10 Incredible Essential Oils for Hair That You Need

Updated on January 9th, 2020
essential oils for hair

Do you see a lot of hair on your comb after you brush your hair? Now that’s a big sign; you might be suffering from chronic hair loss. In this world, everyone has faced hair loss whether it’s the youth or old.

People suffer from hair fall due to a plethora of reasons like they don’t have enough nutrients in their diet or some environmental conditions affect their hair badly and stop hair growth. With the rise in people switching towards aromatherapy and the use of essential oils for hair that promise to mend your problems and naturally help you, it is vital to know the right oils that work in hair regrowth and are useful for keeping good hair care.

Meaning, Types, and Symptoms

Hair loss is a condition when a person’s hair tends to fall more than the usual hair fall, and there are visible symptoms of baldness, thinning hair, and loss of volume of hair.

Types of hair loss

  • Male and female baldness patterns:This type is permanent hair loss(1) which causes complete baldness
  • Alopecia areata:This type happens suddenly from single patches of balding
  • Telogen effluvium:This type happens to people who get immense stress
  • Anagen effluvium: This type occurs with a sudden loss of hair in this first phase of hair growth

Also Read: Home Remedies To Cure Male Pattern Baldness

Why One Should Use Essential Oils for Hair Growth

Everyone use hair oil which is chemical-free; however, it makes more hair to lose rather than helping them to improvement in hair regrowth. Essential oils for hair loss are beneficial to the people who have got tired of trying various chemical-ridden oils and got no solution for hair loss. The critical hair oils have all the vital nutrients that would help to get rid of hair loss from its cause.

How to Use Essential Oils for Hair

Given below are some useful essential oils for hair that not only works to stimulate hair growth but also impart natural home remedies for hair care

Also Read: Essential Oils for Men

1. Coconut oil for Hair

coconut oil for hair

Many people all over the world use coconut oil. They use it on a regular basis.

Why One Should Use Coconut Oil for Hair Growth?

Coconut oil has a lot of perks like thickening your hair, preventing you from hair loss and so on. Though, you have to know coconut oil is not for everyone. Some people who have dry hair may be affected by coconut oil, so better, people should be aware of it.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Hair Growth?

Coconut oil should be applied to all the parts of hair with more importance to the ends of hair because the roots of hair should be considered more important.

  • Warm the oil in a pan before applying the oil to your hair
  • Now, take some oil in your palm and rub it on both the palms
  • Now, give a gentle massage with your fingers covering from root to top
  • Keep the oil on for few hours and then wash with warm water

2. Castor Oil for Hair

Castor oil is used for severe hair loss, to get thick hair. It is a moisturizer for dry hair.

Why One Should Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth?

It has all the essential nutrients which help in growing your hair thick and durable. It has a cent per cent effect on your hair. One could recommend others to use castor oil for hair loss and hair to grow. And it also suits dry hair. It betters your hair for proper length. It is one of the best essential oils for hair. It contains vitamin E.

How to Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth?

Castor oil can be used with some other oils like argan oil.

  • Dilute castor oil with other oil.It can be mixed with lavender oil for good odor too
  • Mix the essential oils and add a few drops of hot water to it
  • After five minutes, apply the oil on your hair and give a massage on your scalp
  • Keep the oil on for few hours and then wash with warm water

3. Olive Oil for Hair Growth

olive oil for hair

Olive oil is one of the favorite hair oil for its faster growth.

Why One Should Use Olive Oil for Hair Growth?

It keeps your hair away from dandruff, fungus,(2) and other such. It would give a perfect result for your actions. It prevents from causing dry, and flaky skins. Since hair loss is mainly due to dandruff, it makes obvious why olive oil is good to choose for ending hair loss. To add all those sparky points, it has a moisturizing ability and is great to use.

Also Read: Natural Remedies for Dandruff

How to Use Olive Oil for Hair Growth?

Olive oil can be mixed with warm water and used as a thermal treatment for hair loss. People who can bear the odor, who have sensitive nose it is the preferable option

  • Take some olive oil and mix it with warm water
  • Now, take some oil in your palms and apply it to all the ends of the hair
  • Massage it all over the hair. Wash it off with a good shampoo

4. Jojoba Oil for Hair Growth

Jojoba oil is an excellent home remedy for eliminating dandruff. When a person who is suffering from dandruff problems use this oil, they can see a proper development. It is also used for dry scalps.

Why One Should Use Jojoba Oil for Hair Growth?

Jojoba oil has a high amount of nutrients and minerals; thus, most people prefer to use jojoba oil. It nourishes our hair. One should not deny how fast jojoba oil works in hair regrowth. It is also recommendable for hair loss, thinning of hair, and other hair damages.

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Hair Growth?

  • Mix the oil with hot water and apply it all over the scalp, making sure it spreads everywhere it’s needed
  • Since it is also useful for dandruff, it is very much required to spread it all over the scalps
  • Give a gentle massage to yourself and cover yourself with the towel
  • After a few minutes, wash the hair with the right shampoo

5. Tea Tree Oil for Hair Growth

tea tree oil for hair

Tea tree essential oil is mostly for hair growth.

Why One Should Use Tea Tree Oil for Hair Growth?

It clears the dead skin and fungus to help us grow our hair. It should be mixed with other essential oils to use. Other essential oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil must be used to avoid swelling, irritation, itching as such. It is preferable to use for hair growth with the other essential oils as a carrier.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Hair Growth?

  • Take a few drops of tea tree oil and mix the drops with the other essential oil to prevent from getting any side effects
  • Mix them well in a bowl and start to apply it on the scalp. Try to avoid applying it on the hair as much as possible
  • Make sure it reaches all places and wait for few minutes
  • It can be applied for 30 minutes, commonly. But you can keep it overnight as well. Wash it with a good shampoo

6. Argan Oil for Hair Growth

Argan oil is beneficial for curing hair loss. It is rich in natural phenols thus it is useful to mend a variety of hair damages

Why One Should Use Argan Oil for Hair Growth?

Argan oil is well known, mostly because it is a natural oil. Both males and females can use it. It stops your hair loss, makes it grow faster than usual. It makes your hair thicker. Since it is a natural oil and 100 per cent pure, it has no adverse effects either.

How to Use Argan Oil for Hair Growth?

  • Take a few drops of argan oil and mix it with the other essential oils.
  • Apply them on the hair gently. Try not to apply it on the scalp as it is greasy.
  • Once you feel satisfied with applying, start massaging your hair softly.
  • After a few minutes, preferably 15 minutes -30 minutes, rinse it off.

7. Almond Oil for Hair Growth

almond oil for hair

Almond oil has enormous benefits that no one can bring themselves to go against the use of almond oil. It has ingredients of pure materials such as fatty acids, vitamin E and so on.

Why One Should Use Almond Oil for Hair Growth?

It clears the hair damages like hair loss and thinning of hair and mends them for good. And it nourishes the hair. It plays a vital role in hair growth. And adding to those beneficial points, it gives silkiness texture to the hair and makes them glow prominently. And indeed, it helps to put an end to hair loss.

How to Use Almond Oil for Hair Growth?

  • A few drops of almond oil should be boiled before applying
  • Before applying, check the temperature of the oil. After the oil is warm enough, then use it over all the strands of your hair and rub the strands gently
  • Comb it to disperse the almond oil to each strand
  • Cover your hair with either a towel or a shower cap. So that hair can absorb the oil to their depth.
  • In the end, Wash the hair with the right shampoo.

Also Read: Almond Butter Benefits

8. Avocado Oil for Hair Growth

Avocado oil has many uses than one can decipher. It is most beneficial to help you to get relief from itchiness of the scalp.

Why One Should Use Avocado Oil for Hair Growth?

It has substances like vitamin E and fatty acids which are the most necessary ingredients for the hair care. It develops the hair growth and moisturizes the dry skin. Most prominently, it leads the blood flow to the hair. It is a remedy for hair fall, thinning hair and damaged hair.

How to Use Avocado Oil for Hair Growth?

  • Take a few drops of oil and boil it till it warms.
  • Separate your hair and divide them equally to give them undivided attention.
  • Apply them on all the strands and rub them.
  • Use comb or fingertips to spread the oil everywhere possible.
  • Take a hot shower in the end.

9. Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

rosemary oil for hair

Rosemary oil helps in getting relief from itching and dandruff.

Why One Should Use Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth?

People who are using drugs to get relief from dandruff, applying rosemary oil(3) is a natural technique to give relief to dandruff. It supports to supply blood to the scalp and pave a way the thick long hair to grow. It moisturizes the hair enough to keep the hair away from drying them to get hair damage.

How to Use Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth?

  • A few drops of the oil are enough to get into the action. Boil it till it gets warm that we can sense its warmth on your hair and it soothes your hair.
  • Apply it carefully and make yourselves sure that all the strands are covered in the oil.
  • Give a gentle massage to get it to reach to the root level.
  • Rinse the hair clean with warm water.

[Read: Home Remedies for Hair Fall]

10. Grapeseed Oil for Hair Growth

grapeseed oil for hair growth

Grapeseed oil is a moisturising agent, and it keeps your hair from getting dry.

Why One Should Use Grapeseed Oil for Hair Growth?

It is lighter than other oils when we compare, and hence you don’t have to hesitate to try. And as a brownie point, it is odorless. Therefore, people have no barriers from using it. It mends your hair, helps in getting them to thicken and strengthen and reaches a high level to keep your hair from losing. It regenerates the growth. So, it is favorable to use to treat hair loss.

How to Use Grapeseed Oil for Hair Growth?

  • Pour a few drops of oil in your palm.
  • Cover your hair with the oil as much as possible.
  • Each strand should be covered, give preferences to the places where you have thin hair.
  • Massage it till your satisfaction, so that the hair absorbs oil and gets deep into the roots.
  • Clean the hair by taking a hot shower.


One should be aware that no one is like another. Hence it doesn’t mean the process would lead to the same results to everyone. So, it is highly recommended to take precautions before starting any procedure. Though most of the essential oils’ ingredients are natural, some might be sensitive to some substances. Be warned.

Other Home Remedies

Regular Hair Oil Massage

Mostly, people follow the natural way of massaging as massages are easy and quick to do. Hair oil massages do the trick of hair growth. While massaging, it is essential to know the right way to massage from the tip of the hair as it is where the hair is rooted from. And massages relax your body to the extent measure.

Use Egg yolks

Using Egg-yolks for hair fall is also being used by tremendous people. Egova (egg oil) can be used instead too. Egova won’t trigger the smell of raw eggs. So, it is highly recommended to people who cannot bear the strong smell of eggs.


1. Will hair fall ever end?

Yes, they would. Keep repeating the process of using essential oils for hair and the other measures. But you can’t expect immediate relief. All the natural remedies take time and would surely give you excellent results.

2. Are there any extra steps to be taken other than the steps mentioned above to stop hair fall?

You are most recommended to follow a proper healthy diet. Lack of nutrients is also one of the reasons for hair loss. Therefore, a diet that has all the necessary nutrients in them is a must.

Hair loss is a worldwide problem, yet it is not like it’s impossible to solve. Taking proper corrective actions and waiting with patience for the desired results will surely bring you productive days.

Following expert healthcare advice along with these simple natural home remedies is the key to promoting your hair growth. In addition to this, combing your hair regularly and taking a balanced diet will undoubtedly be the best way to prevent hair loss.

[Read: Hibiscus For Hair loss]

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