Buriti Oil Benefits for Skin and Hair Care

Updated on April 22nd, 2020
benefits of buriti oil

What Is Buriti Oil Used For

Buriti oil is used to moisturize and soothe cracked and dry skin. It replenishes the collagen and elasticity of the skin and can be used to treat damaged skin such as wounds, burns, and cuts (1). Using Buriti oil for face can heal skin ailments such as eczema, psoriasis, and protects against cancer. Buriti oil is a natural antioxidant, and benefits of buriti oil offers some protection against free radical damage caused by sun exposure.

Buriti oil is thought to be the most abundant source of natural beta-carotene (vitamin A) that is essential for healthy hair and skin. This vital vitamin aids circulation to give your skin a healthy glow. It is also helpful for acne-prone skin, lightens dark spots, and lowers the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It is also used to soothe diaper rash.

If bleach or excessive heat treatments have damaged your hair, using a hair mask containing Buriti oil for hair can give your follicles a healthy shine (2). A greasy scalp may also benefit from applying hair-care containing Buriti oil. Buriti oil benefits are also attributed to its rich levels of Omega 3, 6, and 9. It helps balance sebum production. Beard hair has a different character to those found on the rest of the body and is often coarse.

Applying a softening beard oil such as Buriti oil can help prevent your beard from feeling prickly by conditioning and detangling wiry beard hair. It is also effective at decreasing frizz. Buriti oil also defines the curls of your hair.

It contains only fatty acids and oil-soluble vitamins. Also, Buriti seed oil is made of Oleic acid 65%, Palmitic acid 16%, Stearic acid  4%, and Linoleic acid 9%.

You can try Buriti Peel and Pulp Oil for Glow, which will help give glow and plumpness, or volume for the hair. It contains:

  • Oleic acid
  • Palmitic acid
  • Stearic acid

Did You Know!

  • Did you know that Buriti tree is also called the ‘Tree of Life’?
  • Did you know that buriti is pronounced as “BUR-REE-CHEE”?

Benefits of Buriti Oil

1. Buriti Oil for a Tanned Look

You’ll need

  • Coconut oil: 80 ml
  • Buriti oil: 20 ml
  • Mica colored powder: 1 teaspoon


  • Mix the oils, add in the mica, and stir it well. The oil color must be even. If you use unrefined coconut oil, your mixture will thicken. However, during  Summer, when the room temperature rises above 25C, the oil will be liquid.
  • Just keep in mind that it can stain your clothes. So it makes the oil unsuitable for a colder climate.
  • Try to make a smaller quantity at first to see if you like it like that or you want to change the proportions of oil.

2. Hot Buriti Oil Mask for Dark-Colored Hair

oil mask for hair

You’ll Need

  • Buriti oil: 3 tablespoons
  • Olive oil: 2 teaspoon
  • Rosemary oil: 7 drops


  • Mix the ingredients properly and warm it up on medium heat for a couple of minutes.
  • Make sure not to heat the oil solution for more than 2 minutes. Otherwise, it may burn your scalp.
  • Apply the solution on the scalp and hair length using your fingers.
  • Now, put on a shower cap or a hot towel, and keep it on for an hour.
  • Later, rinse well with a mild shampoo.
  • Depending on how much oil you used and the length of your hair, you might have to wash your hair 2 to 3 times to get rid of oil completely.
  • Dry your hair and style it as you wish.

[Read: Get Healthy Hair Glow ]

3. Buriti Oil for Anti-Aging

You’ll need

  • Buriti oil: 3 tablespoons
  • Argan oil: 2 tablespoon
  • Frankincense essential oil: 4 – 5 drops
  • Rose essential oil: 2 – 3 drops


  • Mix all the oils well and give them a nice blend before you use them.
  • You can apply this oil solution on your face and neck, on moist skin and massage it well until it is completely absorbed into the skin.
  • Make sure the oil doesn’t come in content with the eyes as it could irritate.

Buriti oil is beneficial for your health(3), but refining it can deplete some of the nutrients and fatty acids. If you do choose to use skincare containing Buriti oil, check the label that it is certified organic and sustainably sourced. Avoid excessive usage of this oil to remain on the safe side, consult the doctor before you use. Some people might also get an allergic reaction. Make sure not to apply the oil directly to the scalp or skin, without due care, as using too much of this oil as it can make your hair look greasy. Also, expectant and nursing mothers should consult their gynecologist before incorporating it in their hair or skincare.

Buriti oil has many potent constituents, including antioxidants. It can be used to prevent skin problems. It also proves useful in preventing hair related issues. Buriti oil helps to get glowing and scar-free skin. It accentuates curls and highlights the color of your hair. It can be used as a carrier oil for many essential oils. However, it is not considered safe for pregnant females as it might shunt the infant’s growth.


1. What Does Buriti Oil Smell Like?

Its smell is earthy and forestry.

2. Is Buriti Oil Comedogenic?

Buriti oil has a low comedogenic rating, which can be useful for people who suffer from comedonal acne, a kind of acne that is caused by clogged pores. Buriti oil is much lighter than coconut oil and doesn’t leave the greasy residue that many people experience with coconut oil.

3. Which Is Better, Buriti Oil or Almond Oil?

Buriti oil has the highest concentration of fatty acids compared to almond oil. Because of this, Buriti oil works better and faster, giving you the most number of skin benefits possible.

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