Potato Bread: A Healthy and Lavish Food

Updated on March 4th, 2020
Potato Bread

Potato bread is created by using mashed potatoes or replacing some of the regular flour with potato flour or potato flakes. Doing so boosts the overall nutritional value of the bread.

The result is a bread comparable to whole-wheat bread for fiber and nutrients such as zinc and iron. Potato bread has significantly more potassium than both white or whole wheat bread.

Cooked in a variety of ways, potato bread may be baked on a hot griddle or pan or in an oven. It may have other ingredients too baked into it. While the ratio of potato to wheat flour may vary from recipe to recipe, the inclusion of it is absolutely necessary for potato bread.

Potato bread nutrition facts

One 32 gram slice of potato bread contains

Calories 85
Fat 1 gram
Sodium 120 mg
Potassium 20 mg
Protein 4 grams
Carbohydrates 15 grams

As well as essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron.

Here’re the Potato bread health benefits

1. Good source of macronutrients

A slice of potato bread has 85 calories, which is around 4 or 5 calories higher than white and whole wheat bread.

Potato bread contains around 4 grams of protein per slice and around 14 to 15 grams of carbohydrates.

Not only that. You also get around 4% to 6% of your daily value of calcium, iron, and vitamin B-6 from one slice of potato bread.

[Read: Potato Diet]

2. Rich in fiber

Potato bread scores a distinct advantage over regular white bread when it comes to fiber. One slice of potato bread contains around 2 grams of fiber, which is nearly three times more than what you may get from a slice of white bread.

While the amount of fiber you may get might vary from one brand of potato bread to the other, it also depends on whether the flour used with the potatoes was whole grain or processed. Potato flour has around three times more fiber than all-purpose white flour, whereas whole wheat four provides more fiber than the other two.

3. Great source of potassium

Getting the required amount of potassium in your daily diet(1) is extremely important. Potassium protects our cardiovascular health by offsetting the impact of too much sodium by lowering blood pressure.

You can boost your potassium intake by choosing potato bread. One slice has 230 milligrams of potassium. That equals to around 5% of the 4700 milligrams daily requirement that the average human body has.

Potato bread, in fact, provides almost three times more potassium than whole wheat bread, and around seven times more potassium than white bread.

[Read: Sweet Potatoes for Diabetes]

4. Good source of folate

Potato bread is a good source of folate and contains much more of it than whole wheat bread. Folate is used for metabolic activities, including those that synthesize DNA and protein.

You get around 48 micrograms of folate from one slice of potato bread. Folate and folic acid work the same way in your body, but folate is the naturally occurring form, while folic acid is used in supplements.

5. Promotes bone health

Bone Health

The main ingredient in potato bread, i.e. potatoes, are rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and zinc.

These minerals are great as they help the body build and maintain bone structure and strength. Iron and zinc play important roles in the production and maturing of collagen(2). Phosphorus and calcium are both important in bone structure.

6. Good for fighting cancer

The folate in potato bread plays a vital role in DNA synthesis, preventing many types of cancer cells from forming due to DNA mutations.

Fiber intake is also associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer. The vitamin C present in potato bread is a great antioxidant, protecting cells against damage from free radicals.

7. Good for the skin

The skin has a support system called collagen. Vitamin C helps collagen smooth wrinkles and improves overall skin texture. It also helps as an antioxidant, to help prevent damage caused by the sun, pollution, and smoke. Potato bread has a good dose of vitamin C, so it’s good for your skin.

[Read: Health Benefits of Raw Potato]

How to make potato bread?

Potato bread recipe


  • 1 kilo of peeled potatoes (mashed)
  • 55 grams of butter.
  • 200 grams plain flour.


  • Once the potatoes are mashed, drain them well, and dry them out. Soften the butter and mash it with the potatoes.
  • Add 200 gm of flour into a large mixing bowl, and add the buttery mash.
  • Mix the two well and divide into 6 equal balls.
  • Roll each ball out to a round of approximate 6-7 inches, and 1/5 inch thick.
  • Cut each round into quarters, and there you have your potato bread.

[Read: Sweet Potato Benefits]

Myths and side effects

Well, since potato bread is regular food, there are no side effects unless you overeat. In this case, you could suffer from a stomach ache, because of the overdose of bread and potatoes in your system. Otherwise, potato bread consumption is safe. Check with your dietician or doctor before you include this in your diet.

In conclusion, is potato bread good for you? Absolutely, it is a great addition to your diet. The healthy sweet potato bread can be a great substitute for white bread and whole wheat bread. Potato bread calories aren’t many, so you can safely consume it without the worry of putting on weight.


1. Is Potato Bread Gluten-Free?

Well, potatoes are gluten-free, but wheat is not. If you can use gluten-free flour to create potato bread, then yes it may be gluten-free.

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