Frustrated With Dead Skin on Feet? Try These Home Remedies!

Updated on March 31st, 2020
how to get rid of dead skin on feet

Have you noticed how your feet become rough and dry if you don’t have a pedicure for a long time? Ever wondered why that is? Do you know how to get rid of dead skin on feet? Your skin regenerates itself constantly. The lifecycle of a skin cell is approximately 27 days, and not all cells age uniformly.

So what happens to the dead skin cells? These dead skin cells either accumulate in certain areas or the body sheds them. It is these dead skin cells that cause your feet to become rough over time and lead to the creation of calluses. While pedicures are an excellent way to pamper yourself, they are also expensive.

Fortunately, it is very easy to remove dead skin from feet at home. Here are the best home remedies and essential oils that you can try.

How to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Feet Naturally?

Home remedies are an excellent source for removing dead skin on feet. Some of these remedies also help in preventing and alleviating other conditions of dead skin.

1. Listerine

Listerine is also an excellent antiseptic and antifungal mouthwash; however, it is also helpful in removing dead skin on feet. One of the main components of Listerine is methyl salicylate. It is similar to salicylic acid, which acts as a chemical exfoliant(1).

Not only is it an excellent dead skin remover for feet, but it can also prevent the accumulation of dead cells that leads to rough feet.

How to Use It?

Add one cup of Listerine to a gallon of warm water and soak your feet in the mixture for at least twenty minutes. Additionally, adding a few drops of lemon juice to the soak can amp up its exfoliating effect.

How Much to Use?

You will need one cup of Listerine every time you decide to do a foot soak. You can do a Listerine foot soak once a week.

Increase the frequency to two soaks per week if the feet are extra rough.

[Read: Techniques for Removal of Dead Skin From Feet]

2. Rice Flour

Rice flour

Rice flour has been in use as an exfoliant in most South Asian countries for quite some time. Rice flour has a gentle abrasive effect. A scrub using rice flour exfoliates and purifies the dry and dead skin on feet. As a bonus, rice flour can also remove tan from the feet.

How to Use It?

Make a paste by mixing three teaspoons of rice flour with two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Scrub your feet with this paste for 10 minutes. Additionally, you can apply this paste like a foot mask and leave it on until it dries. Wet your hands and scrub the mask to remove it.

How Much to Use?

You can use the rice flour scrub two to three times a week.

[Read: Get rid of dead skin in 5 natural ways]

3. Honey

Why Does It Work?

Honey is an outstanding moisturizer(2). It softens dry skin and loosens the dead skin cells. Honey is excellent in getting rid of calluses and cracked heels caused by the accumulation of dead cells, and can also prevent their recurrence. In addition to its moisturizing abilities, honey is also well-known for being antibacterial and antimicrobial.

How to Use It?

Honey is a versatile remedy that can be used based on the dryness of your feet. If you are looking for some regular exfoliation and moisturization, then you can mix one cup of honey in a gallon of warm water and enjoy a soothing foot soak. You can apply honey on your feet and cover your feet with a warm towel to increase the absorption and moisturize your feet.

How Much to Use?

You will require about one cup of honey for single use. You can soak your feet in the solution for around half an hour. The mask can be left on for at least an hour.

4. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has multiple benefits when used for removing dead skin from your feet. It soothes dry skin and acts as a moisturizer. It also fights off infections since it is antibacterial and antiviral. Moreover, eucalyptus oil is excellent for relieving stress and reducing pain.

How to Use It?

You can mix one teaspoon of eucalyptus essential oil with a cup of carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil and apply it as an overnight foot moisturizer.

How Much to Use?

Once you make one cup of moisturizing oil, it should easily last you around three to four weeks. You will only need a few drops for every use.

[Read:  Get Rid of Dry Skin Using Natural Remedies]

5. Peppermint Oil

The first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about peppermint is its tingling and cooling sensation. The sensation alone is enough to relieve you of irritants or itching on your feet. Peppermint oil is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it an excellent moisturizer.

How to Use It?

You can add a few drops of peppermint oil in a bucket of water and soak your feet in the solution.

Making a foot scrub by mixing one cup of brown sugar, one cup of oatmeal and one teaspoon of peppermint oil to make a foot scrub. It can help in moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin.

How Much to Use?

You will need a few teaspoons of scrub for single use. Performing foot soak following with a foot scrub is effective. For the best results, use it twice or thrice a week.

6. Lemon Oil

lemon oil
Image: Shutterstock

Lemon oil(3) fights infections and reduces skin inflammation. Lemon oil can also help you detox your feet. It is a pain reliever with antifungal properties, and its aroma can help you get rid of stress. All of this makes it a perfect solution for nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

How to Use It?

You can make a foot moisturizer by mixing a few drops of lemon oil in a few tablespoons of your favorite butter, such as cocoa butter or shea butter. Apply this on your feet at night and let it work its magic overnight.

[Read: Get Dead Skin Off Lips Using Home Remedies]

How Much to Use?

You only need a few drops of lemon essential oil at a time. Use it daily until the symptoms are alleviated.

Pamper Your Feet!

Who doesn’t love sporting fashionable heels and beautiful sandals? Why should you let dead skin cells stop you from wearing your favorite footwear? Try these home remedies and essential oils to ensure that you remove dead skin from feet and protect them from unsightly calluses. Get all the ingredients, and start your foot spa today!


1. Does Salt Remove Dead Skin?

Salt is a mild exfoliant and an excellent home remedy for dead skin on feet. A scrub that contains salt can help you remove dead skin from your feet.

2. Do My Feet Become Rough If I Stop Using These Remedies?

Rough and dry skin on your feet is the result of dead skin cells that your body constantly sheds. If you stop using the home remedies, the skin cells will accumulate over time, making your feet rough again.

3. Can Essential Oils Help Get Rid of Dead Cells on Feet?

Yes. Essential oils nourish and moisturize your feet and, therefore, help in removing dead skin cells.

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