Top 8 Excellent Eggplant Benefits for the Natural Treatment of Diseases

Updated on December 2nd, 2019
eggplant benefits

The eggplant is considered a vegetable that is known by its purple color and medicinal values. Read on to find out more about the miraculous vegetable and brace yourself to be surprised at the plethora of extraordinary eggplant benefits for health and beauty.

What is Eggplant?

This piece of information might come as a surprise, but eggplant is a fruit(not a vegetable contrary to popular opinion) whose origin lies in the subcontinent of India. Referred to as aborigines by the English, the wild varieties of eggplants extend up to about a foot in size as compared to the agriculture variety which is quite small in size. The medicinal powers lie in the rich density of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, phytochemical antioxidants and carbs in eggplant present in eggplants. Eggplant is a healthy fruit that is devoid of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids.

Top 8 Remarkable Eggplant Benefits for Hair, Skin and General Health

1. How to use Roasted Eggplant Benefits for Digestion?

eggplant benefits for digestion

Consumption of roasted eggplant benefits the digestive system by stimulating the production of digestive juices and aiding in the improvement of the peristaltic motion of the intestines(1). Its dietary fiber content regulates healthy bowel movement and helps in the prevention of digestive problems like flatulence, bloating, stomachache, etc.

2. How to use Baked Eggplant Benefits for the Loss of Weight?

eggplant benefits for the loss of weight

Consumption of baked eggplant benefits the cure of obesity and bloating. Its fibrous content suppresses appetite by the inhibition of the hormone ghrelin that is responsible for hunger cravings and thus, helps to feel full. It can also boost the rate of metabolism and digestion and assist in flushing out excess water from the body and prevent any weight gain from water retention.

3. How to use White Eggplant for the Prevention and Cure of Cancer?

Eggplant benefits the cure of cancer with its powerful antioxidant content. Consumption of white eggplant can activate the generation and potency of white blood cells, and the biochemical compounds that include nasunin and chlorogenic acid can promote apoptosis or death of cancer cells, prevent metastasis, and aid in the shrinking of tumors.

4. How to use Baby Eggplant for the Enhancement of Bone Strength?

eggplant for bone strength

The high level of calcium and phosphorus present in eggplant benefits the enhancement of the strength and mineral density of bones. Consumption of baby eggplant can also prevent and cure osteoporosis, weakness of bones, rickets, and osteoarthritis.

5. How to use Baby Eggplant for the Cure of Anemia?

Baby eggplant benefits the natural treatment of anemia with its rich content of iron and copper, two of the minerals that are incredibly essential for the production of red blood cells in the body. Consumption of baby eggplant helps to combat anemia by increasing the volume of red blood cells in the body.

6. How to use Eggplant for the Natural Treatment of Diabetes?

eggplant for the natural treatment of diabetes

Eggplant benefits the health of people with diabetes. Eggplants contain anthocyanins that can reduce insulin resistivity and decrease the level of blood glucose quite effectively. Regular consumption of white eggplant can also prevent sudden spikes and drops in blood glucose levels.

7. How to use Eggplant for the Health and Beauty of Skin?

Eggplant benefits the health and beauty of skin in innumerable ways. It prevents premature aging, makes the skin glow with health, makes it soft and supple, and protects it against skin cancer and oxidative stress with its rich antioxidant content.

8. How to use Eggplant for Healthy Hair?

eggplant for healthy hair

Eggplant benefits the health of hair. Consumption of eggplant helps to keep the scalp supple and healthy. It cures scalp and hair diseases like hair fall, hair thinning, scalp psoriasis, dandruff, and blistering.

How to Cook Eggplant?

The culinary experts have devised five delicious and unique methods of cooking eggplant. Follow the procedures mentioned below to prepare eggplant dishes at home.

1. Baked Eggplant

Slice the eggplant into thin strips, coat the pieces with bread crumbs, or spices, and cook the strips.

2. Roasted Eggplant

This method is a simple procedure that involves smoking the peeled eggplant after coating it with a few tablespoons of olive oil. Mash the smoked eggplant and season it with salt, pepper, and chili flakes before serving.

3. Fried Eggplant

Slice the eggplant into rectangular pieces and stir fry the pieces in a few tablespoons of virgin olive oil until the upper part of the flesh turns brown and the inner portion becomes soft. Season with salt and pepper and serve hot.

4. Grilled Eggplant

The rich and dense meat of the eggplant tastes delicious when cooked. Slice the eggplant either into strips or thick and round pieces before roasting them on the oven rack. Grilling tastes especially good when we use baby eggplant.

5. Stuffed Eggplant

Scoop the flesh out of the eggplant and stuff it in with fillings of your choice before roasting or baking it to prepare a dish of stuffed eggplant.

Vegan Eggplant Recipes

1. Honey Roast Eggplant


  • 4-5 baby eggplants
  • 1/2 a cup of honey
  • 4-5 fresh green chilies
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil
  • One teaspoon of salt
  • One teaspoon of pepper


  • Preheat the microwave oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Slice the baby eggplants into rectangular pieces
  • Mix the honey and olive oil in a dish to make a smooth paste
  • Toss in the chilies and the slices of eggplants in the dough and make sure that they get evenly coated
  • Wrap the baking tray with a greased baking sheet and place the coated eggplant slices and chilies on the plate
  • Roast the vegetables until they acquire a golden brown color
  • Flip the slices and keep roasting for another 10 minutes
  • Season the dish with salt and ground pepper and serve hot

2. Eggplant and Tomato Soup


  • 5-6 slices of baby eggplants
  • 4-5 tomatoes
  • One teaspoon of sugar
  • One teaspoon of salt
  • One teaspoon of powdered black pepper
  • One teaspoon of spices
  • One teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder
  • One tablespoon of crushed coriander leaves
  • Add water


  • Roast the slices of eggplant in the microwave oven until they turn golden brown
  • Dip the tomatoes in boiling water and then take them out after the skin gets peeled off
  • Blend the peeled tomatoes in a juicer until they become smooth
  • Pour the tomato puree into a bowl
  • Boil the puree and add salt, sugar, black pepper, cayenne pepper, spices, and coriander leaves
  • Boil the soup until it attains a thick consistency
  • Add the roasted slices of eggplant to the soup
  • Garnish the soup with crushed coriander and cilantro and serve hot with toast or rice cakes

Eggplant Side Effects

A few of the most common side effects of eggplant are listed below:

1. Interference with pregnancy

The phytohormones present in eggplant can stimulate blood flow and menstruation during the pregnancy phase and thereby cause miscarriage, abortion and other such complications.

2. Acid Reflux

Consumption of eggplant might cause heartburn and increase the pain and irritation of morning sickness during pregnancy.

3. Trigger Allergic Response

The use of white eggplant can trigger an allergic reaction that manifests in the form of itchy skin rash, swelling in the throat, coughing, sneezing fits, nausea and, hives.

4. The Harm Caused by Nicotinic Acid

Eggplant contains traces of nicotinic acid that might not be as harmful as nicotine but cannot be ruled out entirely as both tobacco plant and eggplant belong to the same botanical family of nightshade. Stay on the safe side and limit your intake of eggplant

5. Overdosage of Potassium

Every variety of eggplant is a rich source of potassium. Consumption of excessive potassium can cause hyperkalemia, nausea, vomiting and stomach flu.

6. Eggplant Triggers Spinach Toxicity

Eggplant is rich in nitrates that get biochemically converted into nitrites during the process of digestion. When the cooked eggplant is left to cool for a long time, the eggplant slices become breeding grounds of bacterial action that catalyze the nitrate conversion and cause spinach poisoning and intestinal inflammation in infants and adults alike.

Eggplant is not only incredible for healthy physiological functioning but is also beneficial for the health and beauty of hair and skin. Consumption of eggplant benefits health and helps to stay fit, well-nourished and gorgeous.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Long do you Have to Cook Eggplant?

The period of cooking eggplant depends upon the method of cooking. While frying, it does not take more than ten minutes. Roasting, baking, grilling, and smoking the eggplant takes considerably more time.

2. Can you Eat the Seeds of an Eggplant?

The seeds of the eggplant are edible, and you can eat them along with the flesh of the eggplant after cooking.

3. What is the Best variety of Eggplant for consumption?

Fresh, ripe, rich, and glossy baby eggplant is the tastiest variety of eggplant.

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