How to Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain with Five Great Natural Remedies?

Updated on March 31st, 2020
sciatica nerve pain

Do you feel a teasing backache when you try to get off from your bed or couch? Or do you experience back pain after sitting for long hours in an office chair? But the fact is that this pain is not the usual ache caused in your back. It is the inflammation and irritation in the sciatic nerve. The pain initiates from the lower back and extends from lower back radiating towards the knees and foot.

It causes sciatic nerve pain in the hip, sciatic nerve pain in the lower back, sciatic nerve pain in buttocks and sciatic nerve pain in the leg. If you are wondering on how to relieve sciatic nerve pain, then the answer to your most curious question is natural remedies and sciatic nerve pain relief exercises.


Sciatic pain occurs due to several factors. Some of them are listed below.

  • During pregnancy
  • Internal bleeding and swelling
  • Infections around the lunar spine
  • Irritation of the sciatic nerve by the adjust bone
  • Abnormality of an intervertebral disc


Some noticeable sciatic nerve pain symptoms are listed below.

  • Leg pain
  • Hip pain
  • Pain around the buttocks
  • Lumbar pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Burning sensation and irritation
  • Numbness in lower back or affected area
  • Sciatic nerve pain in the left leg

Natural Remedies and Alternative Therapies for Sciatic Nerve Pain

There are numerous natural remedies on how to relieve sciatic nerve pain. Some of the best in class natural and home remedies gets listed right here. Read on to get the best benefits and use of it.

1. Foods

Garlic and milk

Garlic milk-min
Image: Shutterstock

How to use?

  • Take 10-12 cloves of garlic, 2 cups of pure milk and a cup of water
  • Add the crushed cloves of garlic, milk, water to a pan
  • Allow it to boil for 5 minutes
  • Strain the liquid
  • Add a little honey for taste after cooling it
  • Now consume this garlic milk
  • Do this twice a day for good results


You know that garlic is replete with benefits and used for multiple health benefits. It contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. These properties of garlic are highly effective in reducing the pain and inflammation that accompany the sciatic nerve. It reduces the sciatic nerve pain in hip and sciatic nerve pain in lower back.

Foods to Eat

Foods to Avoid

Green leafy vegetables
Salty snack foods
Milk and cheese Red meat
Ginger and garlic
Packaged foods and soups
Beans and nuts
Canned vegetables and fruits
Lemon, orange, and other citrus fruits
Artificial sweeteners
Elderberries Margarine
Eggs Processed meat
Celery juice
Valerian root
Chamomile tea


Always use fresh fruits and vegetables and wash thoroughly before use because rotten fruits or vegetables can contain microbial germs and bacteria which can aggravate the condition even worse.

[ Read: Treat Pinched Nerve in Hip ]

2. Herbs


How to use?

  • Take one teaspoon of turmeric powder extracted from turmeric herb
  • Add turmeric powder to a cup of hot milk
  • Stir well and drink it
  • You can also make a paste of turmeric and olive or sesame oil and massage it over the affected area
  • Consume the drink at least twice a day and massage before sleep

Benefits of turmeric:

Are you going mad on how to relieve sciatic nerve pain? Here is the best natural herb for it. Turmeric contains anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. These properties are due to the presence of curcumin. Curcumin also possesses analgesic properties that can be helpful in relieving severe sciatic nerve pain.

[Read: Treat a Pinched Nerve Naturally]

3. Essential Oils

Peppermint oil

How to use?

  • Take 5-6 drops of peppermint essential oil and a carrier oil like coconut oil
  • Mix the peppermint essential oil with a carrier oil of your own choice
  • Now apply the mixture to the nerve pain region
  • Do this thrice a day for best benefits to relieve the pain


The best essential oil used as a pain reliever is peppermint oil. The natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce pain in buttocks, hip, and leg. Thus, giving relief from sciatic nerve pain in hip and sciatic nerve pain in buttocks.

Ginger essential oil

How to use?

  • Take 4-5 drops of ginger essential oil and a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil
  • Mix the ginger essential oil with the carrier oil of your own choice
  • Now apply the mixture to the pain region
  • Do this 2-3 times on a daily basis


The ginger essential oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It contains a wide variety of health benefits and antioxidants. Their properties help in relieving sciatic nerve pain in the lower back and sciatic nerve pain in the hip. The pungent smell of ginger is due to gingerol that is said to have aesthetic effects on sciatic pain. Ginger oil can get used for sciatic nerve pain massage for marvelous benefits.


Always make sure that you mix essential oils with a carrier oil because direct contact with the skin can cause irritation and itching sensation.

[Read: Essential Oils For Nerve Pain ]

4. Home Remedies

Apple cider vinegar:

apple cider vinegar benefits
Image: ShutterStock

How to use?

  • Add 500ml of apple cider vinegar in a bucket of lukewarm water
  • Add a cup of salt to the bucket containing apple cider vinegar and water
  • Mix well and soak your foot in this lukewarm solution for 15-20minutes
  • Do it 3-4 times per week for relieving sciatic nerve pain in the foot


How to relieve sciatic nerve pain with apple cider vinegar is a frequently searched question. You know that a warm saline solution can be useful in reducing the inflammation that occurs due to sciatic pain. The addition of apple cider vinegar contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which makes it highly effective in relieving sciatic nerve pain in the leg.

5. Natural Remedies

Hot and cold compress:

How to use?

  • Take a clean cotton towel, a bowl of warm water, and ice cubes
  • Dip it in warm water and wring out the excess water
  • Place the sheet on the nerve pain area or affected area and repeat
  • You can also put some ice cubes on the towel and place it on the affected area
  • Do it 3-4 times a day for best results


The hot and cold compress is one of the most effective and most comfortable natural remedies to treat sciatica pain. Hot compress acts to reduce inflammation and sciatic nerve pain to a large extent. The cold compress is used to numb and eradicate the pain caused by sciatic nerve inflammation. Both of these compresses act to relieve sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy, sciatic nerve pain in buttocks, and sciatic nerve pain in the lower back.

6. Exercises

There are more sciatic nerve pain exercises and stretches for sciatic nerve pain which will relieve you from the pain. Learn how to cure the pain with some of them.

Standing hamstring stretch:

How to do?

  • Place your any of the foot on the elevated surface below your hip level
  • Keep your legs and toes straight
  • Now forward bend and touch your feet with your hands
  • Hold for 15-20 seconds and repeat it for another side

Spinal sitting stretch:

How to do?

  • Sit over the ground and extend your buttocks and legs straight
  • Keep the feet flexed in upward direction
  • Bend one of the knees and put your foot on floor
  • Place it on the outer side of the opposite knee
  • Keep your hand on the bent knee and turn the body gently
  • Hold for 20-25 seconds, repeat it for another side


Sciatic nerve pain exercises and stretches can be highly effective in relieving the nerve pain. You can achieve relief quickly and genuinely. It can eradicate all types of sciatic pain that occurs in your body from hip to foot.

Bottom Line

The natural methods, sciatic nerve pain exercises, and home remedies on how to relieve sciatic nerve pain are discussed and are wondrously beneficial and leave no side effects on hip, buttocks, and leg.  It is not a big deal to relieve the nerve pain if you follow these natural remedies and exercises regularly.

Follow these natural methods and exercises genuinely. While doing these remedies make sure you keep all precautions in mind to get useful results. However, if inflammation and allergies persist and become more painful over time, make sure to consult with a physician.

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