Amazing Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil for Scars

Updated on February 11th, 2020
Tea Tree oil for scars

It is said that there is a story behind every scar on the skin. With the mode of transportation gone to new heights, accidents related to automobile have also gone to an incredible height. Many people lose their lives and many others survive.

Survivors often are left with many scars on the skin even after recovery. These scars keep you reminding the fatal incident you have had. It is very important that scars formed on the obvious parts of the body should be subdued. People use a lot of cosmetics and creams to get rid of these scars which are often a painful and burning experience and the result is that these scars do not go away completely.

But there are natural ways of dealing with scars which have proven to give better results than chemical options. Tea tree oil for scars is the best option for retaining your look.

Types of scars

There are four types of scars namely:

  • Keloid Scars
  • Contracture scars
  • Hypertrophic scars
  • Acne scars.


There are multiple reasons for your scarring some of the common scars you can find on your body are the scars you get from getting hurt when you are hurt the body performs a healing process through the injury completely disappears, but the scars don’t.

Another reason for scars is when a male or female body is growing commonly known as puberty; they can face problems such as acne that may leave their mark on the skin.

About the Oil

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Image: Shutterstock

Tea tree oil has a very distinctive name. There are chances you might take it for the tea we use in our kitchens. Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of Melaleuca alter folia, that is found in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Melaleuca alternifolia is commonly called a tea tree.

Does Tea Tree Oil use?

Tea tree oil can be used for multiple purposes. Some of the most common usages of this oil are stated below:

  • Hand Sanitizer: –

Tea tree oil has many qualities, one of these qualities is, killing germs and bacteria. Thus, saving us from different illnesses such as cold, flu and more.

  • Boost Wound Healing: –

Tea tree oil helps in preventing infection when our body is wounded when our wounds are not infected the wound can be healed at a higher rate.

How to use tea tree oil for scars?

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Image: Shutterstock

The main question arising in your minds would be, why leave the medicines prescribed by the health care expert and switch to tea tree essential oil?

The answer is quite simple; tea tree(1) is a natural product thus containing a minimal level of side effects. Also, it is said to be antiseptic, and at the same time it fights off bacteria, fungus, and different viruses.

Tea tree oil is also loaded with antioxidants which are very necessary to make your skin look young and disease free. Also, tea tree is very helpful in generating new skin cells and scar removal.

Tea tree oil is helpful to clean the dirt off your face, remove the old dead cells from your skin and also generate new skin tissues which make your skin look younger.

Thus, because of all the superior ability, this essential oil can replace your chemically composed skin care products and give you far better results as compared to them.

How to use this oil

You can use this oil in three ways namely, spot treatment, mask, and mist.

Spot treatment:

In a small bowl, add coconut oil and few droplets of tea tree essential oil, now mix it properly after mixing the above ingredients take a cotton bud and apply this mixture on the spot where you have the stretch marks or scar. Leave the mix on that part of the skin overnight and next day wash it with warm water.


In a small bowl, add some yogurt and few drops of tea tree essential oil, make a mixture of the above ingredients and then apply it on the spot where you have a scar. After 20 minutes of asking to wash it off properly.


In a bowl, take one teaspoon witch hazel, 1 cup of water and few drops of tea tree essential oil. Now store the mixture in a spray bottle and mix it properly by shaking. Spray it on the scare and rub it properly so that the skin engulfs it.


  • If you are using these essential oils for the first time, you should consult a health care expert
  • If you have sensitive skin or you have an allergic reaction to any essential oil you should avoid using it.
  • If you are pregnant or anyone in your family or friends is pregnant, you should take advice about the usage of this essential oil from a healthcare expert and inform others as well in your surroundings.
  • You should always try any essential oil on a small part of your skin so that you get an idea if it is supporting your skin or not.

Side Effects

There are not too many side effects associated with this oil, but still, everyone’s body being different from another there are chances that it might not favor your body. If you try to use undiluted tea tree oil, there are chances that you might feel irritated or itchy at the spot where you have applied this oil. Overusing these oils also works like a devil as overusing might only make the situation worse.

Other Home Remedies

Aloe Vera:

Image: Shutterstock

The main reason for such an extensive usage of Aloe Vera is, people can apply any amount of Aloe Vera on your skin as it does not leave any side effects, and if appropriately diluted you can ingest it.

Coconut oil:

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Image: Shutterstock

Coconut oil contains omega fatty acids which moisturize your skin and bring a glow on it. Coconut can become your daily thing with just keeping one thing in mind. Though coconut oil is good and all but over usage can bring problems for you.

Whatever our body faces it leaves a mark on our body internally or externally, if the marks are external, let’s say scars, essential oils can be a savior in disguise. Tea tree essential oil has qualities which might make you look younger and more beautiful it also can act to hide some of the hideous scars on your body. Though these oils cannot completely erase the mark, they can help in camouflaging it with our skin.

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