Top 5 Marvelous Galangal Benefits for Health and Beauty

Updated on December 2nd, 2019
galangal benefits

Galangal is a popular herb in the culinary department. It has also been revealed by extensive medical research that you can administer the galangal herb for the natural treatment of a variety of diseases. Read further to know more about galangal benefits.

What is Galangal?

Galangal is a healing herb that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It almost resembles the herb ginger in its medicinal properties. The origin of the herb galangal lies in the southern part of Asia, especially in Thailand and Indonesia.

Galangal Nutrition Facts

Fresh galangal herb gets steeped with a load of potent biochemical compounds that include methyl cinnamate, volatile oil, eugenol, volatile diarylheptanoids, resins, starch, tannins, gingerol, and bioflavonoids such as galangin-3-methyl ether, galangin, and Kaempferide.

Galangal calories: 149 calories in 100g of Galangal

The herb also contains

  • Carbohydrate
  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Vitamin C

Top 5Amazing Ways in Which Galangal Benefits the Health and Beauty

1. How to use Galangal Extract for Curing Internal Inflammatory Diseases?

galangal extract for curing internal inflammatory

Galangal helps in the natural treatment of inflammation and inflammatory diseases like rheumatism. The extract of fresh galangal herb contains gingerol which aids in the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and cures serotonin and histaminic pathways. It helps in the alleviation of pain and inflammation. An effective way of curing rheumatism is by massaging the affected joints with galangal oil to heal the pain, swelling, redness, and inflammation.

2. How Dried Galangal Benefits for the Cure of Digestive Disorders?

galangal benefits for digestive disorders

The extract of dried galangal benefits the health of the digestive system. The rich content of dietary fiber and phytonutrients help by increasing the rate of metabolism and regulating bowel movement. Consumption of galangal tea helps in the prevention and cure of gastric ulcers and intestinal inflammation with its high level of antioxidants. Galangalaids in the gastrointestinal system by the prevention and treatment of diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, stomach flu, abdominal cramps, constipation, and more.

3. How to use Galangal Root During Pregnancy?

galangal root benefits for during pregnancy
Image: shutterstock

Galangal benefits the health of pregnant women. Consumption of galangal tea prepared using galangal powder and dried galangal root can cure nausea and morning sickness felt during pregnancy. It can also help with the natural treatment of heartburn and indigestion during the pregnancy period.

4. How to use Galangal Herb for the Cure of Cancer?

Fresh galangal benefits the natural treatment of cancer with its rich content of antioxidants. The herb contains galangin which is a potent antioxidant that can inhibit genotoxicity, promote apoptosis, and prevent metastasis. Dried galangal root also possess acetoxy eugenol acetate, acetoxy chavicol acetate, and transconiveril diacetate that work to shrink tumors and prevent breast and lung cancer.

5. How Fresh Galangal Benefits for the cure of cardiac problems?

galangal benefits for the cure of cardiac problems
Image: shutterstock

Galangal benefits the health of the heart by enhancing blood circulation, reducing cardiovascular contractions, increasing cardiac output, and keeping cardiac disorders like strokes and attacks at bay. Administration of galangal root also helps in maintaining the levels of blood pressure and cholesterol in check.

Galangal Recipes

Galangal Soup


  • 3-4 cups of chicken broth
  • 20g of peeled galangal cut into thick slices
  • 2-3 sticks of lemongrass cut into pieces of 5cm
  • 3-4 leaves of kaffir lime
  • 2-3 teaspoons of coriander root
  • 500g of chicken
  • 200g of button mushrooms thoroughly rinsed and cleaned
  • One cup of coconut milk
  • Four teaspoons of lemon juice
  • One teaspoon of powdered brown sugar


  • Pound the pieces of lemongrass to extract its zest
  • Pour the chicken broth, galangal, lemongrass, coriander and lime leaves in a saucepan and stir a little
  • Boil the contents of the pan
  • Let the stock simmer over a low flame for about 5-7 minutes
  • Let the broth stand for about 10-15 minutes after you remove the heat
  • Strain out the soup into a large bowl and keep it aside.
  • Transfer the chicken broth back to the saucepan.
  • Add the mushrooms and chicken to the soup and start boiling again
  • Let the chicken simmer over a low flame until it becomes tender and well-cooked
  • Add the lemon juice, coconut milk and brown sugar to the galangal and chicken broth with gentle stirring
  • Cook again until the contents of the saucepan become warm
  • Garnish the galangal soup with chopped coriander, chilies, leaves of kaffir lime, and lemongrass, and serve to pipe hot with bread toast or rice cakes

Galangal Tea


  • One inch galangal root crushed and minced
  • 4-5 leaves of lemongrass
  • Two cups of water
  • Two tea bags
  • Milk
  • Sugar


  • Take the galangal, water, and lemongrass in a saucepan
  • Add two teaspoons of sugar and put them on a boil
  • Boil for 4-5 minutes and then turn off the heat.
  • Dip the tea bag into the infusion with gentle stirring
  • Remove the tea bag and pour in the milk into the container
  • Strain out the galangal tea and serve hot.

Galangal Side Effects

  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Stomachache
  • Heartburn
  • Seizures
  • Palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Comparisons

Galangal vs. Ginger

Both galangal and ginger belong to the family of rhizomes. The difference lies in the flavor and aroma. While galangal tastes strong, hot, and citrusy, ginger tastes fresh, spicy and a tad bit sweet.


Galangal herb benefits health in several ways. It aids in the maintenance of healthy physiological functioning and can be taken on a daily basis to stay fit and healthy. Galangal benefits, if taken in the right proportion. Add the intake of galangal in your daily routine and see the changes yourself.

Another thing to consider is that you should not take drastic steps on the very first day. Keep it slow and steady. Hope your search for galangal benefits ends here.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does galangal taste like?

Fresh galangal herb has a strong and peppery flavor with a strong citrus fragrance.

2. Is Galangal the same as turmeric?

Both galangal and turmeric belong to the same family, but they are entirely different in flavor, appearance, use, and biochemical composition.

3. Can you freeze galangal?

Slice the galangal roots into strips and place them in an airtight zip-lock bag. Refrigerate the bag and store the galangal herb in a frozen form for at least a month.

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