Amaranth: Secret Super Food That Will Help You Lose Belly Fat

Updated on March 28th, 2020
Benefits of Amaranth For Belly Fat

In today’s modern world, people are shifting to superfoods that contain numerous health benefits. One of the secret superfoods is Amaranth. It is one of the best superfoods available on the supermarket or grocery shop shelves. Learn to know the secret benefits of amaranth for belly fat.

The amazing health benefits of Amaranth include the ability to reduce inflammation, improve the immune system, stimulate growth and development, reduce the appearance of varicose veins, and prevent chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes. Keep reading to know a lot more about the nutritional facts of Amaranth, how it helps you in losing weight and other potential benefits.

Did You Know?

  • Amaranth is a group of more than 60 different species of grains that been cultivated for 8000 years.
  • The ancient history of amaranth tracks back to Yucatan peninsula and Mexico.
  • Amaranth is thought to have represented up to 80 percent of their energy consumption before the Spanish conquest.

Nutrition Facts of Amaranth

Amaranth Grains

The ancient grain is rich in proteins and fiber, as well as many other micronutrients. Amaranth grains(1) are a good source of iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese. Most people pay attention to Amaranth grains because of its high antioxidant properties.

Here are the nutrition facts of amaranth grain per serving size of 100 grams. Have a look at the tabular column for amaranth nutrient values.

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Water [g] 75.16
Energy [Kcal] 102
Protein [g] 3.8
Sodium, Na [mg] 6
Potassium, K [mg] 135
Phosphorus, P [mg] 148
Total lipid (fat) [g] 1.58
Zinc, Zn [mg] 0.86
Magnesium, Mg [mg]65 65
Iron, Fe [mg] 2.1
Calcium, Ca [mg] 47
Total dietary fiber [g] 2.1
Carbohydrate [g] 18.69
Niacin [mg] 0.24
Thiamine [mg] 0.02
Riboflavin [mg] 0.02
Vitamin E [mg] 0.19
Vitamin B-6 [mg] 0.11

What Is Amaranth?

Amaranth is one of the ancient forms of grains, scientifically known as Amaranthus: a genus of perennial plants. Amaranth is derived from the “amarantos” (Greek word) meaning unfading and “Anthos” meaning flower. The yield of amaranth grains is comparable to rice or maize. Amaranth grains are the staple food of Aztecs religious communities.

Similarly, to whole wheat, the amaranth grains have a nutty flavor. Amaranth grains are in a uniform shade of pale cream. The amaranth grain is widely cultivated in the US and grown in many parts of Mexico as well. From the amaranth grains, amaranth flour is made and used as a substitute for traditional flour sources, providing a wide variety of proteins, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.

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How It Helps In Losing Belly Fat

Belly Fat

If you’re looking to shed a few extra pounds, then you should consume this secret superfood that will help you lose your belly fat. Read on to know how it helps in losing belly fat.

Amaranth is high in fiber and protein content, both of which can aid you in losing belly fat and weight loss efforts. The high fibers in amaranth move slowly through the gastrointestinal tract undigested, helping promote feelings of fullness for a longer time.

Also, amaranth effectively lowers the insulin levels in your body and simultaneously release a hormone to keep fuller for longer hours. This is the opposite of ‘hunger’ hormone, that often stimulates hunger and causes you to snack between meals, leading to excess weight gain. Also, amaranth eliminates, diarrhea, bloating, and cramping effectively.

For those highly interested in losing belly fat and gaining all the potential health benefits, switching to amaranth might be your best bet!

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Other Health Benefits of Amaranth For Belly Fat

1. Enhances the Immune System

Amaranth grain is an authoritative source of antioxidants properties that are natural barriers against diseases. The grain is a rich source of vitamin c that is essential for a stronger immune system and stimulating white blood cell production. Amaranth prevents infections and protects the body entirely from viruses by providing faster healing and repair of cells.

2. Stronger Digestion

maintain digestion-min
Image: Shutterstock

As already said, Amaranth grain contains a high level of dietary fiber that optimizes the digestive system and eliminates gastric ulcers, cramping, bloating, and constipation. Dietary fiber also helps nutrient uptake efficiency and with the high concentration of nutrients in the grain. Amaranth reduces the chances of constipation(2) and risk of gastrointestinal issues, including colon cancer.

3. Rich in Protein

Plant proteins are more comfortable for our body to utilize and digest than animal proteins. Protein is necessary for the brain and body to function correctly, and your metabolic rate can have a significant impact on the nutrient absorption and oxygenation of your body.

So, shifting your overall protein balance to sources like amaranth grain makes your body run smoother and more efficiently.

4. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a healthy immune response for protecting the body against infection and injury. But chronic inflammation can contribute to chronic diseases associated with autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and cancer.

A study shows that amaranth helps inhibit the production of immunoglobulin E, a type of antibody involved in allergic inflammation. In a test-tube study, amaranth reduces several markers of inflammation.

Many clinical trials with amaranth grain have found that amaranth could have a beneficial anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Intaking amaranth grains will effectively reduce the inflammation in your body.

5. Prevents Heart Attacks

Heart disorders

Amaranth grains contain phytosterols, connected with lowering cholesterol levels. The significant levels of dietary fiber also help balance the cholesterol in your cardiovascular system, thereby reducing the chances of developing stroke or heart attack and atherosclerosis. The high potassium levels found in Amaranth grains boost heart health by relaxing the blood vessels.

Bottom Line

In today’s modern world, shifting to superfoods is a must. To maximize weight loss, be sure to pair amaranth with an overall healthy diet and active lifestyle. You can make it into a breakfast cereal by stirring in nuts and fruits and mix it into soups to add thickness to enjoy the remarkable health benefits. The nutritional facts and tremendous benefits of amaranth are discussed wondrously and do not bring any side effects to your body.

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