Why Should You Consider Having a Butcher’s Broom Every Day?

Updated on April 13th, 2020
butcher's broom

Wondering how it got its name?

Well, it gets its name because of its stiff branches that the butchers would bind together to brush the cutting blocks.

They are commonly found in the Meditteranean, Iran, and parts of Africa and grow up to a height of 3 feet. Traditionally it has been used for medicinal purposes and has been used as laxative and diuretic. It is also soaked in water or wine and consumed to treat stomach pain. It can also treat kidney stones.

To know more, let’s take a detailed look at its health benefits and uses.

Facts about Butcher’s Broom

  • The plant has been used as a supplement, especially in Africa and Europe.
  • People in Europe have used it for over 2000 years as a folk remedy.
  • The root contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that offer medicinal benefits(1).
  • Many holistic practitioners recommend using this herb to treat swelling, Raynaud’s disease, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.
  • Although it has various uses, research states it can treat only two -1) Chronic Venous Insufficiency 2) Orthostatic Hypotension.

Why Has this Gained A Lot of Attention?

1. Reduces Inflammation


Inflammation is a body’s mechanism wherein it fights against anything that causes harm to it. When the body suffers an injury, infection, or toxins, the body self heals, and it causes an inflammatory response in the body that allows the healing process.

However, the chronic inflammatory disease causes severe health issues and must be treated. Butcher’s broom benefits to repress symptoms of inflammation and reverses damage caused by inflammation in the body.

A study showed that ruscogenin present in Butcher’s Broom lowered the inflammatory markers in the body and prevented an enzyme that triggers a cartilage breakdown in patients of osteoarthritis(2).

Although there are animal studies that deduce these, more studies on humans need to be performed. It can be used locally to treat inflammatory diseases like arthritis in the body(3).

2. Improves Blood Circulation

blood circulation (1)-min
Image: Shutterstock

Poor blood flow in the body means the poor flow of nutrients and oxygen in the body. Improper circulation of blood can cause obesity, poor cardiac health, diabetes, and coronary artery diseases.

Herbal medicines made from extracts of butcher’s broom are effective in treating CVI, also known as chronic vein insufficiency. The veins cause a painful condition in the leg that makes it difficult to circulate blood to the heart.

Studies show that the herb eases swelling in the legs around thighs and ankles and significantly reduces tension in adults suffering from CVI(4).

3. Reduces Orthostatic Hypotension

Image: ShutterStock

A drop in systolic blood pressure of 20 mm Hg or a decrease in diastolic blood pressure of 10 mm Hg within 3 minutes of being in a standing position is defined as orthostatic hypertension. This is very common in older adults and pregnant women.

Easy to notice symptoms are dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, and weakness.

Mixed studies conducted in 2010 show that the therapies and drugs used to treat this condition are overall disappointing and only alleviate marginal symptoms. Alternatively, there has been a better response when butcher’s broom was used as a supplement to treat orthostatic hypotension(5).

The research stated that it is an effective and safe alternative remedy. Being inexpensive makes it more popular. As this is effective to constrict veins in the body.

4. Heals Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Piles are swellings caused by enlarged vessels in and around the anus. As they come without any remarkable symptoms, it goes unnoticed by many. This condition is very common in older people and postpartum moms.

A study conducted to study the effects of the herb showed that 69% of the participants who took its supplements had reduced pain, swelling, and other symptoms. It is an effective treatment for piles(6).

What’s the Right Dosage?

  • Root: 1.5–2 gms per day
  • Tablets/Capsules: 200-250 mg, 2–3 times per day
  • Tinctures: 3–6 ml per day of a 1:2 herb-to-liquid ratio

Any Side Effects?

In rare cases, you could notice

Nausea, stomach aches or vomiting

Butcher’s broom could hinder the absorption of nutrients like minerals, and zinc due to saponins, plant compounds present in it.

Precautionary Measures You Need to Undertake

  • If you suffer from poor intestinal health, it is better to avoid it as it may interfere with the digestion process.
  • It may interchange with medications for blood pressure and other stimulating medicines; thus, check with your doctor before opting for it.
  • There is no much research or information to consider this as safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Always seek doctor’s advice before consumption.


The therapeutic applications of this root have been approved and can be verified by its prolonged use in traditional medicine, pharmacological studies, vitro studies, and several other clinical studies. You can utilize its benefits by consuming it in the form of oils, supplements, and creams. Avoid self-medication and consult a natural practitioner for the dosage.


1. Is butcher’s broom safe?

This is a herbal remedy that can treat symptoms of Cortical visual impairment (CVI), chronic inflammation in the body, and piles. It is safe as long as you follow the dosage and don’t self medicate on it.

2. Can this treat varicose veins?

It lowers the symptoms of discomforts caused by varicose veins and CVI.

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