8 Best Supplements to Cure Tendonitis

Updated on March 26th, 2020
supplements for tendonitis

Tendonitis (tendinitis) is the inflammation of any tendon in the body. Tendons are a band of thick fibrous connective tissues that connect muscles to the bone. Tendonitis is often caused by continuous stress which is a result of heavy and prolonged activity. For example, you work out your shoulder regularly at the gym without proper warm-up and rest and end up inflaming the tendon in the shoulder.

Did You Know!

Tendonitis tends to cause more pain at night or when you wake up than the day. This is due to the fact that your joints are still all night.

Proper exercise and right nutrition are how you can heal tendonitis. There are specific minerals and vitamins you need in order to help your body repair the inflamed tendon, and you may not be able to get them in adequate amounts from your diet. Taking supplements will help you get the right nutrition needed to cure tendonitis effectively.

Supplements for Tendonitis

Certain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients promote healing and reduce inflammation caused by tendonitis. They help in relieving pain and in the recovery process(1). While these nutrients can be obtained naturally from food, you may not be able to get the adequate amount needed per day, every day. Supplements are required to substitute this need for nutrition.

Here, we list eight nutrients that are vital in tendonitis recovery and also list the natural foods that you can get them from. You can get supplements for each of these over the counter or through a prescription. Do not consume more than the allowed dietary limit.

1. Vitamin C

Why Use?

Vitamin C helps reduce inflammation in addition to synthesizing collagen that is needed for tissue repair. It is one of the most needed vitamins for tendonitis.

How To Use?

You can get Vitamin C from food such as spinach, kale, and citrus fruits, but taking supplements will help you get the daily required amount. You may not be able to hit the daily amount through food only, so consider taking supplements after consulting with a physician.

How Much To Use?

The recommended dietary allowance is 60 mg/d. Take vitamin C supplements daily or as prescribed by your doctor.

2. Omega-3

omega 3 rich food
Source: ShutterStock

Why Use?

Omega-3 fatty acids contain anti-inflammatory compounds that help in the treatment of tendonitis. Most Omega-3 supplements also contain Vitamin D, a vital nutrient that improves Calcium absorption.

How To Use?

You can get omega-3 fats from fatty fish like salmon, sardines and tuna, or through supplements like cod liver oil capsules. Cod liver oil capsules are one of the best supplements for tendonitis.

How Much To Use?

250–500 mg is the RDA(2) for Omega-3. You can take 1 fish oil capsule a day, more if prescribed by a doctor.

[Read: How to Treat Tendonitis Naturally?

3. Bromelain

Why Use?

Bromelain contains anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling of an inflamed tendon, and also helps relieve pain caused by tendonitis. The pain you experience when you have tendonitis is often due to inflammation, and anti-inflammatory foods help relieve this pain.

How To Use?

Raw papaya and pineapples are foods that are rich in bromelain. You can use bromelain supplements to help you get an adequate required amount daily.

How Much To Use?

80 mg- 300 mg per day or as prescribed by your doctor.

4. Vitamin A

vitamin A

Why Use?

Vitamin A supports cell growth, boosts immune system functioning, and promotes healing. It is an essential nutrient needed to stay fit and heal injuries like tendonitis.

How To Use?

Food like eggs, fortified skimmed milk, oranges, broccoli, and spinach are rich in vitamin A. Take supplements after consulting with a doctor to get your daily required amounts of Vitamin A.

How Much To Use?

The RDA ( recommended daily amount) for Vitamin A is 700 mcg – 900 micrograms (mcg).

5. Vitamin E

Why Use?

Consuming Vitamin E through supplements helps boost immune function and also helps reduce inflammation. This helps reduce the swelling of the tendons and provides relief form tendonitis pain.

How To Use?

Certain nuts, seeds, and vegetable-based oils are common foods for Vitamin E. Consult a doctor and take Vitamin E supplements to get the required daily amount.

How Much To Use?

The RDA ( recommended daily amount) for Vitamin E is 15 milligrams a day.

6. Zinc


Why Use?

Zinc, like Vitamin C, promotes collagen synthesis that helps in tissue repair. It is also required for a healthy immune system. Zinc is an important nutrient that promotes wound healing and growth and development.

How To Use?

Your body needs external sources of zinc. Beans, animal meats, nuts, fish, whole grain cereals, and dairy products are great sources of zinc. Considering its importance, visit a physician and start taking zinc supplements to get the required daily amount of zinc.

How Much To Use?

The RDA ( recommended daily amount) for zinc is 8-11 mg per day.

[Read: Essential Oils to Heal Tendonitis]

7. Collagen

Why Use?

Tendonitis is caused by the degeneration of collagen in the tendon due to chronic overuse. Consuming collagen is important to help repair damaged tissues.

How To Use?

Foods rich in Vitamin C (leafy greens, citrus fruits, broccoli, and red peppers), Zinc and Copper (Oysters) are great sources of collagen. Consider taking collagen supplements for tendon health.

How Much To Use?

Consuming 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram should give you an adequate amount of collagen per day.

8. Turmeric

turmeric benefits

Why Use?

You can take turmeric for tendonitis because the bioactive compounds in turmeric promote healing and help reduce inflammation of the tendons. It is often prescribed for joint, muscle, and bone ailments.

How To Use?

Adding turmeric to your daily diet is often enough to get its benefits. However, you can take turmeric supplements to get the exact required daily amount. This is suggested for when you are recovering from an injury like tendonitis.

[Read: Cold and Heat Treatments for Tendonitis]

How Much To Use?

Curcumin in turmeric provides anti-inflammatory effects and you need 500 to 1,000 mg of curcuminoids per day. Check the curcumin dosage in capsules before consuming.

Bottom Line

For someone who prefers constant activity, tendonitis can be quite frustrating. This is usually because the pain and stiffness caused by tendonitis restrict movement and regular activity. You might be tempted to resume exercise or physical activity when you feel slightly better, but this will only lead to increased aggravation of the tendon.

Further aggravation can lead to increased damage or even a tear that might need surgery to fix. Complete rest and prescribed movements must be followed to completely heal a damaged tendon.

Along with exercise, get the required nutrition to aid recovery and relieve pain. With proper rest, diet and physical therapy, you will be able to get back the normal use of the joint.


1. Do Certain Foods Help with Tendonitis?

Yes, physical therapy has to be complemented with anti-inflammatory and repair boosting nutrients like Vitamin C, A, and E, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, etc.

2. When Should I See a Doctor?

When you first experience the pain, if it is unbearable, or if mild pain does not subside after 6-8 weeks of therapy, you may need to visit a doctor and undergo surgery. These are often rare cases.

3. What Does Tendonitis Feel Like?

Tendonitis often leads to sharp pain in the affected area, but usually only when you move the joint or at certain angles. People usually don’t feel continuous aching pain, although it could occur of the inflammation is severe. You might also feel tightness in the join, which along with the pain will immobilize the joint.

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