Say Goodbye to Chubby Cheeks with These Home Remedies

Updated on February 24th, 2020
how to get rid of chubby cheeks

Chubby cheeks are a common problem and are often a result of excess fat that accumulates in your face. With more and more people wanting chiseled features, chubby cheeks are unwelcome facial fat. According to research by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons(1), the number of cheek implants has gone up by 8% since 2017.

If you have chubby cheeks that you want to reduce, home remedies can help you effectively get rid of them. Not only are home remedies quick and painless, but they have no side-effects and are an excellent natural remedy to get rid of chubby cheeks.

How to get rid of Chubby Cheeks?

CURE 1: Home Remedies

Losing weight is difficult, especially when it comes to facial fat. Home remedies are a quick and effective way to help get rid of chubby cheeks.

1. Yoga

Yoga has a lot of benefits for your skin. It helps maintain the elasticity of your skin and certain exercises can help to reduce chubby cheeks too.

How to use?

Lion face pose is an effective asana to help reduce face fat. To practice the asana, sit down and look at the ceiling by tilting your head back as much as you can. Now widen your eyes and open your mouth. Close your eyes and mouth, then repeat.

How much to use?

You can practice the asana 2-3 times daily.

2. Facial exercises

According to research(2), facial exercises can improve muscle strength, thus reducing chubby cheeks.

How to use?

First, place your finger over your cheekbones and lift your skin until taut. Form an “O” with your mouth and hold for a few seconds.

How much to use?

Practice various facial exercises 2-3 times a day for effectively reducing chubby cheeks.

[ Read: Facial Exercises for Anti-Ageing ]

3. Cardio

Cardio is one of the best exercises for weight loss. Research by the Diabetes and Metabolism Journal(3) states that cardio can enable fat burning from all parts of your body.

How to use?

Running, swimming, and jogging are the fastest ways to get rid of excess facial fat.

How much to use?

Try to do cardio 3-4 times a week for faster weight loss.

Did you know?

Lifestyle habits like not getting good sleep or drinking too much alcohol are often the cause of chubby cheeks.

CURE 2: Foods

Eating the right foods can help to reduce fat and get rid of chubby cheeks faster. Here are some of the best foods for chubby cheeks.

1. Fruits

Fruits have healthy sugar and fiber(4) that can improve your metabolism and enable you to digest food faster, reducing fat accumulation. Fruits like bananas, apples, and pomegranate have numerous health benefits.

How to use?

Fresh fruits juice, not packaged, can be taken every morning. You can also have an apple or a banana as a mid-day snack.

How much to use?

Try to consume at least 1-2 fruits a day.

[ Read: Fruits for Weight Loss ]

2. Vegetables

leafy vegetables benefits

Vegetables in any form are great for health(5) since most of them contain healthy carbs that are essential for weight loss. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other such vegetables can help to reduce chubby cheeks.

How to use?

Try to include as many healthy vegetables in your daily salad as you can. Boiled sweet potatoes can be taken as a snack or a side dish with your meal.

How much to use?

Try to consume 2-3 different vegetables daily.

3. Fish

Fish contains Omega-3s that are essential for fat loss. If your chubby cheeks are a result of excess fat accumulation, taking fish can help to increase your metabolism and burn fat faster.

How to use?

Fish can be taken as a full meal or a side dish.

How much to use?

Try to eat healthy fish 1-2 times a week.

[ Read: Superfoods For Weight Loss ]

4. Eggs

healthy Organic Eggs

Eggs contain protein and fiber, both of which are essential nutrients when it comes to following a healthy diet, according to research(6).

How to use?

Eggs make a healthy breakfast option and can be consumed in any form, including scrambled eggs or boiled.

How much to use?

Try to include at least one egg in your daily breakfast.

Chewing gum is a good way to get facial exercise and is known to reduce chubby cheeks.

CURE 3: Herbs

Herbs help to treat nutrient deficiency and improve your metabolism naturally. The following herbs can help you get rid of chubby cheeks faster.

1. Fenugreek

Why use?

Fenugreek increases the feeling of fullness, which leads to reduced consumption of calories, according to a study(7).  Reducing weight can help decrease the fullness of cheeks.

How to use?

Fenugreek powder can  be used as a dressing in your salad or as a spice that can be added to your curry.

How much to use?

Take a spoon of fenugreek daily for most effective results.

[ Read: Benefits of Fenugreek ]

2. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne Pepper Benefits

Research by NCBI(8) notes that the capsaicin in cayenne reduces the heat in your body, helping you burn more calories per day.

How to use?

Cayenne is available in powder form that should be taken with water or in pill form.

How much to use?

Cayenne pepper should be taken daily as per the dose prescribed on the powder.

[ Read: Cayenne Pepper for Weight Loss ]

Genetics play a major role in how chubby your cheeks are.


If you are worried that your excess fat will lead to chubby cheeks, here are some things you can do to prevent getting chubby cheeks.

Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

With alcohol, your skin loses its elasticity and cause sagging. Smoking has the same result on your facial muscles, so to keep chubby cheeks away, try to limit your alcohol intake.

Count Your Calories

Unhealthy carbs can result in fat accumulation in various parts of your body, including your face. Eating a healthy and balanced diet and limiting your carns can help to prevent chubby cheeks.

Chubby cheeks aren’t unhealthy in any way, and there are a number of surgical options that can help you get rid of them. Following certain preventive measures and eating a balanced diet are the best ways to get rid of chubby cheeks.


1. How to lose chubby cheeks?

Facial exercises are the most effective way to get rid of chubby cheeks.

2. How to get less chubby cheeks?

Cutting back on carbs can help to reduce your chubby cheeks and also maintain overall weight.

3. Why do I have chubby cheeks?

When excess fat accumulates in your face, it leads to chubby cheeks.

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