Here Are 8 Perfect Aid Home Remedies To Stop Sticky Phlegm

Updated on November 19th, 2019
home remedies for phlegm

Phlegm is the presence of water-based gel in the lower respiratory tract that is coughed up. It is not necessarily caused due to an underlying disease but could be uncomfortable and gross. According to the American Lung Association, coughing once in a while is normal. If it is associated with symptoms such as bloody Phlegm, breathing problems, and excess mucus production, it could be an indication of a severe medical condition.

According to the American College of Chest Physicians, smoking tobacco is highly correlated to Phlegm. Are you tired of suffering from inflammation and excess mucus in your chest? Rid yourself off from the troublesome symptoms with these home remedies for Phlegm in chest(1).

According to Humourism, an Ancient Greek medicinal doctor, Hippocrates “human health, and temperature depend on the balance of four elements – phlegm, yellow bile, black bile, and blood.”

Home Remedies for Phlegm

1. Steam

Staying in humid temperature reduces the symptoms of Phlegm. One way to do so is to treat yourself with steam therapy. Steam reduces coughing and congestion by breaking down the mucus deposit. Steam is one of the most natural home remedies for cough with Phlegm that offers quick relief.

  • Steam bath: Having a steam bath not only helps tackle phlegm but also exfoliates the dead skin cells.
  • Steam inhaling therapy: Take a large bowl filled with hot water. Lean your face towards the bowl and drape a towel from your head to the bowl. Breathe firmly, as inhaling the steam will help loosen mucus.

Continue breathing as long as you feel comfortable. Repeat this regularly to combat Phlegm. Always drink a glass of water after a steam inhaling therapy to remain hydrated.

2. Saltwater

saltwater for phlegm

Saline water has properties that kill bacteria and toxicants. Gargling with warm salt water provides quick relief from short breath and clears the mucus secretion at the back of your throat. Saltwater gargling is one of the instant-relief home remedies for Phlegm.

  1. Add about half a spoon of salt into a cup of warm water.
  2. Stir until the salt completely dissolves.
  3. Gargle with the saline water solution and spit it out.

Prepare a new solution every time you gargle. Gargle at least twice a day regularly to quickly rid from the mucus and cough.

3. Warm Fluids

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health. Hot beverages thin the mucus deposition in the respiratory tract, ease troublesome breath and expels the mucus through a cough. According to a 2008 study, consuming warm fluids provide immediate and lasting relief from symptoms of Phlegm.

  1. You can consume various hot beverages such as broths, herbal teas, decaffeinated green tea, or black coffee.
  2. Or you can consume warm water.

Most of the hot beverages, such as decaffeinated drinks are mostly available online. Consume the beverages at least twice a day. Minimum 3 to 4 liters of water consumption per day is necessary. Warm fluids are among the most effective home remedies for Phlegm.

4. Herbs and Foods

Having a healthy diet is crucial for healthy living. Nutrition plays a vital role in stimulating the immune system. Several ingredients are known to treat respiratory viruses. Specific herbs and foods are used to tackle symptoms of Phlegm.

  1. Garlic (food items)
  2. Ginger (chew raw ginger)
  3. Lemon (juice/tea)
  4. Spices (food items)
  5. Fruits (eat Berries, Guava, Pomegranate)

Including these nutritional ingredients in your regular diet will help you fight the symptoms effectively. Maintaining a proper diet is one of the best home remedies for Phlegm.

5. Honey

honey benefits

Honey is an ancient natural remedy that contains antibacterial and antiviral agents. According to a study conducted in 2007, honey provides quick relief to the respiratory tract infections in children. Thus, raw honey is one of the best home remedies for Phlegm in infants.

  1. Using raw honey as a natural sweetener in herbal teas is proven to be more productive.
  2. You can consume raw honey with a glass of warm water.

You can consume raw honey every 3-4 hours. Or consume honey with beverages twice a day until you feel easy.

6. Elevation of Head

Suffering from Phlegm can make it almost impossible to sleep. It is irritating to have your chest filled with mucus that keeps blowing up. In this case, you can elevate your head by using a pillow, an extra one. It prevents coughing and promotes mucus drainage.

  • Place the wedge pillow under the inflatable mattress pad and rest your head on it.
  • Make sure you make it a habit and follow every night. Sleeping elevated has several health benefits and is considered as one of the best home remedies for Phlegm.

7. Essential Oils

essential oils

Essential oils are rich in properties that help loosen the mucus secretion in the chest, ease breathing and soothe the throat by alleviating cough. Essential oils that can treat Phlegm are:

  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Rosemary
  • oregano
  • Tea tree
  • basil
  • thyme
  • lemongrass
  • Essential oils can be inhaled directly, used in a diffuser or used along with hot water for steam inhalation.
  • You can also prepare vapor rub at home. Take around ¼ cup of coconut oil add 12 to 13 drops of essential oil, one or more. Mix it well and apply on the chest region.

Take a patch test if you have never used essential oil before. Do not take the essential oil internally. Use the remedy once in a day regularly until you notice positive changes.

8. N-acetylcysteine

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a form of supplement used to tackle Phlegm. It reduces the thickness of the mucus in the air sacs and draws down the severity of the cough. These supplements ease breathing and provides quick relief from the symptoms of Phlegm.

  • These supplements are usually available online. You can also find them in your nearest pharmacy store to purchase these supplements.
  • You can take it orally, in liquid form, as an aerosol spray or in powder form.

According to researchers and those suffering from airway obstruction can consume 1200 milligrams (mg).

Mucus and cough are actually a good sign. They are crucial for respiratory health. Wherein, secretion of excess mucus in your air sacs is a sign of severe conditions or infections that requires your attention. If the color of your cough appears to be green or yellow or if the congestion gets worse all of a sudden, you should consult the doctor.

However, these home remedies for Phlegm can effectively alleviate the symptoms of Phlegm unless it’s a severe condition. Along with these remedies, you must quit smoking and build your immunity by eating healthy. Practice a healthy lifestyle and avoid contact with infected people, allergens, and irritants.


1. How can you treat Phlegm?

These are simple aid that will help you treat Phlegm at your home.

  • Do not suppress the cough; coughing is a good response.
  • Remain under the moist temperature. Use a humidifier at home and office.
  • Apply warm wet cloth on your face.
  • Use nasal sprays that are saline.
  • Gargle with saltwater.
  • Keep your head elevated while you are in bed.

2. Is it good to cough Phlegm?

When your chest is filled with mucus and leaves you feeling uncomfortable, coughing is good. Coughing helps cough-up excess mucus that is blocking the airways. Coughing doesn’t always mean that you have an underlying disease. There is absolutely nothing to be worried about unless you have the sustaining symptoms.

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