Effective Baths That Cool down a Fever

Updated on April 20th, 2020
Bath for Fever

Taking a bath is the last thing on your mind when you are down with fever. The aches in your body along with the chills you feel forces you to stay in your warm and comfy bed. Taking a bath can increase your body temperature further, while people will advise you to avoid baths, many doctors recommend them as a way to reduce fever.

Also, a bath for fever might not always be safe. In certain conditions like post-surgery fever, one must seek medical help as the water might affect the stitches.

Fever is not an illness but is the body’s reaction to some external elements. While babies are prone to high fevers, it is also common to have a body temperature of 101 degrees in healthy babies of 18 to 24 months of age. Fever in babies under three months of age requires medical attention. A fever once a month in young children over three months is reasonable.

Most importantly, how fast the fever rises is often more important than how high the temperature might be.

Why Use Bath for Fever?

Your body gives a reaction to everything, and in some cases, the response might result in a rise in temperature, commonly known as fever. No matter how bizarre it sounds to some people, but bathing is undoubtedly helpful in fever.

The logic is that your body heat gets trapped inside with so many layers of clothes and blankets. The excess heat further reduces the chance of lowering body temperature.

A bath helps in releasing this heat and gives you a fresh and calm feeling. While cold baths for fever are not recommended, warm baths or sponges can help you feel clean and relaxing.

Also, proper cleaning of the body ensures fewer germs and microbes(1) on the body, which might be the result of fever.

Effective Baths for Fever

1. Normal Baths

Women Bathing

A regular bath can be used cold, warm, hot, or even with some ingredients like Epsom salt. While cold baths are generally not recommended, a hot bath for fever helps give the body proper relaxation and calm.

2. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt bath for fever is useful in providing the body with some aspects like magnesium and also provides with required hydration to the skin. The bath is also helpful in removing harmful toxins and germs from the body.

Use 2 cups of Epsom salt in warm water to draw out the bath. It is recommended to soak children for 15-20 minutes in the bath while adults can use it for 20-30 minutes.

[Also Read: Detox bath For Cold]

3. Alcohol Bath for Fever

Rubbing alcohol is a widely used remedy by many parents as it evaporates from the skin, leaving a cooling effect of the skin. This effect helps reduce bodily temperatures.

Alcohol can be used in baths or sponge baths or by topically applying it on the skin. Although it is safe to use on skin, using large amounts can still be dangerous and should be avoided.

4. Sponge Bath

Sponge Bath

Using sponge baths is a well-known technique. It is not new and is the most effective one. A tepid sponge bath for fever is the best way of cleaning your skin in sick conditions.

Cold baths or ice baths for fever are mostly not recommended as the temperature of the body could be increased. The cold water might add discomfort or even cause shivering, which is to be prevented.

[Also Read: Essential Oils for Fever]

Risks Associated with the Use of Bath

Baths are perfectly safe in general conditions. Unless the water is lukewarm or hot, the bath will only relieve your situation and will help you maintain hygiene.

Cold or ice baths are risky as they might add a shivering sensation to your body, which is not a good sign in fever. Also, the sudden temperature change for the body might be harmful.

In the case of using ingredients like Epsom salt or alcohol, you must take certain precautions like using instructed amounts of ingredients and avoiding topical use of these things.

When to See a Doctor?

Fever is a common condition but can take a drastic face when not taken proper care of. Some instances of fever(2) are severe, and one should seek medical guidance for the treatment.

Severe headaches or sore throats might be a sign of viral infection, and one should see a doctor immediately. In certain conditions, severe stomachache or nausea can be a condition of disease or typhoid and should be treated with proper medication immediately.

Fever is not a severe condition and is common in small children. No matter what, taking a bath for fever is entirely safe. Even doctors recommend the same.

Baths give a refreshing feeling, and with specific ingredients even help lower the temperatures by removing toxins.

Remember, fever is a condition when your body fights some underlying cause. If the temperature persists, seek medical help immediately.


1. What Are the Precautions During Fever?

Fever is not severe but can be a cause of some underlying disease. From an injury to even cancer, fever can be a result of any condition. One must not take cold or ice baths during fever as they might result in shivering. Avoid taking aspirin and take plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration.

2. What Are the Best Home Remedies for Fever?

Fever, in some cases, can be treated easily at home. Some of the home remedies are taking proper rest, eating healthy foods like soups, using herbal teas, etc. Using some herbal ingredients like Moringa and Kudzu root can also be used as a home remedy for fever.

3. How Are Herbs Beneficial for Fever?

Herbs like moringa and kudzu root are natural ingredients that help reduce body temperature. Their anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties help reduce the harmful microbes present in the body and result in reduced temperature.

4. Which Diet Is Right for Fever?

Taking fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals helps give the energy to fight against fever. Apart from that, using garlic, ginger, or tulsi can also prove useful in treating fever.

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