How to Get Rid of Calluses on Hand with 3 Easy Ways

Updated on February 4th, 2020
get rid of calluses

Worked on upper body in the gym? It feels great to lift weights. But on the back of your mind did you ever thought that what is this thick patch of skin on my palm doing? Oh, there is a callus on my hand. It does not seem painful, but everyone surely wants to know how to get rid of calluses on hands.

Callus is a thickened skin area. The leading causes of callus may be due to repeated pressure or friction on a particular skin patch. It leads to the formation of skin layers until it looks like a bump. These get formed on heels, toes, palms, and knees. Signs of callused hands include tender, dryness and flaky skin.

How to Get Rid of Calluses on Hands with these Fantastic Remedies?

Even if those calluses are due to hard work, no one likes the sight of callused hands. There are many reasons for this such as a callus on hands from lifting, writing, or calluses on hand for no reason.  And here we reveal the best natural solutions on how to get rid of blisters and calluses on hands:

1. Essential Oils

Tea tree oil

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one such essential oil to treat callused hands. Apply it as mentioned below for how to get rid of calluses on hands.

How to use:

  • Take a bucket of warm water and add a few drops of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and has antibacterial and antifungal qualities
  • Soak your hands for 15 minutes
  • Take off your hands from the water once you feel the skin has become soft
  • This remedy will help you heave a sigh of relief from the infected callus on hand
  • Do not soak your hands in this water for more than 15 minutes as this oil is potent and can damage your skin.

2. Home Remedies

Home remedies are the most simple and inexpensive way to treat any given condition. Here are a few to get rid of tiny calluses on hands:

Warm water

warm water

It is the first and simplest remedy you should try on how to get rid of calluses on hands.

How to use:

  • Soak your hands in warm water for 20 minutes
  • Warm water helps the callus to soften
  • Use your finger and gently try to rub off the callus
  • Over a few sessions of soaking water, you will be able to get rid of painful callus on hand

Use a pumice stone

How to use

  • Soak your callus thoroughly in warm water for a few minutes
  • Take the pumice stone and gently rub it on the callus in a circular motion
  • After a few session, you will be able to get rid of callused hands

Use Epsom salt bath

Epsom salt is considered to be one of the best exfoliators. It helps to relax your hands in case of any physical labor and also is the answer for how to get rid of calluses on hands.(1)

How to use:

  • Take a bucket of warm water
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt in it
  • Soak your hands for at least 10 minutes
  • Once the skin softens, the Epsom salt automatically takes off the dead skin cells

Use sandpaper

Sandpaper is another beneficial remedy for the cure of calluses on hands. Use this remedy carefully with the steps mentioned below.

How to use:

  • Soak your hands in water for a few minutes
  • Let the hands soak thoroughly until the skin becomes soft
  • Take a fine grade of sandpaper and gently rub it on the callus
  • See if you can get rid of the callus in one go. If not then you will have to repeat this a few days
  • Do not rub the sandpaper harshly on the skin

You can pair this remedy with any of the above treatments to get the best results

3. Natural Treatments

Castor oil

Castor Oil

Castor oil is one of the best natural lubricants for your callused hands. Use them as mentioned below for how to get rid of calluses on hands.

How to use:

  • Take warm water and add five tablespoons of castor oil to it
  • Soak your callused hands in the warm water mixture.
  • It is the solution to callus on hands from weight lifting

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar softens the skin of calluses. If used properly, it can have a positive effect on how to get rid of calluses on hands.

How to use:

  • Take four portions of water and add one portion of apple cider vinegar to it
  • Soak your hands for 20 minutes in this mixture
  • After this, you will be able to take off at least one or two layers of the callus
  • Do not try too hard to take off the callus or it might result in an infection
  • The apple cider vinegar contains acid that helps to soften the hard callus on skin

Baking soda and lemon juice

Baking soda and lemon juice have acid components which help in clearing the calluses on hands and feet.

How to use:

  • Take warm water and add 2 to 3 tablespoons of lemon juice to it
  • Soak your hands in this mixture
  • After a few minutes, add baking soda to it
  • This mixture will gradually help dissolve the callus

Here, the acidic properties of the lemon juice and the chemical properties of baking soda are combined. The baking soda contains sodium hydrogen carbonate which easily dissolves the callus. Also, the grains of baking soda and the fizz of lemon juice make this mixture strong enough to dissolve the callus.

Precautions to be taken

  • While using any of these tools such as sandpaper or pumice stone, do not rub them vigorously on the callus
  • Do not try to peel off the callus in one go. It can cause injury, pain or infection on the skin
  • Never pick on the calluses. It might aggravate the condition
  • You can take basic prevention measures such as moisturizing your hands and using hand gloves


In case you have callused hands due to any reason, there is nothing much to worry about. These could be formed due to many reasons right from a severe one to a callus on hand for no reason. However, the good news is that there are multiple natural and other treatments on how to get rid of calluses on hands. Also, this is a widespread thing that most of the people experience. So while you work on how to treat your calluses, be patient, and you will surely get results.

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