GM Diet – A Complete Guide for Health

Updated on February 15th, 2020
gm diet

GM Diet, which is also known as General Motors Diet, a seven-day diet plan that promises to reduce up to 15 pounds of weight. This diet focuses on eating every food group every day but only one day. The main idea of this diet plan is to stimulate weight loss and burn fat faster as compared to other diets.

As already mentioned, the GM diet is made up of 7 days of dieting with some strict rules. It can help in achieving the following:

  1. Flushes out the toxins from the body
  2. Improves digestion
  3. Enhances the body’s ability to burn fat

The supporters of the diet claim that this diet plan works because it consists of consuming low-calorie foods and some ‘negative calorie food.’ Negative calorie foods are the ones that provide fewer calories as compared to what they take to digest.

Benefits of GM Diet

GM diet plan offers several benefits. They are:

  1. The body gets replenished with nutrients because of the consumption of fruits and vegetables. They also offer the ample body amounts of fiber, which improves gut health.
  2. GM diet initiates detoxification of the body by eliminating the amount of sugar consumed in 7 days, improving a range of health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc.
  3. GM diet results in better digestion and metabolism.
  4. It can also cure health problems like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.
  5. The diet claims to improve the quality and appearance of the skin and also enhances mood.

[ Read: Benefits of Cutting Diet ]

Foods to Include in GM Diet – 7 Day Diet Plan

Here is a seven-day GM Diet Plan with details of every day.

Day 1: Fruits

Fresh Fruits health

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body for vital functions. They also provide the much-needed hydration along with fibers. You can eat a bowlful of fruits like apples, oranges, watermelon, kiwi, strawberries, blackberries, and cantaloupe. The rule is to eat just fruits on day one, so for every meal, you have to consume fruits.

A bowl of fruit should be substantial enough to fill up your stomach. You may increase or decrease the number of fruits based on your hunger. The point is to fill up the stomach – this diet does not need you to stay hungry.

[ Read: Healthier Fruits to Eat ]

Day 2: Vegetables

Day 2 is dedicated to vegetables(1). You can start your day with sweet or baked potatoes and get healthier as you go by eating salad bowls of lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, kale, asparagus, and cucumbers. You can eat both cooked or raw vegetables. Again, the quantity depends on your capacity.

Day 3: Fruits and Vegetables

On day 3, you need to consume both fruits and vegetables. The only rule is to avoid bananas and potatoes. You can follow the same recipes that you consumed on day 1 and day 2.

You can eat bowls of fruit and vegetables together or alternately as you get hungry throughout the day. It is important to follow strict meal times.

Day 4: Bananas and Milk

Bananas and Milk

On day 4, you have to eat only bananas along with milk. You can eat whole bananas and then consume milk, or you can mix them both to create a smoothie. No other fruit or vegetable is allowed on this day. The only ingredient that you can add to these two items is ice. You can also have wonder soup for lunch and dinner.

Have three meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with two snack breaks.

[ Read: Japanese Diet Benefits ]

Day 5: Meat

Day 5 is meant for eating meat. Your meat can come from chicken, fish, or beef. You have to consume 20 ounces of meat. If you are vegetarian, you can replace meat with cottage cheese or brown rice.

You can create different low-fat recipes out of meat or cheese and consume it with tomatoes. Three meals and two snacks are prescribed for this day, along with 4 cups of water.

Day 6: Meat and Vegetables

On day 6, you have to eat meat with vegetables. The limit of meat is 20 ounces, while you can consume unlimited raw or cooked vegetables. You have to skip eating tomatoes and potatoes. Vegetarians can eat cottage cheese with vegetables or brown rice.

You can consume the GM diet wonder soup as a snack and with dinner.

Day 7: Rice, Fruit, and Vegetables

The last day of the GM diet requires you to consume fruit, brown rice, and vegetables. You can also consume sugar-free juice on this day.

You can cook your vegetables or eat them raw. Additionally, you can consume the wonder soup as a snack if you get hunger pangs.

[ Read: Wheat Belly Diet ]

Foods to Avoid in GM Diet

The GM diet is mostly liquid-based and eliminates many food items. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the diet restricts the consumption of beverages and foods that have added sugars. The following foods must be avoided in the GM diet:

  • Sweeteners
  • High-calorie beverages
  • Beans
  • Pork
  • Dairy
  • Beef
  • White rice
  • Mangoes
  • Cherries

You should also avoid or limit eating potatoes and other high-carb vegetables and fruits.

Drawbacks of GM Diet

There are several disadvantages associated with the GM diet. The biggest one is that there is no proper research or study that supports the efficacy of this diet plan, rendering it a gimmick diet.

Furthermore, the GM diet robs the body of important nutrients. It is not a well-balanced diet and can lead to feeling hungry on most days. The protein intake on most of the days is way less than the daily requirement of our body. This diet also lacks essential nutrients like calcium(2), iron, fat, and vitamin B12.

On top of it all, weight loss caused by the GM diet may be temporary. It is difficult to maintain the weight you lose because of the diet, as you may regain it after switching to your regular diet. One must be careful not to rely on the GM diet as a sustainable weight loss method.

Final Take

GM diet can be a good first step for your weight loss journey, but it cannot become your mantra for staying fit. You will have to switch to a healthy diet eventually and an effective exercise routine to keep your weight in control and stay healthy.

[ Read: Morning Banana Diet ]


1. Can we eat mushrooms in the GM diet?

Yes, you can eat mushrooms in the GM diet. You can add them to salads or cook them with the vegetables.

2. Is onion allowed in the GM diet?

You can eat onions in the GM diet. It can give a good taste to your salads and low-fat recipes of meat.

3. Does cabbage burn fat?

Cabbage is a low-calorie vegetable that can help with weight loss when combined with a diet plan and exercise.

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