Blue Vervain – Benefits of the Mythical Herb

Updated on March 10th, 2020
blue vervain

Blue vervain which gets originated from Verbena Hastata is an erect short-lived herbal plant. Since several past years, blue vervain has been used for various medicinal purposes. It helps is in treating insomnia, headaches, pain, digestive dysfunction, depression, urinary tract infections, and many more.

You can drink blue vervain tea for preventing kidney stones and other serious diseases.

Nutritional Facts



Fat 0%
Sodium 0.1%
Dietary fiber 0%
Added sugar 0%

Blue Vervain Uses

Blue Vervain herb is best for the treatment of whooping cough, asthma, sore throat, abscesses, chest pain, cold, burns, itching, arthritis, and many other health conditions.

The best use of Blue Vervain is to cure fever and plague(1). In Native America, this herb is used for treating insomnia. It helps in boosting blood circulation and cures headaches.

The roots of the blue vervain plant are used for a diuretic. Herbalists use Blue Vervain seeds to combat mood swings and depression.

Blue Vervain Health Benefits

1. Treats Sleep Disorders


Sleep issues and anxiety affect your lifestyle. However, you need not to rely on medications for this. Medications can have many side effects. Studies show you the sedative effects of Vervain. Blue vervain benefits by calming your nervous system down.

2. Treat Migraine Headaches

It is difficult for people to manage migraine problems. Blue Vervain has analgesic properties. It soothes nerves to relax your mind.

3. Boosts Heart Health

Apart from having a healthy diet and regular exercise, Vervain(2) is also essential for your body. Vervain consists of a natural glycoside called cornin. This cornin has cardioprotective effects and helps to improve the pathways that benefit your heart.

4. Fights Inflammation

Vervain can treat inflammation. Extracts of Vervain can fight inflammation problems in animals and digestive inflammation in humans that are associated with gastrointestinal damage. Vervain possesses anti-inflammatory activity, which is similar to the medications used for a particular condition.

5. Decreases Menstrual Pain

Menstrual Cramps

These are analgesic properties of Vervain that play a huge role. Vervain properties help to treat cramps and other muscle cramps. Also, it reduces menstrual symptoms by giving relaxation.

6. Improves Oral Health

It has been under use for many past centuries for boosting gum health. Celtic people have even used Vervain as a mouthwash that cures oral problems. If you chew roots of blue vervain plant, then it can strengthen teeth and gums.

7. Boosts Digestive Health

Vervain helps increase your appetite and thus play a huge role in digestive health. Due to the antiparasitic properties of this plant, it helps your body to get rid of intestinal worms. Vervain possesses diuretic properties that play a massive role in the digestive process.

8. Stimulates Breast Milk Production

Breast Milk

Vervain stimulates breast milk production in nursing mothers. But nursing mothers must consult a doctor before having this.

It can be used in the form of soaps, face toners, face masks, ointments, lotions, bath teas, creams, massage oils, aftershaves, and teas.

Side Effects

Vervain is very likely safe for those people who intake it through the mouth and possibly safe for those who take it in the small amount when combined with elderflower, roots, sorrel, and the cowslip flower. However, it could lead to

  • Problems in your digestive system.
  • Excess of blue vervain can lead to an allergic skin rash.
  • Vervain has purgative effects, and an excess dosage can lead to vomiting.

Methods of Preparing Blue Vervain Tea

  1. Add water to a pan, and bring it to boil.
  2. Add the water to a cup.
  3. Now add the blue vervain tea bag to the pan.
  4. Allow it steep for 5 minutes.
  5. Now remove the teabag that will add honey and lemon for improving your tea flavor.

Bottom Line

Blue Vervain is easy to process and prepare. It has maximum benefits. It is known to boost oral health and also digestion. It is preferred for ulcers, cuts, and acne, treatment of coughs, depression, jaundice, fevers, headaches, and cramps. Moreover, it can be easily consumed in the form of teas.


1. Is Vervain and Blue Vervain the same?

Vervain is also called American Blue Vervain. These two belong to the same family.

2. Is Vervain poisonous to humans?

Vervain is not that poisonous, but it can be potential toxicity if a high dose is taken.

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