How to Lower Your Heart Rate

Updated on December 11th, 2019
how to lower heart rate

Fast heart rate is known medically as tachycardia. Tachycardia is generally caused by an interruption in the regular electrical impulses that handle the heart’s pumping rates. The most likely reason for tachycardia is hypertension. High blood pressure, emotional stress, anxiety, medicinal drugs, drinking alcohol, or fear can cause a fast heart rate in the body. So how can you calculate your heart rate? (1) Checking the pulse and counting the number of beats in 30 seconds will give you your heart rate.

How to lower Heart Rate

CURE 1: Home Remedies

1. Yoga

Yoga is a group of mental, physical, and spiritual practices to relax one’s mind. Yoga is one of the essential parts of Hindu philosophical traditions. It is the technique of dominating one’s body and mind.

Why Does This Work?

Various studies show that yoga improves many features of cardiovascular health. The body poses and breathing exercises involved in yoga boost flexibility and relaxation. Yoga practices can lead to lower blood pressure, better sleep, and many other factors related to cardiovascular health.

How To Do?

The internet can show you various poses which seem impossible to even try. But don’t worry – step onto the mat and try the Janu Sirsasana pose or commonly phrased Head-to-Knee Forward Bend. Sit on the mat with the left foot extended forward, and right leg pressed into the left thigh. Grab the left foot and inhale. Lengthen the torso to the leg. Exhale, and retreat the torso.

How Much To Do?

Hold the Janu Sirsasana pose for 5 to 10 breath cycles for one leg and switch sides.

2. Meditation


Meditation is the practice that entails the use of mindfulness to train your mind to be attentive and aware and thus leads to an emotionally calm and stable state.

Why Does This Work?

Researchers have found that people who practice meditation are less likely to have a heart problem before starting mediation. Meditation can also lower heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline levels.

How To Do?

Mediation is pretty easy. Just sit quietly and close your eyes. Take slow and deep breaths and relax all the muscles.

How Much To Do?

You can meditate for only one minute daily. But to get the best result, at least 10 minutes per day is necessary.

[Read:  Natural Remedies for Heart Disease]

CURE 2: Foods and Supplements

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

As per a Mayo clinic study(2), Omega-3 fatty acids are good for the heart. They are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that can lessen inflammation in the body.

Why Does This Work?

Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of dying of heart disease by fighting against inflammation of the heart, which can damage your blood vessels and lead to strokes or heart disease. Many researchers have discovered that fish that are rich in unsaturated fats should be on the menu to maintain a healthy heart. Vegetarians can use nuts.

How To Use?

It is better to grill, broil or bake those fish rich in omega-3 to have a healthy meal. Chia seeds, flaxseeds and walnuts, cereals, and pasta can also be eaten. But they are not as substantial as eating fish.

How Much To Use?

You should eat at least 8 ounces of omega-3 rich food per week. Pregnant women should have 12 ounces per week.

2. Vitamin A

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is vital for heart development in embryos. An article posted on Medical Dialogues shows that the heart reacts positively to vitamin A.

Why Does This Work?

As per Amy Vong, dietitian at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, people who regularly enjoy whole grains are in a lower risk zone of heart disease. Also, research(3) suggests that every 10-gram fiber increase in food habits will reduce the risk of a heart attack by 30%. Studies found that people who increased their intake of leafy green vegetables had a 16% lower rate of heart disease episodes.

How To Use?

Green vegetables are preferred raw or softly boiled. Whole grain should be taken as part of a rice bowl or in soups or salads.

How Much To Use?

Two servings of whole grain and three servings of vegetables are considered perfect.

[Read: Natural Methods for Heart Palpitations]

3. Garlic

Garlic is an herb commonly used in cooking. It is related to onions and leeks.

Why Does This Work?

Garlic is mostly used for deteriorating heart conditions and blood systems. High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or hardening of the arteries can be dealt with garlic. In a study, aged garlic extract was found as effective as a prescription drug at reducing blood pressure.

How To Use?

Fresh garlic should be used. If in any case that cannot be achieved, then garlic powder and garlic oil can be used.

How Much To Use?

At least two to three cloves a day.

[Read: Home Remedies to Treat Heartburn]

4. Phenols and Tannins

Tannins are excellent antioxidants. Phenols and tannins found in tea, coffee, and wine can lower cholesterol and improve the HDL ratio.

Why Does This Work?

Studies found that tannins lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart rate. Drinking three to six cups of tea per day can lower the risk of heart disease by 45%.

How To Use?

Drinking black tea or black coffee is better for heart and blood pressure.

How Much To Use?

A study shows three to six cups of tea or two to four cups of coffee daily is good for the heart.

[Read: Burn Your Heartburn Using These Natural Remedies]

CURE 3: Natural Remedies

Apart from the above-mentioned ways to lower heart rate, there are several other remedies that can help you with your health concerns. These include:

1. Stimulate the Vagus Nerve

Stimulating the vagus nerve will trigger the muscles in the heart and help lower your heart rate.

2. Take Cold Shower

Cold Shower
Image: ShutterStock

Cold showers relieve depression symptoms by creating an impact on the cold receptors in the skin, thus helping with a fast heart rate.

3. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration causes a decrease in the amount of blood circulating through your body. To increase your heart rate, remember to stay hydrated.

Our lifestyle is playing a massive role in creating an unhealthy heart condition. Stress from jobs, relationships, and poor food habits are creating many unwanted problems. But a little determination and some minor changes in diet and routine can go a long way in ensuring a long and healthy life.


1. Will Consuming These Advised Foods Hasten the Process of Lowering Heart Rate?

Yes, it will. But, remember, having a balanced diet is essential; excessive consumption of any food can also be harmful.

2. I Don’t like the Smell, Can I Avoid Garlic?

Although not as beneficial as raw garlic, you can consider using odorless garlic extract or powder as an alternative.

3. Can I Eat More Healthy Food and Forget the Physical Exercise?

It’s tempting, but no – only healthy food or physical exercise cannot do all the work. All of these aforementioned ways are correlated and therefore, must be combined to have a better and healthy heart.

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