Hyssop Benefits That May Give a Boost to Your Health

Updated on February 28th, 2020
Hyssop benefits

Also called as Anise Hyssop, this wonder herb that has been around for a long time, Hyssop has many medical and non-medical uses. What is hyssop used for? Well, it can be used to treat conditions ranging from liver and gallbladder problems to colic and gastrointestinal disorders. It may also calm a restless and nervous mind.

Hyssop may be consumed in a tea or in a soup, the choice is yours. The oil can also be extracted for use, and the herb may be used as an additive in anything you consume. Be careful with what you mix it, though, as hyssop may have some interactions.

With a wide variety of uses, and benefits, it is little wonder that this wonder herb has found its way into the hearts of many around the world. Additionally, this wonder herb has very little side effects, so you can use it without worry.

This plant has been around for centuries, making life easier for us. A plant that has immense medicinal value, Hyssop is used for digestive and intestinal problems including liver and gallbladder conditions, intestinal gas, colic, intestinal pain and loss of appetite.

It may also be used to treat respiratory problems like coughs, colds, respiratory infections, sore throat, and asthma. Hyssop benefits go beyond healthcare, as hyssop may also be used in creating soaps and cosmetics.

Here Are Some Major Hyssop Benefits

1. Liver, gallbladder, and intestinal problems

Hyssop has been used widely in the treatment of liver and gallbladder problems. Certain properties of the herb make it useful for these ailments. Hyssop’s properties also make it an effective digestive, which is why it is used in intestinal problems(1).

2. Common cold and asthma

Cold & flu
Image: Shutterstock

Being an excellent expectorant, Hyssop is also used in the treatment of common cold, and in reducing the symptoms of asthma. It urges the body to get rid of the mucus that has built up, thus clearing a person’s breathing passage.

3. Urinary tract infections

Certain medicinal properties of Hyssop make it ideal for urinary tract conditions that require herbal treatment. Additionally, Hyssop’s diuretic properties help flush out excess sodium from the body and help to lower the body’s blood pressure.

4. Used to treat skin conditions.

Hyssop essential oil can be used in the treatment of skin conditions like bruises, rashes, burns, and frostbite. Different forms of hyssop are used to treat different conditions. For example, the microbial nature of hyssop oil makes it the perfect remedy for mild skin irritation(2).

5. Colic

Prepared as an infusion, Hyssop may be used as a natural treatment for colic and abdominal cramps, and as a stimulant to eliminate gas and to help with an upset stomach. Take 1 teaspoon of hyssop herb steeped in 1 cup of just-boiled water in a closed container for 15 to 20 minutes, then administer in sips from a bottle over a period of 2 to 3 hours. This may help calm colic(3).

6. Calming Effect

Hyssop may have a calming effect and can be administered to patients who suffer from anxiety and nervousness. It is a kind of natural sedative, that may present a nice alternative to allopathic medicine.

How to Use This Wonder Herb?

Image: Shutterstock

The hyssop herb may be used in a number of ways. It depends on which condition you want to treat using the herb. One can create a fluid extract, and it can be used in a tincture. Alternatively, the leaves and flowers may be crushed and used in a tea or blended in a fluid to drink.

The healing virtues of hyssop are due to oil it secretes, which is stimulating, carminative, and sudorific. It promotes expectoration and in chronic catarrh, its stimulant properties are especially useful. hyssop may be taken as a warm infusion, taken frequently.

Hyssop tea may improve the tone of a feeble stomach. Boiled hyssop soup may be given for asthma. If you crush the herb, it may be applied on a cut or bruise to heal. Hyssop seeds may be crushed and consumed with water. Hyssop leaves may be added to a recipe in order to add some flavor.

Myths and Side Effects

It has been said that consuming excess hyssop leads to seizures, but there is no evidence to support this claim.

Considered safe for most people in amounts commonly found in food and medicine, hyssop is only unsafe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because it might cause the uterus to contract, or start menstruation. These effects might lead to miscarriage. It is also unsafe to give hyssop to children, as convulsions might occur.

Apart from the above, there are no recorded side effects of this herb, and it is relatively safe to consume in prescribed amounts for certain conditions.

In conclusion, hyssop is a wonder herb that has little side effects and many potential medical benefits. With advantages across the medical board, this little herb can do wonders to improve your health. Infuse a little hyssop into your daily diet, if you face any health concerns, or to increase your general health.

Or, if you are suffering from any conditions, ask your physician if hyssop can be included in your scheme of treatment. With its mild sedative effects, this can be good if you suffer from mental health issues like anxiety and nervousness. This herb has been used since ancient times, to treat various medical anomalies, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.


1. What is the minimum or maximum recommended dose?

There is no maximum or minimum recommended dose. Consult your physician before consuming hyssop.

2. Can Hyssop substitute anxiety medication?

While Hyssop has certain sedative and calming properties, there is no proof to suggest it can substitute regular allopathic medication.

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