Your Guide to Sexuality: Let’s Talk About Sex!

Updated on April 30th, 2020
sexual orientation

Are you aware of your sexuality? Being clear about your sexuality is essential if you want a healthy and satisfying relationship with your partner. Someone’s sexual preferences may not be immediately apparent. If one can start heterosexual and change over time, it can so quickly work the other way around, too. Understanding your sexuality is essential.

Learn More About Your Sexuality

Knowledge about sexual orientation is entirely hard to comprehend for some people. Sexuality is more than just about whom one chooses to have sex with. It’s also about how you feel, what turns you on, and how to behave with others.

Numerous ways exist for you to be attracted to a person. All of these are healthy and normal, and just because you are a woman attracted to females does not mean it’s unacceptable.

Besides this, attractiveness can vary in so many different dimensions. You can feel the following types of attraction:

  • Sexual
  • Emotional
  • Physical

You may feel one or more types of appeal towards other individuals. Such scenarios are standard. Sexuality is complex, diverse, and unique for individuals.

Types of Sexual Orientation

1. Heterosexual

hetero sexual

  • When an individual is attracted to a member of the opposite sex, heterosexuality is the sexual orientation.
  • A straight or heterosexual individual can be sexually, physically, or emotionally attracted to individuals of the other gender.
  • This is a common type of sexuality.

[ Read: Benefits of Sex ]

2. Homosexuality

  • Homosexual(1) community members are individuals forming the LGBTIQ community.
  • Homosexual women/lesbians are a prominent part of the LGBTIQ community.
  • Men who are homosexual are referred to as gay.

3. Bisexuality

  • Those individuals attracted to both sexes are bisexuals.
  • The attraction to both genders may not be equal.
  • For example, women may be emotionally or sexually attracted to other women and physically attracted to men.
  • Some bisexuals are also attracted to those who identify as gender-neutral. They are known as pansexual.

4. Asexuality

  • This is the rarest form of sexuality.
  • Asexual individuals don’t feel sexual attraction for anyone.
  • They have emotional connectedness.
  • Sex/sexual intimacy is not essential to them.

Nothing is hard and fast when it comes to sexuality, and it is perfectly natural for sexual feelings to change as one matures. Some heterosexual women may identify as homosexual, bisexual, or pansexual(2) at later stages of life.

[ Read: Know About Sexual Anorexia ]

Development of Sexuality

Sexuality varies across people. Some individuals experience sexual awareness only in their late-teen years and adulthood. Others are attracted right from an early stage. Many individuals discover their sexuality during teens when sexual hormones flood the system. But changes can occur as one matures.

  • Figuring out sexuality is a personal journey. Dating habits and patterns also play a role in this.
  • Many individuals who are homosexuals feel different right from the start, knowing they were different from the norm.
  • If you have questions about sexuality, turn to friends and experts.

Some people need to have sexual experiences with both genders before they can decide their sexual orientation. Inner thoughts and feelings can tell if one is asexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Ensure safe, healthy sex. Having multiple partners is okay, as long as you have protected sex.

What Being Different Means

Sexuality can be tough to explore or understand.

Being different can lead to:

  • Being singled out
  • Feeling bad

Bullying, sexual abuse, or strict religious beliefs can make individuals of different sexualities afraid and compelled to hide their selves. When children recognize they are different, the environment they live in shapes the way it is handled.

Youngsters can feel shame and fear, even harming themselves or committing suicide due to sexual abuse, bullying, harassment, and social pressure. Sexuality can be hard for individuals to explore and understand. Being different means being singled out or being made to feel bad.

When individuals feel unaccepted, it impacts them. Sexuality can be a trigger for mental health issues in this way.

Think about how to look after your emotional and mental health when you come out or acknowledge your sexuality. Be clear about who you want to share the details.

Let those supporting you know how you are doing. Some friends may even offer advice, support, and help.

Prepare what you are going to share ahead of time, so confidence is assured. Be clear you may end up surprising or even hurting others if you come out.

Sometimes, it may take more than one single conversation, and the first reactions are not always the last. If individuals react negatively, be patient, and cope well.

Remember that:

  • There is no rule.
  • What works for others may definitely not work for you.
  • It is up to you to find ways of handling issues and how you choose to identify.
  • There is no wrong or even correct way to sexual orientation.
  • Celebrate your uniqueness.
  • Get the support you need.

[ Read: Balance Hormones Naturally ]

Appreciate Your Sexuality

It is critical to recognize that each of us is different and what feels right for one person may feel different for others. We need to be respectful about sexuality and sexual relationships. Always support people’s rights to explore sexuality in consensual, safe, and responsible ways.

It is not okay for someone to pick on you or make you feel wrong about your sexuality. Others need to respect your sexual orientation too. Always stand up for who you really are and do approach anti-discrimination authorities to counter attempts made to bully or harass you.

Bottom Line

Support can be a vital part of expressing your sexuality with confidence. But do remember that others need to be empowered enough to respect your sexual orientation. Often, people have narrow ideas about what sexuality means.

It is not right to be harassed based on transsexuality/pansexuality, asexuality, homosexuality, or heterosexuality or bisexuality. Do remember to celebrate what makes you sexually unique and to stand up for yourself!

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