How Can Pumpkin Leaves Benefit Your Health?

Updated on December 24th, 2019
pumpkin leaves

How often have you used the pumpkin and discarded the leaves? If you have in the past, it’s time to hold on to pumpkin leaves as they are a storehouse of health benefits. These leaves are a part of the leafy vegetable family. They are incredibly nutritious, and rich in minerals and vitamins.

The best part about these leaves is they aren’t restricted to a particular season. Although they are most prevalent during monsoons, they are available the whole year-round.

What are the health benefits of pumpkin leaves? They help improve eye health, vision, improve heart health, maintain blood pressure and a lot more. Let’s find out more in this article.

Nutritional Facts

One cup/39 g of Pumpkin leaves serve the following

Calories 7.4
Carbohydrates 0.9 g
Vitamin A 757 IU
Vitamin C 4.3 mg
Niacin 0.4 mg
Vitamin B6 0.1mg
Folate 14.0 mcg
Water 36.2 g
Calcium 15.2g
Magnesium 14.8g
Phosphorus 40.6 mg
Potassium 170 mg
Sodium 4.3 mg
Iron 0.9 mg

What are the Benefits of Pumpkin Leaves for your body?

The benefits of pumpkin leaves when consumed regularly are listed below.

1. Helps in Weight Loss

weight loss
Image: ShutterStock

Pumpkin leaves are known to prevent obesity. It restricts the growth of fat in the body and also burns down the extra fat.

2. Control hypertension

These leaves have been used to reduce blood pressure. It is rich in potassium and as said-  a potassium-rich diet helps to prevent high blood pressure problems.

3. Rich in Nutrients

It prevents stroke, diabetes, and many other heart-related diseases due to its high nutritive content and richness in potassium(1). It helps to fight off free radicals that can contribute to dangerous diseases like Cancer.

4. Boost Immunity

They are also known to produce beta-carotene that, in turn, produces Vitamin A that boosts immunity and protects the body from infections. The richness in antioxidants helps to reduce damage to cells as they neutralize the free radicals.

5. Aids Better Bowels


These are rich in fiber and are great for people suffering from constipation. Irregular and painful bowel movements can interrupt your daily life. Pumpkin leaves are an edible and healthy alternate to harmful laxatives meant for constipation(2).

6. Prevent Anemia

Pumpkin leaves are also known to increase the iron levels, protect muscle growth and prevent asthma and respiratory disorders. An increase in Iron levels helps the muscles to store and utilize the oxygen while helping the body to transport oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. The leaves are fibrous and rich in protein which makes it an excellent supplement and helps meet the body requirements.

7. Lowers blood pressure

Consuming this helps to treat hypothermia. It keeps the blood pressure levels in control. Other than just consuming pumpkin leaves, you must also follow a low salt and a healthy diet to keep the blood pressure levels in check.

[ Read: Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds ]

Pumpkin Leaves Recipe that You Could Try

Juice for Iron Content

Things you will need
  • 1 bunch of Pumpkin leaves
  • Sieve
  • Blender
  • Milk
  • One Orange
  1. Wash the pumpkin leaves and pull out the outer fibres. Rinse them thoroughly in water. Make sure all insects are cautiously removed.
  2. Put the leaves in the blender.
  3. Blend until they become smooth. Sieve it and collect the juice.
  4. Boil the juice for around 20 minutes.
  5. Now add some milk to it.
  6. Once that’s done, squeeze in some orange juice.

Serve chilled!

Side Effects

Although there are no known side effects of Pumpkin leaves, it is often considered safer by consuming small amounts of leaves when breastfeeding or pregnant.

Also, if you experience any cramping, nausea, dysentery or rashes stop consuming it immediately, and consult a doctor.

The Verdict

The benefits of pumpkin leaves juice tops every other juice. Drink it every day to detox, and maintain a body, backed with good immunity.

Its leaves are a significant source of iron and primarily what our red blood cells need to carry oxygen. Consuming this every day prevents your body from fatal diseases as well.

[ Read: Pumpkin Flower Benefits  ]


1. Can pumpkin leaves be consumed raw?

No. It is advised that you always boil them first to remove all impurities and then consume it to get the health benefits.

2. How can you preserve pumpkin leaves?

You must chop and put them in water for fifteen minutes. Strain and dry them in sunlight. Once dry you could store in ziplock bags and refrigerate it.

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