, fragrance, alcohol or any other enhancement as these may dry out your skin and cause allergic reactions or irritation to the skin.
  • The oil should be certified organic and should be from a renowned company. As this oil can be consumed and may cause allergic reactions one must always seek the advice of a health specialist before using these products. If one sees any symptoms of irritation, skin rash, hair fall, irritable bowel movements, nausea, stomach pain, one must see the specialist immediately.
  • Using too much castor oil may cause hair fall, irritation, and allergic reactions. It may lead to building up in the hair as well causing oil is be sticky and look lifeless.

Other Remedies

1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil also is rich in vitamins, minerals and fats that can help with protecting your eyebrows and helping it grow. The application for the oil is the same.

  1. Choose a particular time to apply the oil on a daily basis. Pick a fixed time. The most convenient is before bed at night. You may want to put a cover to protect your pillowcase as the oil is thick and can leave a stain. Sue to the thickness, bedtime seems like the most comfortable time to apply the oil.
  2. Wash your face properly, ensure there is no make-up on your face.
  3. Use either a cotton swab or a clean brush to apply a small amount of castor oil on your eyebrows. One can even use their fingers if they wish.
  4. Massage the oil into the eyebrows. Make sure the oil does not enter your eye. In case the oil does enter your eyes, wash your eyes immediately
  5. Leave the oil overnight
  6. Wash the oil off properly in the morning

2. Olive oil and honey

Olive oil and Honey

Some people may not want to leave the oil on overnight. Don’t worry about that. This mixture will work in just 30 minutes. Both olive oil and honey being rich in nutrients will ensure thick and dark eyebrows.

  • Mix half a teaspoon of olive oil with a few drops of honey.
  • Massage it into the eyebrows for 3 minutes
  • Leave it for half an hour and wash it off properly with warm water.

Being rich in different supplements, for example, Vitamin E, fats, proteins, and so forth castor oil is to a great degree helpful for the hair and also the whole body. It can even make the hair darker, secure the hair follicles and keep away from untimely turning gray of hair. It can likewise help in skin conditions like skin break out. It makes the eyelashes and eyebrows thick, solid and sparkly.

One should anyway dependably look for the guidance of a health care expert and guarantee that the oil is a 100%unadulterated, natural and from a renowned company.  We hope you find this article helpful.

[Read: Olive Oil for Hair]


1. How long does it take for castor oil to grow eyelashes?

Usually, one can see the results in 6-7 weeks. Castor oil is indeed the best oil for thicker and faster hair growth.

2. Is castor oil dangerous for eyes?

Castor oil, though is not dangerous, can cause mild irritation and redness when it comes to contact with your eyes. Ensure to be careful while applying it to your lashes.

3. Can I mix castor oil with vitamin E?

Yes, mixing castor oil with Vitamin E oil can bring outstanding results. Mix 1/4th cup of oil with 2 spoons on VItamin. Apply this concoction gently on every strand for amazing results. Also, Vitamin E oil helps a great deal in treating dandruff.

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