Peanuts for Weight Loss: Does it Work?

Updated on December 6th, 2019
Weight Loss

Peanuts are rich in several nutrients. Consuming these nuts could be the way to a healthier, trimmer, and more svelte you. Studies show those eating peanuts have lower BMI or Body Mass Index and maintain a healthy weight. The benefits of these nuts stem from the fact that they are energy-dense and high in good fats.

This serves to induce satiety and prevent you from overeating. Here’s what you should know about peanuts for weight loss. If you’re wondering about the benefits of peanuts, weight loss is definitely one of them, for these reasons.

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Why Is A Peanut Diet Good for Weight Loss?

Peanuts for Weight Loss

So, what are the benefits of peanuts? Weight loss is prime among them, though other benefits like better heart health and improved immunity are also noted. Nuts are often disregarded as diet food as they are higher in calorific value. Yet a handful of peanuts rich in fiber, protein, and unsaturated fats can satiate the body and tide over energy needs for hours.

Additionally, a peanut(1) diet stabilizes blood-glucose levels and helps to ward off hunger pangs that occur when one snack on refined foods like cookies or ice creams.

Peanuts are brimming with nutrients like fiber, protein, and heart-boosting fats. Additionally, protein and fiber serve to increase satiety and prevent overconsumption of calories. It makes it easier to control overall calorific intake at the time of weight loss. Proteins help in burning extra calories, too, because they are the building blocks of muscles. Research shows increased energy expenditure results from regular peanut consumption.

Peanuts are rich in protein, which also suppresses hunger. In fact, peanuts have the highest protein content. Additional fiber leads to delayed gastric emptying and absorption so the body may crave less food. Peanuts have total fat content from 45 to 75% of their weight, and this is unsaturated.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are more readily oxidized, according to studies, thereby triggering weight loss. This also lessens fat accumulation and high protein, unsaturated fat, and fiber in peanuts lead to diet-induced thermogenesis and increase in energy expenditure even in resting states. So, you may not also need to exercise to maintain your weight thanks to this magical impact of peanuts for weight loss.

Benefits of Peanuts for Weight Loss

Peanuts are known for their weight loss properties, and induce healthy weight maintenance in the following ways:

1. Inducing Satiety

Peanuts are packed with fiber and protein; they keep you satiated and fuller for more extended periods. Peanuts(2) help in managing hunger and, in doing so, they work as appetite suppressants, too. Peanuts stick for 2.5 hours after ingestion. As compared to this, cookies or other high-carb foods remain in the system for only 30 minutes.

2. Increasing the Metabolic Rate

Improve metabolism

Peanuts can raise the metabolic rate. A peanut diet is likely to result in 11 percent greater resting energy expenditure after regular peanut consumption.

3. Providing Energy

The “good fat” in peanuts induce satiety and taste, so the feeling of deprivation doesn’t set in.

Additionally, peanuts regulate blood sugar levels due to a low glycemic index. This results in food being digested slowly and more gradual sugar release in the bloodstream. So, peanuts provide more energy and reduce cravings.

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How to Use

In each gram, peanuts contain a massive amount of calories and fat compared to other snacks like crackers, rice cakes, or fruit. Peanuts can be a part of the weight loss diet, for this reason. They contain a considerable amount of monounsaturated fats and can fill your stomach. But while adhering to a peanut diet, there are certain precautions you need to follow.

Factor in peanut intakes into every calorie targets. A standard 0.5-ounce serving contains 80 calories and 7 grams of fat, along with 3 grams of carbs. To lose weight, burn more calories than you consume. So, if you’re not losing weight, factor in your calorific intake and regulate peanut intake accordingly.

Weigh the nuts using a weighing scale or digital kitchen scale. Stick to a serving size of 14 grams. Due to high-calorie content, watch the intake and don’t aim for snacking mindlessly. Another critical point is to combine peanuts with other high-protein foods to amplify the satiation.

Add peanuts to prawn or chicken dishes and cook up the perfect weight-loss meal. Also, the shift between peanuts and different types of nuts to ensure varied diets.

Don’t opt for cooked, salted or flavored peanuts, as these contain extra fat and calories from cooking oils while brimming with sweeteners, excess calories and additives or chemical preservatives. Above all, be aware if you have a peanut allergy in which case you should avoid this weight loss food

To answer the question about where peanuts for weight loss are the solution for obesity, consider the quantity and type of nuts you are consuming. Be clear that gorging on store-bought peanuts enriched with flavors and additives can backfire. Instead, opt for raw, unflavored, and non-cooked peanuts that are imbued with all the nutrients and healthy fats, you need to stay in shape.

Stay satiated and power your workouts through a handful of peanuts and reach your weight loss goals.

[Also Read: Home Remedies for Weight Loss]


1. Are Peanuts Good for Weight Loss?

Peanuts are exceptional as weight loss foods. These nuts are energy powerhouses which are rich in different types of nutrients like healthy fats, proteins, and fibers. This serves to fuel workouts and build a robust satiety-inducing element in your diet. Through these twin actions, peanuts are perfect for shedding those pounds and keeping calories and weight gain at bay.

2. How Should Peanuts be Consumed for Weight Loss?

Peanuts should be taken in limited quantities for weight loss. Additionally, they should be complemented with other protein-rich foods for inducing greater satiety. The nut should be supplemented by a rich, balanced diet for optimal weight and nutrition levels.

3. What Precautions Should Be Taken In Using Peanuts as Weight Loss Cures?

Always be clear about the energy dense, calorie-rich nature of peanuts. Avoid processed peanuts, as these contain chemicals, excessive sodium, and even preservatives and additives. If you gorge on salted peanuts, don’t expect to lose weight. Always stick to raw, non-cooked, unprocessed peanuts in their natural form for inducing weight loss. Eat a handful or around 14 grams per day for the best results.

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