10 Remarkable Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot

Updated on February 25th, 2020
athletes foot

Do you feel itchy, burning, and stinging sensation between your toes? These are the symptoms of athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that affects the skin on the feet, which is highly contagious. The condition is medically known as tinea pedis.

The fungal infection can also spread to the hands and toenails. The symptoms include dry skin on the sides of the feet and soles. The condition is called athlete’s foot because it is mostly seen in athletes.

There are various creams and anti-fungal gels to treat athlete’s foot, but what if we say that there are incredible natural remedies for athlete’s foot. Amazed? Well, read on to explore the great benefits of home remedies for athlete’s foot and how to use them.

Did You Know!

  • According to specific sources, 3-15% of the population is affected by athlete’s foot. Out of these men and older adults are more likely to get it.
  • On an average 20% of the Americans are infected with tinea pedis

Effective Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot

Here are the remarkable home remedies for athlete’s foot. Home remedies that include tea tree oil, ginger, garlic, sea salt, and foot soak are beneficial and improve tinea pedis(1).

Read on to explore the extensive benefits and how to use them.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Athlete’s Foot]

1. Tea Tree Oil for Athlete’s Foot

Tea tree oil for Athlete’s Foot

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree. The tea tree is famously known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Tea tree oil was more effective at killing fungi than several other anti-fungal agents. Just 31% of the people who used a placebo were cured, while the oil cures athlete’s foot in 64% of the people.

How to Use?

  • Take 12 drops of tea tree oil and 30 ml of carrier oils like almond or coconut oil
  • Add the tea tree oil to carrier oil of your choice
  • Stir the mixture well
  • Apply the mixture to affected foot and let it dry
  • You can also add some water and use as a foot soak

How Much to Use?

Do it regularly for 2-3 times a day


Always use carrier oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil of your choice. Don’t apply directly to your foot as it can cause inflammation and burning sensation.

2. Garlic for Athlete’s Foot

Garlic has a long history of medicinal use, and numerous studies claim garlic to be effective against bacteria and fungi. Garlic is an effective topical treatment for athlete’s foot. A study even found that a derivative of garlic alone results in a complete cure in 79% of people who used garlic for athlete’s foot after seven days.

Garlic is rich in compounds such as allicin and ajoene that impart anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties to it. Garlic’s topical application does wonders in getting rid of the athlete’s food and its painful symptoms.

How to Use?

  • Have two garlic cloves and peel the skin
  • Mince the cloves to form a thick garlic paste
  • Add 2-3 drops of olive oil or coconut oil to this paste
  • Blend the mixture well
  • Apply the mixture to affected regions
  • Let it dry and leave it for 15-25 minutes and wash it off with water

How Much to Use?

Do it regularly for at least 2 times a day until you notice an improvement in your condition

3. Baking Soda for Athlete’s Foot

baking soda benefits
Image: ShutterStock

Baking soda is readily available in most of the kitchens. It is also an effective way to cure athlete’s foot. Research says that sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) does have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effects when used directly on the skin.

Baking soda is a natural antiseptic that helps prevent the development of secondary infections in the affected foot. It keeps the area moisture-free and makes it uninhabitable for the fungi responsible for causing the infection.

How to Use?

  • Mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda with a few drops of water
  • Mix the mixture well and form a thick paste
  • Apply the paste to affected regions
  • Let it dry and wash it off after some minutes

How Much to Use?

Do this 2-3 times daily for effective results

[Also Read: Benefits of Baking Soda for Athlete’s Foot]

4. Foot Soak for Athlete’s Foot

For a mild form of athlete’s foot, you can use vinegar foot soak. As vinegar has anti-fungal effects, soaking your foot daily in a vinegar foot bath can help fight off fungal infections, including athlete’s foot. Vinegar is not harmful to feet but still use it in diluted forms. Read on to know how to use vinegar for a foot soak.

How to Use?

  • Take 1 part of vinegar in 2 parts of water
  • Wash your foot properly first with soap and water
  • Then soak your foot in the vinegar and water solution at least 10-15 minutes daily
  • Apple cider vinegar foot soak can also be used to treat athlete’s foot

How Much to Use?

Do this remedy twice a day for faster improvement in the athlete’s foot.

5. Coconut oil for Athlete’s Foot

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another remarkable home remedy for athlete’s foot. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that have anti-fungal effects on the skin. Caprylic acid, derived from coconut oil, has been used with various herbs for making multiple anti-fungal drugs.

The oil also contains lauric acid and capric acid also disrupts the cell membrane of the fungus. The anti-inflammatory properties soothe the affected region, and anti-fungal effects destroy the tinea pedis fungus. Research also suggests that people are less prone to fungal infections in places where coconut oil is used in the diet.

How to Use?

  • Take 3-4 drops of coconut oil and apply to the affected region
  • Keep it on for 30 minutes or allow it to be absorbed
  • Wash it off the water, and pat it dry

How Much to Use?

Do it regularly for 3-4 times a day at equal intervals

[Also Read: Benefits of Coconut Oil for Athlete’s Foot]

6. Apple Cider Vinegar for Athlete’s Foot

Apple cider vinegar is high in anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. The natural home remedy is quite beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation. With its anti-fungal properties and anti-bacterial effects, apple cider vinegar destroys the fungal infection responsible for causing athletes foot.

Keep reading to know how to use apple cider vinegar for the condition.

How to Use?

  • Take half a cup of apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of warm water
  • In a bowl, add apple cider vinegar with water
  • Soak your foot in this solution for 15-20 minutes
  • Pat it dry

How Much to Use?

Do this home remedy at least twice or thrice a day for best results

[Read: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Athlete’s Foot]

7. Ginger for Athlete’s Foot

Ginger Benefits

Ginger is another medicinal herb that can be used to treat athlete’s foot. Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties that help get rid of the bad odor and inflammation associated with the condition. Ginger will have a pleasantly spicy smell.

How to Use?

  • Take organic fresh ginger and chop them into tiny slices
  • Add one ounce of ginger to a cup of boiling water, simmer for 15-20 minutes
  • Allow it to cool and apply the mixture on the affected area

How Much to Use?

Apply twice a day to clean foot and to obtain beneficial results on athlete’s foot

8. Sea Salt Baths for Athlete’s Foot

The sea salt has amazing anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effects, making it an excellent natural remedy for athlete’s foot and its painful symptoms. The sea salt baths hinder the spread and growth of athletes’ foot.

Also, sea salt helps cleanse the pores on your skin and balances oil production and retains moisture on your skin. The minerals present in the sea salt nourishes the skin, and the anti-bacterial properties discourage the growth of bacteria. Read on to know how to use sea salt in baths.

How to Use?

  • Take 2 tablespoons of sea salt and 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • Add vinegar to sea salt and make it as a thick paste
  • Apply the paste on the affected region
  • Dissolve a cup of sea salt into a warm foot bath
  • Soak your foot for at least 15-30 minutes
  • Pat dry it once over

How Much to Use?

Follow this natural remedy for twice a day

9. Turmeric for Athlete’s Foot


You’ll well know that turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, that possesses potent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties well treat athlete’s foot and its painful symptoms. Researches suggest that turmeric is a promising home remedy for athlete’s foot.

How to Use?

  • Have a teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Add a few drops of water to the turmeric powder to make it a paste
  • Apply the paste to the affected region and let it dry
  • Leave it on 15-25 minutes and rinse it off with water

How Much to Use?

Do it twice a day for remarkable benefits

10. Rubbing Alcohol for Athlete’s Foot

Many people in their house have rubbing alcohol on hands to clean cuts. Rubbing alcohol is similar to hydrogen peroxide and kills off the fungus on the surface of the skin. The rubbing alcohol is antiseptic and thus prevents the spread of infection in the foot. Also, rubbing alcohol helps to stop bleeding and prevents blood flow on skin cuts.

How to Use?

  • Take 2-3 drops of rubbing alcohol and directly apply to the affected region
  • You can also soak your foot in a footbath of 70-75% rubbing alcohol for 30 minutes

How Much to Use?

Do it twice a day for good results

Tips to Prevent Athlete’s foot

Here are some tips to prevent athlete’s foot. Read on.

  1. Wash your feet daily with water and soap to kill the fungus
  2. Dry your feet after every wash
  3. Apply anti-fungal or anti-bacterial powder or cream prescribed by your doctor on your foot regularly
  4. Wear socks made of breathable fibers such as cotton
  5. Do not share your towels, socks, and shoes with others
  6. Avoid wearing tight, closed shoes
  7. Avoid visiting public places with barefoot, especially to showers, and swimming pools
  8. Wash your socks and change them daily

Bottom Line

Healthy feet are happy feet! The home remedies for athlete’s foot, such as tea tree oil, garlic, turmeric, and ginger contain natural anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties, and anti-inflammatory properties. Various anti-fungal medications and creams can be used orally or topically, but sometimes they can cause specific side effects.

Using these effective natural remedies cures the condition and provides relief in various symptoms. The natural home remedies discussed do not cause any harm to your foot or toenails. However, if you still feel itchy, burning, or pain in your foot, it is advised to consult with your physician or health care provider. Embrace the goodness of natural home remedies for athlete’s foot and live a happy life.

Also Read:

Benefits of Bleach Soak for Athlete’s Foot

Benefits of Baking Soda for Athlete’s Foot


1. What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot?

The possible symptoms of athlete’s foot include burning, itching, and burning between your soles of your feet and toes, thick, discoloured and crumby toenails, peeling skin on your feet, dry skin on your soles or sides of your feet, blisters on your foot that itch, and raw skin on your feet.

2. What are the causes of athlete’s foot?

Athlete’s foot is usually caused by fungi that infect the skin (dermatophytes). These fungi and germs can enter the skin through small wounds or cracks and affect the top layer. The fungus also catches you from the infected person by touching surfaces contaminated with the fungus.

3. What home remedies are most effective for athlete’s foot?

Various home remedies are used in treating athlete’s foot, including hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, neem oil, garlic, sea salt baths, talcum powder and hairdryer, and baking soda. Keeping your feet clean and letting them breathe are some lifestyle changes you can adapt as well.

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