Effective Benefits of Using Coconut Oil for Oily Skin

Updated on November 27th, 2019
Coconut Oil for Oily Skin

Coconut oil has some proven benefits for the skin. But, its effectiveness against oily skin often makes people skeptical as it is often believed to make oily skin oilier and prone to acne.

So, does it really treat oily skin? When the skin starts to go dry, the body receives a signal and it starts producing sebum-an oily secretion from the sebaceous glands.

Sebum provides ample moisturization to the skin and the body stops its secretion once moisturization levels are met. However, when sebum is produced in excess, it often leads to oily skin and consequently causes acne breakouts.

Coconut oil is a carrier of compounds that have the potential to mimic the sebum. These compounds are known as medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs and are also found in the sebum produced by the human body.

When coconut oil is applied to the skin, it gives the body a sense that ample sebum has been produced and reduces the secretion of the oil. As a result, coconut oil for oily skin proves to be an effective remedy.

Did You Know?

  1. Coconut oil can boost fat burning. The medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil can increase the number of calories burnt when compared to the number of calories burnt from longer chain fats.
  2. Fifty percent of fatty acids found in coconut oil contain 12-carbon lauric acid. When this acid is digested in the body, it forms a substance called monolaurin. These two compounds are highly effective in killing pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.

Coconut Oil Benefits for Oily Skin

coconut oil benefits

When the skin produces oil in excess, applying coconut oil provides exfoliation to the skin. The nourishing coconut oil breaks up and dissolves the overproduced oil while providing protection to the natural lipid barrier of the skin.

There are some researches that have also suggested that the application of coconut oil for oily skin(1) can impact the quality of sebum instead of its quantity. Therefore, cleaning the face with coconut oil or using it a facial moisturizer can work wonders while treating oily skin.

Oily skin often leads to acne breakouts and acne-prone skin is often suspectable to damage. The damage caused due to acne breakouts often leads to scarring.

Moisturization of the skin is an important step towards keeping it healthy since this moisture is used by the skin to fight infections and promote healing.

Researches have suggested that using coconut oil as a moisturizer is as effective as any mineral oil. Moreover, coconut oil can help the skin heal and prevent scarring.

[Read: Coconut Oil For Skin]

Which is the Best Coconut Oil for Oily Skin?

There is a plethora of coconut oil options available in the market which can make choosing the right coconut oil for oily skin a little difficult. There are many types of coconut oils in the market to choose from. These include refined, unrefined, and liquid coconut oil.

Unrefined coconut is the oil extracted from fresh coconut meat. The extraction is done using procedures like wet-milling or quick dying. These processes help in keeping the phytonutrients and polyphenols found in the coconut in place.

Refined coconut oil(2) is extracted from dried coconut meat using chemical solvents or by physical extraction procedures. When these extraction processes are used, they must undergo a refining process. This purification process can make the oil lose its essential nutrients.

Liquid coconut oil is a form of coconut oil from which lauric acid has been removed.

Considering the amount of refining it goes through, unrefined coconut oil is best suited for application on the skin. Make sure that you pick coconut oil which has been marked as virgin, raw, or cold-pressed.

Interesting Facts About Coconut Oil

  1. Coconut oil can boost the functioning of the brain. There have been studies that show the positive effects of fatty acids present in coconut oil on the functioning of the brain. In fact, the use of coconut oil can boost the functioning of the brain in Alzheimer’s patients also.
  2. The use of coconut oil has also been associated with reduced hunger cravings. It has also been an effective remedy to make you feel full for a longer time. A study showed that people who consumed MCTs in breakfast consumed lesser calories during lunchtime.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Oily Skin?

oily skin
Image: ShutterStock

People with oily skin need to be extremely particular about the use of coconut oil since its incorrect usage can make the skin look oilier. So, here are steps that you can follow to reduce oil on the skin.

Step 1:

Remove all the dirt, excess oil, and soft plugs from the skin using a cleanser. Doing this will let your skin absorb coconut oil better. If you are wearing any makeup, remove it using liquid coconut oil before washing the face.

Step 2:

Dab and apply a vert think layer of coconut oil on your face. Make sure that you dab and spread the oil evenly on your face.

Step 3:

When you are using coconut oil for oily skin, make sure that you wash your face twice daily-once in the morning and once before going to bed at night.

With time, the skin will start getting less oily and eventually, acne breakouts will also decrease.


1. How Is Coconut Oil Good for the Skin?

Coconut oil has been known for its health benefits. Therefore, many people are now using it for skincare also. It has been considered an effective remedy for hair growth but, its benefits do not end there. Coconut oil has the potential to prevent the occurrence of bacteria on the skin, to keep it moisturized, and even prevent it from oxidation.

2. What Are the Uses of Coconut Oil for Skin?

There are more than just a few benefits of coconut for the skin. It moisturizes, rejuvenates, and makes it less prone to damage. Therefore, coconut oil is considered to be one of the best skin care remedies in today’s times.

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