Aloe Vera to Heal and Protect Against Sunburns

Updated on November 18th, 2019
Aloe Vera

Summer is everyone’s favorite, but with the seasonal ice creams and great fruits come along tan and sunburns. If you step out in the sun without a sun guard on your face, you are likely to get a tan and in some severe cases a sunburn. Sunburn can get very painful and cause redness, itching, and peeling of the skin.

The harmful Ultra Violet rays burn the upper layer of the epidermis and cause the skin to peel off. Sunburns are not fatal, but when it occurs frequently, it puts you at risk of skin cancer. Always apply sunscreen half an hour before you go out in the sun. And in case you wish to try something natural, use Aloe Vera for sunburn.


  • Aloe vera is rich in nutrients and Vitamin B, C, E.
  • It also works in detoxifying your body.
  • Aloe Vera is promoted by a lot of celebrities and beauty bloggers for its benefits on skin and hair.
  • It helps remove pigmentations on the skin.
  • Aloe Vera is also digestible. Yes, you can eat it to avail of its benefits.
  • The properties of Aloe Vera makes it the best antiseptic for sunburns.

Why Should You Choose Aloe Vera For Sunburn?

aloe vera for sunburn

You must wonder why aloe Vera stands out from the other remedies for sunburn, well here are reasons why aloe vera gel for sunburn works best.

  • Aloe vera helps to reduce inflammation. The Aloe Vera gel is anti-inflammatory and reduces the inflammation caused by the burning(1).
  • Aloe Vera has several anti-bacterial properties. It prevents your skin from unhealthy bacteria and saves you from infections.
  • Aloe Vera is very rich in Vitamin E, which is one of the main constituents of all topical creams for sunburn. As Aloe Vera is natural, it has no side effects.
  • Aloe Vera allows Hydrates your skin.
  • It is called as “burn plant” because of its healing power for sunburns.
  • Aloe Vera has the ability to cool down your skin.
  • It moisturizes the skin and avoids the common symptom of peeled skin caused by a sunburn.
  • It has several antiseptic properties.

Best Aloe vera for sunburn is the freshly extracted gel from the leaves of an Aloe Vera plant.

This is exactly what your skin needs after a burn caused due to exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun.

[Also Read: Top 5 Potent Ways to Treat Sunburn]

Different Ways to Use Aloe Vera for Sunburn

1. Aloe Vera and Coconut oil for Sunburn

You can make a lotion out of this and apply it regularly on a sunburn. Mix coconut oil (2)with Aloe vera gel. Avoid forming lumps. Store it in an airtight conditioner and shake well before every use.

2. Aloe Vera Ice Cubes

ice cubes

Things you will need – Aloe vera gel, Ice cube tray.


Take the ice tray and fill it with Aloe Vera gel. Freeze it for four hours. Use these cubes to massage the affected area- Apply it to the sunburned area. Aloe Vera itself has plenty of benefits, but it’s a powerful combination with ice, cools down your skin immediately.

[Also Read: Cocoa Butter for Sunburn]

3. Sunburn Treatment with Aloe Vera and Essential Oils

Aloe Vera for sunburn becomes all the more effective when mixed with other essential oils. Things you will need- Freshly extracted Aloe vera gel for sunburn, 2 tbsp shea butter, 10 drops lavender oil.


Mix Shea butter and the lavender oil and microwave it till shea butter liquifies. Add Aloe Vera gel to it and stir properly. Let it cool completely and then apply it to your affected skin.

Aloe vera is edible and has several benefits. However, it must be taken in considerable amounts while treating a sunburn. Never go out in the sun or beach without applying sunscreen. Bloopers can happen, and if you were to step out without a sunscreen and experience sunburn, try out Aloe vera gel for sunburn. It is natural, safe, and has no side-effects. In fact, you will notice a nourished skin altogether.

[Also Read: Coconut Oil for Sunburn]


1. Can I Use Aloe Vera for Sunburn as a Sunscreen to Protect It from Sunburn?

Yes. You surely can. The moisturizing properties of Aloe Vera act as a layer on your epidermis and prevent the harmful UV rays of the sun from penetrating your skin.

2. How Frequently Can I Use Aloe Vera for My Sunburn?

As Aloe Vera is a naturally occurring substance you can use it daily, and continue to use every day as many times you want until the sunburn heals itself completely.

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