Benefits of Spelt Flour

Updated on December 11th, 2019
spelt flour benefits

We never feel tired of showing our gratitude to Mother Nature for her abundance. Occasionally, we try to talk about some miracle vegetable, fruit or seeds, that can boost our health. Today, we will explain the benefits of spelt flour and how you can use it to live a healthy life. Spelt grain is a member of the wheat family and known to humankind from a long past. Here are a few quick facts about spelt:

Did You Know!

  • According to old pieces of evidence(1), the history of spelt goes back to 5th millennium BC. It was a hugely significant harvest in Europe throughout the Bronze and Iron Ages, spreading extensively in central Europe and particularly in Switzerland and southern Germany.
  • Populaces in Europe had cultivated spelt for over 300 years but took a long time to reach the United States, and finally became a part of the US food items in the 1890s.

10 Incredible Spelt Flour Benefits

Well, you do not need to guess the benefits of spelt flour, because we are here to answer all your inquisitiveness. Let’s begin talking about the advantages of spelt flour

[Also Read: Benefits of Coconut Flour]

1. Maintains Cholesterol Level:

figs help in lowering the cholesterol levels
Image: shutterstock

Soluble Fiber can help in reducing cholesterol level. Spelt flour is rich in soluble fiber. According to past research, soluble(2) dietary fiber can lower both low-density lipoproteins, or you may say the blood cholesterol. As per a study conducted(3) in 2015, if you take dietary fibers, it will increase good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein or HDL.

[Also Read: Essential Oils for Lowering Cholesterol]

2. Decreases Blood Pressure:

As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC, one-third of the US grownups suffer from high blood pressure. Spelt flour consumption or other whole grains can reduce hypertension because of the presence of dietary fibers.

An analysis of 24 studies conducted in 2005 suggests that fiber intake reduces blood(4) pressure. Adults over the age of 40 years can benefit from this.

3. Regulates Cardiac Health:

According to American Heart Disease or AHA, sufficient consumption of dietary fiber can reduce the threat of heart issues or cardiac complications. As per the researches, nutritional fibers can decrease the risk of coronary heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

An analysis was conducted on 247,000 people, and the result was convincing. The result says that the higher your whole grain intake, the lesser danger from a stroke.

4. Improves Digestion:

improves your digestion

Fiber is essential for healthy digestion. It improves bowel movements in the digestive tract. If you often suffer from diarrhea or constipation, then your regular diet needs more dietary fibers. It also eases bloating, and gas, etc.

Studies say, Diverticular disease which damages the colon, can also be reduced by consuming fibers.

5. Helps in Weight Management:

High–fiber diet can help to reduce weight or help to manage weight. High-fiber foods will help you to feel full for a longer time. That means you will not feel the urge of binge eating.

According to research, you can reduce a substantial amount of weight if you consume 30 grams of fiber each day.

6. Reduces Threat of Diabetes:

Studies also say that high fiber helps decrease diabetes. Fiber is slow to digest, so there is no risk of sugar surge. A research of 2013 says, if you take whole grains for two times a day, it can shield you from type 2 diabetes.

[Also Read: Treat Diabetes Using Natural Remedies]

7. Improves Blood Circulation:

Iron is great for blood circulation. Spelt is rich in iron and meets the requirement of iron needed for new red blood cells. New RBC means your organs and tissues are get more oxygen and help to heal. Better flow or supply of oxygen means more energy and better metabolism. Spelt flour can heal you from anemia.

8. Balances Hormones:

Spelt flour is rich in a vitamin called niacin. Niacin is good for adrenal glands of our body. The endocrine system is one of the essential aspects of your body, and it keeps your body’s general functions. And niacin is aids the endocrine system.

9. Promotes Bone Development:

Image ShutterStock

Spelt flour is full of bone health improving nutrition. Minerals are required for bone tissues and spelt flour is a mine of minerals. Spelt flour can prevent age-related bone issues and osteoporosis. The presence of phosphorous, combined with protein also helps in tissue and bone growth.

10. Boosts Immunity:

Thiamin is known for boosting the immune system. Better immunity enhances our body’s natural immune system. Thiamin also eases psychological stress and anxiety. And spelt is a good source of Thiamin.

What is Spelt Flour and What Is So Special About it?

Spelt flour has gained its popularity with time because it is one of the most affordable nutritional whole-grain flour. The benefits of spelt flour are known to ancient people, and it played an essential role in the cuisines of the time. It is a cereal grain but dissimilar with wheat.

The taste of spelt flour is a bit sweet and nutty. Many people call it an all-purpose flour because it can be easily used to bake or cook. Because of the presence of ‘gluten,’ spelt flour is an excellent option for bread and cookies.

So, by adding or using spelt flour, you get the taste, all the nutritional value of spelt flour and the needed texture as well. Apart from the nutritional benefits of spelt flour, another reason for its popularity is, that it is easily digested and add fewer calories.

Spelt Flour Nutritional Facts That Makes It So Good for Health

Spelt flour is a mine of nutritional values and a relatively better healthy option than any other cereals. Firstly, it is high in carbohydrates and can supply 21% of the daily protein requirement. A single serving of spelt flour rich food can give you 30% of the daily dietary fiber requirement.

Apart from the nutritional facts mentioned above, it is also rich in iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, niacin, selenium, vitamin B6, thiamin, and folic acid.

Now, we can guess the benefits of spelt flour from the nutritional facts of this super cereal.

Tips and Tricks to Use Spelt Flour for Daily Purpose

Now that we know the nutritional values and benefits of spelt flour, we should know a few essential tips and tricks of using, storing, and consuming spelt flour. So, here are some tips:

  • When you’re buying the flour, check the package correctly. If there is any sign of moisture or dampness, then avoid buying it.
  • You can refrigerate spelt flour to keep it fresh. Storing in a cool place inside an air-tight container also works well.
  • You can mix spelt flour in 50:50 ratio with regular flour.
  • The soaking capacity of spelt flour is lesser than other flours. So do not add excess water when making dough.
  • Whole spelt flour is much healthier than white spelt flour.

2 DIY Spelt Flour Recipes

How to start using spelt flour? What to cook to get the benefits of spelt flour? Here are the answers. We are giving you two mouth-watering recipes of spelt flour:

Pancake Flour

  • Spelt flour- 4 cups
  • Baking powder- 3 tablespoons
  • Baking soda- 2 teaspoons
  • Kosher salt- 1 teaspoon
  • Maple syrup or agave nectar- as per taste

Whisk all these ingredients. And your pancake dough is ready.

Quinoa Pancake:

  • Cooked quinoa cooled- 1 cup
  • Spelt flour- 1 cup
  • Eggs- 2
  • Milk- ½ cup
  • Maple syrup/ honey – 3 tbsp.
  • Raw pecans, chopped- 1/3 cup
  • Baking powder- 2 Tsp.
  • Vanilla extract- 2 tsp.
  • Pinch of salt

In a mixer, add the eggs, milk, and syrup and blend well. Add the cooked quinoa, flour, pecans, baking powder, vanilla extract, and salt.

Take 1/3 cup of the batter first and add on to a nonstick skillet. Cook for approximately 1-2 mins. When you notice bubbles on side of the pancake, flip and cook on the other side for around 1-2 minutes. Your pancake is ready.

What are the Side-Effects of Spelt Flour?

If you have celiac disease, then the presence of gluten in spelt flour can be harmful to you. It can trigger the inflammation and affect the digestion hugely. People with any gluten sensitivity should always avoid spelt flour for their own good. If you have wheat allergy or sensitivity, then try spelt flour in a small amount first. During pregnancy, one should always consult a doctor before starting/adding anything new to their regular diet.

If you are convinced with the benefits of spelt flour, then bring about a simple change in your regular diet to become more healthy. Spelt flour is available in most of the supermarkets and online grocery stores. It is always a good idea to choose whole grain over general grains. But we never suggest overdoing anything to get a different or better result. So, rely on this ancient cereal, start small and have some tasty pancakes rich in nutrition and food values.

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