Great Tips for Healthy Eating in Ramadan During Quarantine

Medically reviewed by Raheela Hasan Gazi
Medically reviewed by Raheela Hasan Gazi on April 27, 2020
Health & Nutrition Specialist
Updated on April 27th, 2020
ramadan food

In the holy month of Ramadan, the delicious Iftar is what all of us have an eye on!

Ramadan is not about fast & feast it’s also about how to stay healthy, how to control your cravings, it’s also about how to get physically benefited 

To have a healthy Ramadan, prepare food from fresh ingredients, choose healthy cooking & nutritious options for Iftar. This will set an excellent example for families’ overall health.

Ramadan should not be an excuse to take a break from exercise. You must do some form of physical activity. If you don’t exercise, your metabolism will gradually slow down, and your body will not operate at its optimum level, which can lead to weight gain!

Ramadan Food – What to Eat & What To Avoid

1. Suhoor

Suhoor, the pre-dawn meal, which is filling and provides energy for many hours. Drink fluids to keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Suhoor Meals:

  1. Oatmeal with fruits, nuts and 1 mug tea/ green tea/coffee without sugar 
  2. 1 multigrain bread with 1-2 eggs 
  3. 1 glass chilled milk with 1 tsp soaked chia seeds and grated dry fruits
  4. 2 chapatis / 1 cup rice + 1 bowl vegetable curry+ 1 bowl curd.
  5. 1 bowl muesli + milk, cut fruits
ramadan iftar suhur

2. Iftar

Iftar is the meal that breaks the day’s fast. Break your fast with dates, refreshing drinks, or water & 1 portion of fruits, which will provide energy. Then you should have little of your favorite meals.

Alternative healthy food options for Iftar:

  • Baked samosa cutlets, rolls, tikkas
  • Chapattis/parathas made without oil
  • Low- fat milk-based sweets and puddings/ chia fruit pudding/ fruit custard
  • Lavash with hummus
  • Fruit salad
  • Barbequed chicken/ chicken kebabs/ fish kebabs/ Grilled chicken
  • Smoothies/ Refreshment drink 
  • Vegetable / paneer/ chicken sandwiches
  • A bowl of sprouts salad

Foods to Avoid

  1. Deep-fried foods like fried dumplings, chicken and mutton kebabs, etc
  2. High sugar and added sugar foods- Sweets/ desserts like pastries, jams, jellies, candies, syrup-drenched desserts, etc
  3. Caffeine based beverages- Coffee, tea
  4. High-fat dairy products like ice-creams, cheese, oily parathas, creamy cheese sauces, etc
  5. Fast foods- Pizza, burgers, french fries etc
  6. Greasy cooked foods- Oil-rich curries
  7. Highly salted foods- Pickles, salted chips, etc
  8. Fried meats and meat products- Haleem, hot dogs, Hamburgers, chicken tikka, etc
  9. Carbonated beverages- Cola, energy drinks, etc
  10. Fast-burning foods- Pasta, white bread, chocolates, cookies, etc
  11. Heavily processed foods-Sausages, juices with added sugar, fruit preserves, etc

Common Mistakes at Iftar That Have a Negative Impact on Health & Weight Loss:

1. Drinking large amounts of water at Iftar time

 Have few sips of water during Iftar. Later, you can have a glass full of water every two hours.

2. Drinking Rooh Afza on daily basis

  • It contains high amounts of sugars, preservatives, and food colors.
  • Consume twice a week if required.

3. Consuming foods high in sodium

  • Sodium triggers thirst throughout the fasting hours of the day.
  • Consume foods dense in potassium as they retain water and suppress thirst. 
  • Bananas can be consumed during Suhoor, to control thirst levels throughout the day. 

Cooking Methods to Avoid:

  • Deep Frying

Healthy Cooking Methods:

  • Shallow frying
  • Steaming, grilling or baking is healthier 

Special Tips

  1. Drink 500-600ml of water slowly as soon as you wake up for sehri meals. 
  1. Have1 bowl of  Curd + 1 Cardamom during Suhoor
  1. Keep yourself away from TEA OR COFFEE during suhoor as it can cause severe dehydration during the day 
  1. ALWAYS take 2-3 dates as soon as you break the fast. 


  1. DRINKING JUICES immediately after breaking your fast can cause a great spike in insulin level
  2. Can have green tea or lime juice or apple cider vinegar/ Carom seeds to water with water at bedtime. For good digestion


About the Author:

Raheela Hasan Gazi

Welcome to My Digital World of Fitness! Born and Brought up in the Beautiful City of Mumbai- Graduating Myself in Food Nutrition Dietetics From Sndt College, MBA Health Care Services, Diabetes Educator, Certified as International Yoga Trainer This Was the Best Career Decision I Could Have Every Taken.

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