10 Proven Health Benefits of Krill Oil

Updated on January 2nd, 2020
Benefits of Krill Oil

Are you a seafood lover? Well, most of us like to eat yummy seafood served on the plate. But did you know that there is a fish named krill? Krill is seafood that tastes good and is surprisingly healthy. The oil derived from krill is known as krill oil. Krill oil contains a pink-orange pigment called astaxanthin, that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Like fish oils, krill oil contains omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. And the best part is, it gives you all the benefits related to that of a fish. Curious to know the benefits of krill oil? Cool! Read on.

What is Krill Oil?

Krill (Euphausia superba) is a small crustacean with an appearance like that of a shrimp,found in the oceans of Japan, Canada, and Antarctica. They are generally found in the colder waters of the ocean. Krill is consumed by penguins, whales, and other sea creatures. Krill oil is used as a nutritional supplement that is rapidly gaining popularity as an alternative to fish oil.

Like fish oil, krill oil is a source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), types of omega-3 fats found only in marine sources. In certain parts of the world, krill are used for pharmaceutical applications and as aquarium fish feeds. Recently, krill got the world’s attention for the oil it possesses.

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10 Amazing Benefits of Krill Oil

Here are the ten amazing health benefits of krill oil. Add it your diet to procure these benefits.

1. Alleviates Depression


A significant amount of research has shown the impact of omega-d fatty acids (DPA and DHA) on neurotransmission(1) in the brain. The studies have shown positive effects on anxiety and mood, and these acids can even be taken as antidepressants. Krill oil is better for your overall health and particularly good when you are recovering from an illness or an emotionally tumultuous time.

[Also Read: Cure Depression with Natural Remedies]

2. Relieves Ulcerative Colitis

Krill oil is beneficial against several inflammatory bowel diseases including ulcerative colitis. Owing to its effect on gut-friendly bacteria, the oil is valuable in treating ulcerative colitis. Krill oil helps in relieving inflammation and other symptoms that are associated with ulcerative colitis in the gastrointestinal tract by reducing the provocative chemicals in the bowel.

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3. Improves Digestion

Krill oil is known to enhance the metabolism in your body. It does stimulate the gastrointestinal system due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Krill oil eliminates constipation(2), hemorrhoids, indigestion, and stomach upset. Thus, krill oil promotes the overall health of your entire system.

4. Improves Heart Health

Image: ShutterStock

One of the best-known properties of omega-3 fatty acids in krill oil is its effect on the heart.  Being rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps to reduce the cholesterol build-up in your arteries and prevents hardening and atherosclerosis. Krill oil lowers the risk of developing heart-related ailments and improves cardiovascular health. Krill oil suppresses the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein and encourages the formation of blood platelets.

5. Fights Inflammation

Omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil have been shown to have anti-inflammatory functions in the body. Krill oil is more effective at fighting inflammation than other marine omega-3 sources. The natural oil is an excellent remedy for inflammatory conditions like gout(3), osteoarthritis, and arthritis as well as inflammation of the arteries and blood vessels. Few studies have found beneficial effects of krill oil for arthritis.

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6. Skin Care

There are many benefits of krill oil for the skin. It is a vital ingredient in beauty products and bathtub merchandise for its fabulous odor and antioxidant properties. The omega-3 present in krill oil has excellent activities that additionally slow down cells breakdown, decreasing the looks of pimples, scars, and age marks. Also, krill oil contains several acids that help to neutralize free radicals

7. Reduces PMS Symptoms

With Krill oil, you can lessen those unpleased PMS symptoms. Krill oil can help to balance out the hormones and reduce anxiety for women who suffer intense mental and physical symptoms when going through their pre-menstrual period. The presence of omega-3s can alleviate issues like massive flows, cramping, and irregular menstrual cycles.

8. Promotes Neurological Health

When it comes to the proper development of the nervous system, eye, and brain of your newborn infants and fetus, krill oil can help ensure the nutrients intake. Pregnant women should ensure that they have enough omega-3s for a healthy child because different chemicals and compounds are required for varying levels of development.

9. Boosts Immunity

The significant benefits include its ability to boost the immune system. The presence of antioxidant called astaxanthin improves the strength of the body and neutralize free radicals This can lower the chances of developing chronic diseases and prevents other infections.

10. Treats Dry Eyes

dry eyes
Image: ShutterStock

Krill oil is a beneficial supplement for treating eyes. The oil is nutrient-rich which helps in preventing macular degeneration, dry eyes, and other eye conditions. The unique abilities of krill oil can also prevent blindness or vision loss. Therefore, including it in your diet can enhance the vision of your eyes.

Fish oil vs Krill oil

The general benefits of krill oil are slightly different than regular fish oil because fish oil’s omega-3 are bound to triglycerides, while krill oil’s omega-3s are linked to phospholipids. In krill oil, the omega-3 fatty acids are absorbed and carried to the body’s cells in phospholipids’ form. Krill oil is better absorbed than fish oil.  Krill oil is a marvelous source of astaxanthin, one of the strongest-known natural antioxidant that is not found in most fish oils.

Fish oil comes from a variety of fish including albacore tuna, sardines, salmon, mackerel, herring, halibut, and anchovies. Krill, on the other hand, are very tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that feed on plankton.

Krill contains other nutrients including choline, phospholipids, and carotenoid, astaxanthin antioxidant.  Choline is an essential precursor to acetylcholine which is a stimulatory neurotransmitter necessary for the normal function of all cell. Astaxanthin is the high-powered antioxidant with a molecular structure that makes it very useful at neutralizing free radicals.

Precautions to Keep in Mind While Using Krill Oil

Here are some precautions to keep in mind while using krill oil. Read on.

  • Krill oil has the potential to slow blood clotting, and there is a concern that might increase the risk of bleeding after and during surgery. You must stop using krill oil at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
  • Some people are allergic to seafood and seafood supplements. So, it is recommended to avoid using krill oil or use it cautiously if you have a seafood allergy.
  • Krill oil lowers blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Monitor your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes and use krill oil.
  • Avoid the usage of krill oil supplements during pregnancy and lactation period.
  • People with bleeding disorders should avoid the use of krill oil as krill oil can slow blood clotting.

Now when you know the benefits, uses, and precautions of krill oil, it’s time to grab it. The krill oil benefits range from alleviating depression to improving heart health. The krill oil benefits are discussed tremendously and do not cause any side effects to your body. However, undertaking the precautions while using krill oil is beneficial. Make sure to include krill oil to your diet. Embrace the health benefits of krill oil to live a healthy life.

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