Health Benefits of Black Plum Unravelled

Updated on January 14th, 2020
Black Plum

Don’t we all love the taste of this delicious fruit that leaves behind a purple patch on the tongue? Black Plum, also known as Jamun is a summer fruit of India commonly referred to as ‘Fruit of Gods’. It has a sweet and sour flavor that makes it a great snack and delightful fruit for everyone to nibble on.

Every summer, varied fruits emerge with their benefits for the season. Having this fruit every day will help to combat the heat in your body and reduce the chances of heatstroke(1) and dehydration.

Black Plum Nutrition Facts

This fruit is full of vital nutrients. Every 100 gm of it contains:

  • Calcium- 15 mg
  • Iron- 1.41 mg
  • Magnesium- 35 mg
  • Phosphorus- 15 mg
  • Sodium- 26.2 mg
  • Vitamin C- 18mg
  • Vitamin B6- 0.038 mg
  • Thiamine– 0.019 mg
  • Riboflavin- 0.009 mg
  • Niacin- 0.245 mg
  • Calories- 62 Kcal
  • Carbohydrate- 14 gm
  • Carotene- 48 ug
  • Folic acid- 3 mg
  • Fiber- 0.6 gm
  • Fat- 0.23 gm
  • Protein- 0.995 gm
  • Water- 84.75 gm

Black Plum Benefits on Our Health

  • Jamun and its leaves are beneficial for diabetic patients. This fruit converts the starch into energy and works towards keeping the blood sugar levels in check. The low glycemic index is the reason why people are advised to eat this fruit more during summers.
  • This fruit is a boon for skincare. The vitamins and minerals present in it leave you with soft, supple, and nourished skin.
  • Being rich in antioxidants acts as a preventive agent in the development of diseases. It helps to fight against the free radicals that cause damage to the body.
  • Black Plum helps to increase the hemoglobin levels in the body. This fruit has a sufficient amount of Vitamin C and Iron. Vitamin C retains the hemoglobin count of the body. People who are anemic must eat this fruit because of the iron content.
  • The iron content in the fruit helps to purify the blood and is known to be good for hair and skin.
  • Eating this fruit helps in maintaining heart health. It consists of a high amount of potassium. This factor helps to regularize blood pressure and prevent the chances of a stroke. Eating it every day will also reduce the hardening of arteries.

Methods to Utilize the Benefits of Black Plum

1. Recipe for Mouth Ulcers

You need

black plum bark, water to boil.


Take a pan, add dried barks and water and put to boil. Gradually reduce to a simmer for 30 minutes. Strain and store the liquid in a jar. Use this liquid to rinse your mouth to treat mouth ulcers.

2. Recipe for Gum Infections

Gum Infection

You need

Bark tree powder.


Dry the bark of the tree and then burn it. Use the power of the bark as a teeth powder that maintains gum health and prevents bleeding and infections.

3. Recipe for Acidity

You need

Jamun fruit, black salt, roasted cumin powder.


Mix the fruit with roasted cumin and salt. Eat twice a week to resolve all your acidity problems. You can also have after meals for better digestion.

4. Recipe for Acne

Women with Acne Scars

You need

Black Plum seeds, milk.


Crush the seeds and add some milk to it. Apply before going to sleep to your face and wash in the morning.

This face mask helps to treat acne(2) and reduce the reoccurrence of those.

5. Recipe for Oily Skin

You need

Pulp of the black plum fruit, amla juice, rose water, and barley flour.


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply this face mask on clean skin. Let it dry and then rinse it with cold water.

Do this every day to get rid of oily skin.


  • Although it is a beneficial fruit, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers must avoid it completely.
  • It must not be consumed two weeks before surgery unless approved by the doctor, as the fruit can lower your blood sugar levels.
  • This fruit should not be consumed on an empty stomach.
  • Avoid drinking milk after eating this fruit.
  • Overeating can lead to health problems like fever and body ache.
  • Avoid over-eating as it can lead to the accumulation of cough in the lungs.

[Read: Benefits of Golden Kiwi]

Black Plum can be consumed in various forms, and each of them offers plenty of health and medicinal benefits. As it’s a seasonal fruit, the best time to consume it would be in June, July, and August. The juice of the fruit enhances the immune system and can treat diseases like piles, hemorrhoids, urine retention, and many digestive problems.


1. Can I Have Black Plum If I Am Diabetic?

Yes, it is safe as long as you eat it in moderation. This fruit is known to lower blood sugar levels and is not a hassle for diabetic patients.

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