How to Increase White Blood Cells Count with Natural Remedies

Updated on January 8th, 2020
how to increase wbc count

White blood cells (WBCs) are also called leukocyte or corpuscles. WBCs are cellular components and possess a nucleus. Unlike red blood cells, white blood cells have no hemoglobin. There are four types of white blood cells: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, and Lymphocytes.

The primary function of white blood cells is to protect the body from diseases. Leukocyte protects the body by destroying cellular debris and foreign antigens. A healthy person should have an average of 3500-10500 white blood cells per microliter of blood.

Did you know?

You can increase your white blood cells count by the use of citrus fruits.

Signs and Symptoms

White blood cell count can reduce because of the following reasons: poor nutrition, alcohol, autoimmune disorders, cancer, viral infections, alcohol abuse, or even the medication prescribed.

If the white blood cells have failed to fight the infections properly, a person can get a condition called Leucopenia(1).

If you want to know that your white blood cell count has dropped, here are the signs and symptoms: high fever, sweating and chills, severe coughing, experiencing shortness of breath, swelling and readiness, and sore throats.

How to Increase WBC Count with Natural Remedies?

1. Lavender oil

Lavender Oil Benefits

Why to Use

Lavender oil is used as a home remedy to treat anxiety and stress. It is also used to promote sleep. It is also an essential remedy for people with low white blood cells since it improves the production of white blood cells.

What to Do

You will need 20 drops of pure lavender oil and 60 ml of either coconut oil or olive oil.

  • In a container containing 60 ml of carrier oil (coconut or olive oil), add 20 drops of pure lavender oil.
  • Massage the mixture on a clean body.

How Often to do it

To get the best results, you should massage the mixture once daily.

[ Read: Hemoglobin Rich Foods ]

2. Garlic

Why to Use

Garlic contains allicin that is known to boost immunity. It helps in the production of lymphocytes, eosinophils, and macrophages

What to Do

You need two teaspoons of minced garlic

  • Add the minced garlic in your daily diet. You can eat it raw if you like it strong.

How Often to Do It

For best results, consume garlic daily.

[ Read: Benefits and Uses of Garlic ]

3. Spinach


Why to Use

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. These vitamins are well known in boosting white blood cell count.

What to Do

You need a bunch of fresh spinach.

  • Clean the spinach in running water to remove dirt.
  • Shred them evenly.
  • Cook them. Make sure you have not overcooked the spinach. Overcooking the spinach will kill the vitamins.
  • Once they are ready, consume the spinach directly or add your favorite salad.

How Often to Do It

To get the best results, eat the spinach daily.

[ Read: Spinach Juice Benefits ]

4. Papaya leaves

Why to Use

Papaya leaves are known to have contained acetogenins(2). Acetogenins are compounds that improve immunity by increasing the white blood cells. The leaves have been widely used as a remedy for treating persistent fever.

What to Do

To prepare the remedy, you need

  • A bunch of fresh papaya leaves
  • Enough water
  • Wash the fresh papaya leaves to remove dirt.
  • Once they are clean, put the leaves into the blender and blend them.
  • Add a little water in the already blended leaves and blend once again.
  • Once the mixture is ready, draw the mixture in the blender and strain it.
  • Consume one tablespoon of the strained mixture.
  • If the mixture is too bitter, add some honey.

How Often to Do it

To get faster results, take the mixture two times daily.

[ Read: Marvelous Papaya Seeds Benefits ]

5. Vitamins


Why to Use

Vitamins play an essential role in the body. Vitamin A, C, E, and B9 are crucial in improving the white blood cell count. Vitamin A increases lymphocytes, while vitamin B9 is known to perform a unique role in the production of neutrophils. Vitamin C helps in boosting the overall immunity, whereas vitamin E is responsible for the production of white blood cells.

How to Use

You can consume vitamins by:

  • Consuming foods rich in vitamins like carrots, spinach, meat, cheese, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, and many more fruits and vegetables.
  • Taking vitamins supplement. The supplements should be taken after consulting your doctor.

How Often to Do It

For faster results, you should take food rich in vitamins daily. If your doctor has prescribed a vitamin supplement, you should follow the prescription given.

[ Read: Boost Your Immune System ]

6. Broccoli

Why to Use

Broccoli is known to contain a chemical called sulforaphane (SFN). SFN helps in regulating the white blood cells and boosts the immune system.

How to Use

You need medium-sized broccoli.

  • Wash fresh broccoli.
  • Cut the cleaned broccoli into small pieces.
  • Cook it.
  • Consume the cooked broccoli.
  • You can add some salt, or consume it with your favorite salad.

How often to do it

You can take the cooked broccoli daily for quicker results.

You can increase the number of white blood cells in a few weeks if you take the given remedies religiously.

If you are experiencing low white blood cell count, you should start using the remedies above. The earlier you start working on solving the problem, the better. If your white blood cell count is low, and you do nothing, your body becomes prone to getting infections. A severely low white blood cell count can even lead to the death of a person. If you follow the above remedies religiously, your white blood cell count will increase faster.

[ Read: Health Benefits of Broccoli ]


1. How long does it take to increase white blood cells?

The duration varies from person to person and how severe the condition is. If the remedies are appropriately followed, it can take a few days or even weeks.

2. How many white blood cells are there in the human body?

A healthy human body has about 4,000-10,000 white blood cells per microliter of blood. If the variation goes above 10,000 white blood cells per microliter of blood, it means the person has high blood count and vice versa.

3. Monitoring low blood count – Why is this important?

Monitoring your blood count is quite important, especially if you have had the condition before. Low blood count has life-threatening effects like infections, bleeding and fatigue. It can also affect the effectiveness of cancer treatment, that may result in changing the original dose.

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