Kumquat Fruit Benefits You Never Heard Of

Updated on March 11th, 2020
Kumquat Fruit

Kumquat benefits with essential oil is one of the incredible sources of health-benefiting phytonutrients, such as dietary fiber,  vitamins, and pigment antioxidants that contribute to overall wellness (1). Kumquat is eaten along with its peel, which is rich in fiber and many essential oils. They are also packed with numerous polyphenolic flavonoid antioxidants such as carotenes, lutein, zeaxanthin, tannins, etc.

They contain adequate levels of vitamins such as vitamins A, C, and E  that can help scavenge oxygen-derived free radicals from the body and protect us from cancer, diabetes, degenerative diseases, and infections (2).

Kumquat benefits are also attributed to high levels of the vitamin-C antioxidant, which has many essential biological roles, such as collagen synthesis and wound healing. This vitamin also has antiviral and anticancer activities and helps prevent diseases like arthritis. It also facilitates iron absorption in the food.  


  • This vitamin was able to improve symptoms and shorten the span of respiratory infections, such as the cold. 
  • One of the most significant kumquat benefits is its high fiber content- fiber aids in adding bulk to the stool to prevent problems like constipation. Fiber may also protect against inflammatory bowel disease and prevent intestinal ulcers. 
  • Kumquat is low in calories yet high in fiber, making it an excellent addition to any weight loss diet. Fiber takes a lot of time to digest and hence provides a fuller feeling for a longer time. Therefore, it helps you lose weight. 


  • The earliest reference to kumquat fruit appears in the literature of China from the 12th century?
  • Did you know that the name “kumquat” comes from the Cantonese “gam-gwat”, meaning “golden orange”?

Nutritional Facts: Kumquat calories are 71 per 100 g. Kumquat Nutrition value per 100 g is carbohydrates 15.9 g, sugars 9.36 g, dietary fiber 6.5 g, fat 0.86 g, and protein 1.88 g. The vitamins are Vitamin A 15 mg, lutein zeaxanthin 129 mg, Thiamine 0.037 mg, Riboflavin 0.09 mg, Niacin 0.429 mg, Pantothenic acid 0.208 mg, Vitamin B6 0.036 mg, Folate (B9) 17 mg, Choline 8.4 mg, Vitamin C 43.9 mg, and Vitamin E 0.15 mg. The mineral values are Calcium 62 mg, Iron 0.86 mg, Magnesium 20 mg, Manganese 0.135 mg, Phosphorus 19 mg, Potassium 186 mg, Sodium 10 mg, and Zinc 0.17 mg.

Kumquat Benefits & Recipes 

1. Kumquat Oil for Uplifting Mood

Kumquat Benefits

Move Mint is an aroma to help move negative energy and support you in coming to a positive place. It can be prepared by mixing

  • Two drops of Kumquat 
  • Two drops of Spearmint 
  • One drop of Rhododendron

2. Kumquat Coffee for Constipation

Tropical Coffee to help get you going in the morning.

  • Two drops of Cinnamon Leaf 
  • Two drops of Kumquat 
  • One drop of Coffee

3. Kumquat Juice for Immunity

Kumquat Benefits Juice

Kumquat juice can be consumed to strengthen the immune system. To prepare it, the ingredients are:

  • Ten kumquats
  • One pear
  • 1/2 lime
  • One orange
  • For smoothie, you can add 1 to 2 cups of milk such as soy, oat, almond, or coconut

The steps to make it Kumquat Juice

  • Kumquats can be blended with peel and seeds.
  • Add protein powder and flaxseeds for extra energy either pre-and/or post-workout for extra immunity.
  • Chill in the refrigerator and enjoy it.

[Read: Fruits for Control Blood Sugar ]

4. Kumquat Tea for the Better Immune System

  • Two dozen kumquats
  • 3 – 5 key limes
  • 1/2 cup of honey
  • 3/4 cup of organic cane sugar
  • 1/2 cup of filtered water

The steps to make it Kumquat Tea

  • Take 4 to 6 kumquats and cut in half. 
  • Add them in a teapot, and fill it with boiling water. 
  • Allow the kumquats to infuse for a few minutes.
  • Sweeten with rock sugar or honey.
  • Add green tea leaves if you wish. 
  • In China, they add a salty plum for additional flavor.
  • Also try Tulsi, basil, thyme, parsley. All go well with a leaf or two added.

Bottom Line

Kumquats are great for health, but they should be consumed in moderation. When eaten in excess, the higher fiber content can affect digestion, causing abdominal cramps, and could also lead to diarrhea. In children, kumquat juice or fruit is considered safe when used in normal amounts. Taking large amounts of its peel is somehow unsafe. It can cause colic, convulsions, or death.

Kumquat benefits have so many nutritious constituents that its regular consumption can highly strengthen a person’s immunity. Studies have shown its potential to battle infections and improve wound healing.

Furthermore, kumquat juice is considered as a potent immune booster. It is also consumed in the form of tea. It can be a cheaper alternative to many supplements and drugs. However, when consumed in excess, it might lead to abdominal problems.

[Also Read: Impressive Benefits of Longan Fruit ]


 1. Are Kumquat seeds poisonous?

The kumquat seeds are not toxic to eat for humans or animals. But the fruit has a relatively high magnesium content and ingesting a large quantity might have a laxative effect.

2. Can you consume the skin of a kumquat?

The kumquat is like an orange, but with sweet skin and tart pulp. So, you don’t have to peel the kumquat; you can eat the whole fruit. You can also drop kumquats as a whole during the last 30 minutes of cooking.

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