Benefits of Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Strep Throat

Updated on December 18th, 2019
Strep Throat

Do you have soreness in your throat that doesn’t let you breathe and swallow easy? Do swelling and pain accompany it? If yes, then you might be suffering from strep throat which can be very bothersome. A strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes.

This condition is common and can affect anyone regardless of their age or gender. It may cause difficulty in swallowing and can also be accompanied by fever resulting in increased discomfort.

Treating the condition immediately using medications is an option however it may cause unnecessary side effects. If you want to treat it naturally, then here you can learn about the best cure for it which is apple cider vinegar. Yes, you heard it right, you can use apple cider vinegar for strep throat to alleviate the symptoms of the condition and get quick results.

    1. Why Apple Cider Vinegar?
    2. How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar?
    3. Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
    4. Word Of Caution

Apple Cider Vinegar for Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux

Apple Cider Vinegar is a thick dark liquid which you get after fermenting apples. The preparation of apple cider vinegar(1) takes time as it undergoes natural fermentation. First, the apples are crushed to obtain fresh juice. To this freshly extracted juice, yeast is added which converts it into alcohol. Next, acetic bacteria play a crucial role in turning the alcohol into acetic acid.

This is how you obtain the potent viscous liquid of apple cider vinegar which is known to cure many conditions. The remarkable properties make apple cider vinegar for strep throat a proven remedy.

[Read: Natural Treatments for Strep Throat]

Why Apple Cider vinegar for Strep throat?

Apple Cider vinegar for strep throat

A bacterial infection causes strep throat(2). While many believe that medications can only cure it, there are natural remedies too that can help treat the condition without any side-effects. Of these, apple cider vinegar is one of the most potent treatments for treating strep throat. Below mentioned are the reasons for using apple cider vinegar for strep throat.

  • The bacteria and viruses present in your body thrive in acidic environments. Apple cider vinegar though acidic, upon digestion converts into an alkaline substance that restores the pH of your body and changes it into alkaline in nature, thus making it unfavorable for foreign entities. This apple cider vinegar thus inhibits the growth of bacteria causing infection and eases the symptoms of the condition.
  • Being antibacterial; apple cider vinegar can effectively fight the bacteria causing infection and eases the soreness of throat.
  • Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains a prebiotic substance known as inulin which promotes the growth of T-cells and white blood cells in your body thus boosting immunity. With increased resistance, your body can put up a better fight with microbes, and its recovery process accelerates.
  • Apple cider vinegar also finds use as an expectorant. It can help loosen mucus secretions and phlegm that irritate the throat and may also serve as a breeding ground of bacteria and other microbes.

[Read: Home Remedies for Strep Throat]

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Strep Throat

Apple cider vinegar for strep throat is a popular remedy. The magical potion can provide you great relief from the soreness, pain and other symptoms of strep throat. Know how you can use apple cider vinegar to treat the condition.

How to use?

  • Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water
  • Mix the contents well
  • Take a sip of the solution and swish your mouth with it
  • Repeat until the glass empties
  • You can do this remedy several times a day

Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to contain potent antibacterial and acidic properties that can help kill the bacteria causing a strep throat infection. Further, its anti-inflammatory effect eases the pain and swelling associated with the condition. Rinsing with apple cider vinegar several times for a couple of days will completely eradicate the infection and bring your life back on track.

[Read: Apple Cider Vinegar: Solution to all your problems]

Other ways to use apple cider vinegar for strep throat

While apple cider vinegar can alone help in eliminating the symptoms of strep throat, you can always add in other natural substances to it to multiply the effect and quicken the recovery process. Here are some different ways in which you can use apple cider vinegar for strep throat treatment.

1. Apple cider vinegar and Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper and ACV for strep throat

All your troubles can quickly resolve with the powerful concoction made, using apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper. It is highly effective in treating the soreness and pain associated with strep throat. Add in a teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper along with three teaspoons of honey to a glass of warm water. Mix in all the contents to get a uniform solution. Take small sips of it and gargle. Do this two to three times a day to get relief from the condition. Cayenne Pepper present in the solution contains a compound called capsaicin which helps in easing the pain and inflammation caused due to the infection.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar and honey

Combining apple cider vinegar with honey(3) is one of the best ways to treat strep throat. Add in two tablespoons each of honey and apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water. Mix the contents well and drink the solution. You must take it once every day for some time to eliminate the symptoms of strep throat. Both honey and apple cider vinegar have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Thus, their solution can quickly kill the bacteria causing infection and also ease the swelling and pain associated with it.

 3. Apple cider vinegar with lemon

Apple cider vinegar and lemon are well known for being sour which are good for treating soreness of throat and pain. So when combined, their effect increases manifolds. Being acidic, antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory, lemon enhances the effect of apple cider vinegar and quickly eases the strep throat troubles. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of freshly extracted lemon juice in a glass of warm water. Take in small sips of the solution. You must drink it two to three times a day to get useful results.

4. Baking soda and apple cider vinegar

Baking soda and apple cider vinegar

Take a glass of warm water and add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda to it. Mix the contents to get a uniform solution. Take small sips of the solution and use it for rinsing. You must do it several times a day for a few days to get relief from strep throat and its awful symptoms. Apple cider vinegar and baking soda make a powerful combination to treat strep throat as both contain potent antimicrobial properties, thus can kill the bacteria causing the infection and give you relief from it.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon

The soreness and inflammation caused due to strep throat infection can be quickly treated with this amazing apple cider vinegar and cinnamon remedy. Just mix a teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar, cinnamon powder, lemon juice, and honey to a cup of warm water. Mix all the ingredients and drink the solution. You should take small sips and drink slowly so that the remedy can work.

Alternatively, you can also use this solution to gargle. Repeating this remedy two to three times a day can help you out in getting rid of the symptoms of strep throat. It is because cinnamon also possesses strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, hence doubles up the effect of apple cider vinegar. Moreover, lemon juice and honey have healing properties that quicken the recovery process and help in clearing the symptoms of the condition.

[Read: Essential Oils for Strep Throat]

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for strep throat, but there are certain points that you must consider before using the treatment.

  • Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic and can burn the line of the esophagus if consumed in undiluted form. It also has a corrosive effect on the enamel of your teeth. Hence when taking it internally, you must dilute it appropriately.
  • People who experience acid reflux or suffering from stomach ulcers must refrain from using apple cider vinegar as it can further worsen the condition.
  • Also, you must consume apple cider vinegar in moderate amount only. Taking more than apple cider vinegar may deplete the potassium levels in your body

Those looking for quick and natural remedies for strep throat can rely on apple cider vinegar for its potent properties that can help in easing the various symptoms associated with the condition. It provides you with immediate relief from strep throat and gradually reduces the pain and swelling caused due to the infection. Further, if taken in moderation and diluted form, apple cider vinegar causes no harm to you. Thus, you can use apple cider vinegar for strep throat treatment and get quick relief from its symptoms.

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