10 Essential Oils for Efficient Treatment of Eczema

Updated on February 10th, 2020
essential oils for eczema

The word Eczema draws its meaning from a Greek term that means ‘to boil out.’ It is a type of skin inflammation that is characterized by rashes, itchiness, blisters, and redness. There are chemical treatments to fix eczema but can lead to further side effects.

There are several ways in which eczema can manifest itself both in children and adults. Fortunately, researchers have found some excellent essential oils for eczema treatment, so read along to know more about them!

Types, Symptoms, and Causes of Eczema

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is described as a type of skin inflammation, and people often get confused between eczema and psoriasis. Eczema is a highly prevalent condition, but with the right treatment, eczema symptoms are treatable to a considerable extent. Although, one may experience occasional flare-ups on the skin.


Eczema(1) is of seven kinds, and factors such as an individual’s age, exposure to the environment as well as family history determine its occurrence. Given below are the seven different types of eczema.

  • Atopic eczema
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Dyshidrotic eczema
  • Discoid eczema
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Varicose eczema
  • Asteatotic eczema


The primary symptoms associated with eczema include:-

  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Severe itching
  • Swelling in affected areas
  • Scaly patches of skin
  • Crusting or oozing skin
  • Sensitive, dry skin
  • Dark colored skin patches


The exact cause of severe eczema is unknown, but the following factors can trigger it:

  • Genetic factors
  • Allergens from dandruff, pollen, etc.
  • Chemical irritants in detergents, soaps, etc.
  • Sudden temperature shift
  • Micro-organisms like fungi, viruses, and bacteria
  • Food allergies
  • Clothing made of synthetic or woolen fibers

[Also Read: Natural Remedies for Dandruff]

Essential Oils

The main problem of eczema is the irritating rash and an overwhelming urge to itch. If one scratches the rash, then the condition only becomes more severe, this is why many of us wonder how to get rid of the eczema rash.

There are many creams, gels, and ointments available for the same. However, the effectiveness of home remedies surpasses all human-made treatments. Ibuprofen and aspirin are two examples of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to control the symptoms of eczema, but they have severe long-term effects on other organs of the body.

In such a situation, one can opt for essential oils for eczema. They have natural healing properties, a sweet smell and are safe to apply to all kinds of affected areas. Her e is a list of top 10 essential oils for eczema.

[ Read: Best Remedies To Cure Eczema ]

Given below are the top essential oils for eczema that aid in treating tough rashes, blisters, scaly skin patches as well as other symptoms associated with eczema.

1. Tea Tree Oil

The tea tree oil is extracted from the Australian tea tree Melaleuca Alternifolia. It is used to treat various skin disorders, hair problems, and flu-like symptoms.

Why to use?

The research concluded that tea tree oil is more useful to get rid of eczema’s symptoms than topical treatments of ichthammol or zinc oxide.

Moreover, it is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, heals wounds, relieves itching and can reduce dandruff as its anti-fungal as well. A unique compound “Terpinen-4-ol” helps to reduce swelling, redness, and irritation related to eczema.

How to use?

If the tea tree oil is in its natural state, then it can be highly potent. It should typically be used externally through a carrier mix such as coconut or almond oil.

Under any condition, only 4-5 drops of this oil have to be used otherwise one might experience side effects. Since its essence is strong, we recommend that you apply it on a small patch of skin and if in the next 24 hours, no irritation appears, then it’s safe to use.

2. Bergamot Oil

Bergamot smells citrusy and fresh, and its oil is drawn from an orange that’s native to Italy(2). It has been used for centuries as an energizing and moos boosting natural agent.

Why to use?

According to research, this oil had shown a reduction in inflammation by 63% and also lowered CO-3 enzyme by 21%, with a 0.10 mL/ kg concentration. It has antimicrobial properties and also stimulates the growth of new cells by replacing dark-dead cells in the affected area.

How to use?

Bergamot oil is not meant for oral consumption and offers the best results when used along with a carrier. You can use coconut oil to dilute the bergamot oil and under all circumstances do ensure to keep the concentration of bergamot oil lower. Massage the mix onto the skin for a few minutes or leave it overnight to yield best results.

3. Clove Oil

clove oil for eczema

Clove oil is not known to many, but it has some fantastic benefits that help to relieve swelling and inflammation. It’s a warm essence also makes it ideal to treat cold symptoms.

Why to use?

Cloves are mainly composed of eugenol, a substance that is a natural antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties. This oil can suppress the COX-2 by 40% if applied regularly for a period. Being a natural cleanser and consisting of antimicrobial as well as antibacterial properties, this oil can readily reduce one’s eczema symptoms.

How to use?

Since clove is inherently warm and extremely potent, it’s advisable that its oil is usable in the form of a paste, lotion or mix. You can mix honey, a few drops of clove oil and baking soda to restore the pH balance of the affected area’s skin. Alternative methods include mixing 3-4 drops of clove oil with light carriers such as coconut oil and applying it directly to the affected surface.

4. Thyme Oil

Using thyme in various home remedies to treat swelling, pain, and rashes is an age-old practice. It has been found to have positive effects on eczema, psoriasis, and MRSA too.

Why to use?

Thyme essential oils contain an organic compound, carvacrol, that primarily functions as a natural defense against all kinds of inflammation, infection, swelling and itchy pain. These properties enable it to treat eczema, and impressively it lowers the COX-2 enzyme’s presence by 65%. Hence, it can be used to curb redness and irritation that arises out of the dry-scaly patches.

How to use?

One can mix the thyme oil in carries or apply it directly to the affected area. Lightly massaging the oil can render satisfactory results as well.

5. Rose Oil

The oil of rose has a sweet, flowery fragrance which can uplift one’s mood. It is known as an anti-depressant along with having aphrodisiac properties.

Why to use?

According to various studies, rose oil has anti-inflammatory properties which can readily reduce redness, irritation, and swelling of the affected skin area. It can lower COX-2 by 30%. A compound known as eugenol is also present in rose oil, this has antiseptic properties which prevent the growth of bacteria on one’s skin.

How to use?

Since rose oil is light in essence, it can be applied directly. Using it twice a day offers the best results. For more significant impact, you can use rose oil with other stronger oils such as bergamot or clove oil.

6. Chamomile Oil

chamomile oil for eczema

For many years, chamomile is a part of home remedies as a sedative. Its rich, sweet, fruity essence has fantastic calming effects. Both German and Roman Chamomile has numerous health benefits(3).

Why to use?

Chamomile oil has anti-inflammatory properties. When compared to other steroid creams and allopathic ointments, this oil has been found to be superior in reducing redness, irritation, and pain that occurs during an eczema outbreak. So those who wish to get rid of the eczema pain should use chamomile oil.

How to use?

This oil is mixable with carriers such as jojoba oil, almond oil, eucalyptus oil or coconut oil. It is possible to apply it directly and for best results massage the affected skin area and leave it overnight.

7. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has incredible soothing and calming properties which help it to act as a natural stress reliever, which helps in getting rid of Eczema.

Why to use?

There are powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties present in lavender oil that enable it to control skin infections as well as reduce the pain caused by skin infections.

How to use?

Take a few drops of the oil in your hands and apply it gently over the affected area. Repeat this regularly for better results.

8. Geranium Oil

Geranium oil possesses excellent anti-inflammatory properties that help to get rid of skin infections and itchiness.

Why to use?

Geranium oil helps to get rid of skin itchiness and skin infections caused due to eczema with its soothing and calming effect.

How to use?

Mix a few drops of the geranium oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply it gently over the affected area twice a day.

9. Basil Oil

Basil oil has excellent soothing properties that help get rid of skin infections.

Why to use?

Basil oil helps reduce skin inflammation and infections with help of its calming properties.

How to use?

Mix a few drops of the basil essential oil with olive oil and apply gently over the affected area for long-lasting relief.

10. Sandalwood Oil

In addition to being a fragrant essential oil, sandalwood oil also offers significant relief from eczema.

Why to use?

Sandalwood Oil has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties which help in various skin conditions like redness, swelling, dry skin and inflammation.

How to use?

Take a few drops of the sandalwood essential oil and apply over the affected area for quick relief.

Risks and Precautions

Caution has to be taken care of while using essential oils for Eczema. One should consider the side-effects they can have, and we recommend that potent oils must not be given to young children, pregnant women as well as breastfeeding women. Moreover, by buying virgin or cold-pressed versions of these oils, you can ensure that the product is free from all types of chemicals.

Other Home Remedies

Apart from the useful natural remedies mentioned above for treating cold and flu symptoms, you can also benefit from the following home remedies:-

Apply Aloe Vera

Natural Aloe Vera gel has cooling effects so applying the same to the affected skin can reduce itchiness and irritation to a large extent.

Incorporate turmeric into your diet

Turmeric readily helps to lessen inflammation, and the presence of curcumin in this spice helps to fight free radicals. It serves as an antioxidant and fosters wound healing significantly. So eating one spoonful of turmeric every day can reduce eczema’s symptoms.

Use of a humidifier

Eczema can occur because of dry weather conditions. So to induce moisture in your surroundings, you should sleep with a cool mist humidifier, especially in cold-weather months. Doing so will enable your skin to retain moisture.

Essential oils for eczema work wonders if taken in the right amount. They can help relieve pain, irritation as well as swelling that is common in eczema patients. Essential oils are the best way to treat eczema as it is natural and free of products laden with chemicals and which carry side-effects. Using essential oils will ensure a safe and organic way of dealing with this skin condition.


1. What Are Some Signs That Indicate the Presence of Infection in Eczema?

In case of severe eczema, the chances of infection are more. If the skin has developed blisters, pustules or dry crusts, if it’s weeping a yellowish fluid and you see swollen glands in the armpit, groin or neck area, then it means infection in eczema. In such a situation you must visit a specialist at the earliest.

2. Is Eczema Contagious?

Eczema can result from hereditary causes or exposure to certain substances or allergens. Therefore, it is not contagious and is not transferable from one person to the other.

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