10 Astonishing Essential Oils for Face

Updated on December 18th, 2019
essential oils for face

Who does not desire a beautiful face with clear skin and a natural glow? Not only females, but males also look forward to a face with no blemishes, no acne, and a beautiful glowing. Essential oils for face are one of the most natural and effective ways to get a perfect look and radiant skin.

With a busy schedule and decked up routine work, it is quite a difficult task to take out time for spa treatments, beauty regimes and all the other care our skin and face requires. Essential oils are trending and also an easy way to glitter up your look with a natural glow and get a clear face without complexes.

Not only this, but essential oils maintain the oil level of the skin, keep it hydrated, work as an anti-aging agent, reduce tan, face redness, and swelling on the face along with moisturizing it. They are quite easy to use and do not take up a lot of time; thus you can easily include them in your routine without disturbing your work.

Types of Problems Associated with Face:

  • Dry skin
  • Oily skin
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Face wrinkles
  • Aging
  • Face acne
  • Swelling face
  • Tanning
  • Face redness
  • Dull skin
  • Pores
  • Whiteheads and blackheads
  • Allergies
  • Facial Scars
  • Acne Scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Dark circles

Also Read: Home Remedies For Hyperpigmentation

Causes of the Problems with Face:

  • Bacterial infection
  • Certain medications
  • Accumulation of dead skin cells
  • Excessive oil production
  • Clogging of pores
  • Exposure to dirt and pollution
  • Substance abuse
  • Menstruation
  • Greasy cosmetics
  • Emotional stress
  • Drugs
  • Hormonal changes
  • Poor nutrition
  • Viral infections
  • Allergies
  • Age
  • Consumption of a lot of fast food on a daily basis
  • Genetic factors
  • Weak immune system
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Sun exposure

Symptoms of Problems with Face:

  • Cracked skin
  • Dry patches
  • Discoloration
  • Excessive oil
  • Dull complexion
  • Peeling skin
  • Rough skin
  • Rashes
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Raised bumps
  • Pimples
  • Pigmentation

Essential Oils for Face

Essential oils(1) provide cures and treatment for a lot of problems by treating them naturally without medication or with a little help of drugs. The effect of the drug usually enhances with the complementary remedies of essential oils. Essential oils for face are plant extracts with a long history in acting as a fold medicine for almost all ailments.

What are the essential oils that are good for your face?

  • Tea tree oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Argan oil
  • Rosehip oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Almond oil
  • Olive oil
  • Orange oil

Ways to use Essential Oils for Face:

Elucidated below are some of the essential oils for face and ways to use them. Follow them correctly to attain the desired results

1. How to reduce face acne with tea tree oil?

tea tree oil for face acne

Tea tree oil is a natural remedy for getting rid of consistent acne. The oil has antibacterial properties which makes it a great alternative to synthetic chemicals and medications. It will not rip your skin off its natural oils. It is a useful tool to fight against acne as it makes your skin free of the inhibited bacteria, which is one of the most significant causes of acne.

How to use?

  • You can apply tea tree oil directly to your skin with a cotton pad, bud tissue, or directly with your fingertip
  • If you use any face packs, you can add a few drops of the oil into it and apply to your face

2. Coconut oil for Face

The main components of coconut oils are MCFAs (Medium- Chain Fatty Acids). They have great antimicrobial effects and kill disease-causing microorganisms. They efficiently kill fungi, viruses, and bacteria in the body. It is the best treatment for the acne caused by the bacteria housed on the skin. It also helps treat back acne and body acne along with treating face acne.

How to use?

  • You can apply it to all the parts of the body and face like a face moisturizer
  • It restores the pH level of your skin and treats acne as well
  • Acne scars also disappear with the regular use of this oil

3. How to use jojoba oil as a face moisturizer?

 jojoba oil for face moisturizer

Jojoba oil has a lot of vitamins and minerals which improve your skin condition. Along with antibacterial, it has antiviral, anti-aging, wound-healing and moisturizing properties. It tackles acne and other skin concerns. It helps with sensitive skin and oily skin. It can enter the surface without giving a greasy feel on the face. It gets absorbed readily.

How to use?

  • You can directly massage jojoba oil on your skin as it is mild
  • With circular motions, cleanse your skin every night with the oil
  • You can also add this oil in your moisturizer

[Read: Home Remedies to Cure Oily Skin]

4. Argan oil for face

Argan oil contains sterolins which promote healthy metabolism of the skin cells and help retain the moisture of the skin. They regulate the sebum production. Argan oil reduces breakout and clogging of skin and its pores(2).

It acts as an antioxidant due to its high content of Vitamin E which helps in purifying skin and removing acne and acne scars. Oily skin gets more acne than any other skin type. Argan oil controls the volume of oil production on skin hence making it one amongst the best essential oils for face.

How to use?

  • Argan oil is a great moisturizer
  • You can replace your night care creams with argan oil and apply it overnight

5. Rosehip oil for the damaged skin on the face

Rosehip oil for the damaged skin on the face

Rosehip oil removes dead skin cells from the surface along with unclogging the pores from dirt, bacteria and excess oil. It is rich in ricinoleic acid which helps fight the bacteria causing acne.

It contains fatty acids which promote the growth of new and healthy skin tissues. It is rich in Omega 3, 6, and 9. It helps to regenerate skin and reduces the scars on the face. It helps remove dead skin cells from the face and regenerates new cells.

How to use?

  • Add a tablespoon of rosehip oil in boiling water
  • Cover your face with a towel and bring your face to a reasonable distance from the water
  • Let the steam reach your skin
  • It will help unclog pores and make your skin glow instantly

[ Read: Rosehip Oil for Face ]

6. Grapeseed oil for Face

Grapeseed oil is an excellent antioxidant and is known to cause a glow to the surface. It treats acne very well due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The oil has Vitamin E and linoleic acid. It keeps the skin healthy and regenerates the dead skin cells.

It even tones the skin and reduces blemishes. It has a lot of fatty acids which help fight off the bacteria that causes acne. Not only it treats acne and acne scars, but also helps prevent any future acne on the skin.

How to use?

  • You can rub the oil on all the areas prone to acne and other skin disorders
  • Only with a few drops, cover the entire face

7. Vitamin E oil for face

Vitamin E oil for face

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties and reduces the damage on the surface of the face. It slows down the aging of the face. It prevents face wrinkles and regenerates fresh skin cells. It treats dry skin and reduces pigmentation and brown spots on the face(3).

It brightens the skin and improves stretch marks. It is also very beneficial for skin and hair as it stimulates hair growth as well. Vitamin E oil is a natural cleanser.

How to use?

  • For using the oil for face, make sure you dilute it well
  • Add a few drops of Vitamin E oil to carrier oil
  • Mix the ingredients well
  • Apply it on the areas prone to problems or skin disorders
  • Vitamin E capsules are also available in the market

8. Almond oil for healthy and beautiful face

Almond essential oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial abilities. It treats skin infections and irritations very well. The oil detoxifies the skin and serves as an excellent remedy for the beautiful and clear skin. It prevents future acne due to its high content in Vitamin A. It is a unique ingredient for a facial scrub. It is quite beneficial for sensitive skin.

How to use?

  • The oil is mild and gives best results when applied on the skin directly on the areas prone to acne or scars or any other skin concern

9. Olive oil for face concerns

Olive oil is an excellent antioxidant and prevents premature aging. It is rich in vitamins and has antibacterial effects on the face. It is one of the best-known sun damage treatments for the face and works as an excellent exfoliator. It works as a fantastic face moisturizer.

How to use?

  • You can mix a few drops of olive oil with apple cider vinegar
  • Apply to your skin for fast and effective results
  • You can also add a few drops of the oil in your night cream or face pack

10. Orange oil for a glowing face

Orange oil for a glowing face

Orange oil is a fantastic cleanser and decongestant for your skin. It cools down the skin, reduces blemishes and the growth of bacteria on the surface. It removes dead skin cells from the surface and unclogs the pores which ultimately reduces acne and acne scars. It reduces the aging effect on the face and increases blood flow.

How to use?

  • Products having orange oil are readily available in the market
  • Apply them to your skin
  • You can also use a few drops of the oil directly on your skin after diluting with a carrier oil

Read More: Benefits of Orange Essential Oil

Side Effects of Essential Oils for Face:

Essential oils can cause burns and damage your face severely. They are photosensitive, so if you expose your skin to sunlight after application, it may get adverse. The oils can also cause irritation and itching on the surface depending on the skin type or on the majorly sensitive skin.

Risks of Using Essential Oils for Face:

The direct application of the essential oils on the skin does not suit everybody and can exaggerate the acne on the surface. Overly sensitive skin is not able to adopt all the essential oils and may get highly itchy after use.

Precautions while Using Essential Oils for Face:

Before using any essential oil on your skin and body, consult your doctor as he might be able to guide you better. Before applying an essential oil to your face, take a patch test on the back of your hand as the oil might cause allergy and irritation to your body. The lid of the bottles of the oil must remain closed due to its hypersensitivity.

Other Home Remedies/Natural Remedies for Face:

  • Let go of junk food
  • Apply apple cider vinegar
  • Moisturize with aloe vera gel
  • Drink green tea and apply it to your skin
  • Include zinc and fish oil supplements in your diet
  • Exfoliate your skin with scrubs twice a week
  • Cut back a little on dairy
  • Work out daily
  • Drink lots of water
  • Take proper rest and sleep adequatel
  • Include fruits in your diet


1. Orange oil made my skin quite itchy. Why?

Response: Orange oil has a cooling effect. Direct application of the oil on the skin might not be the right way to use it; especially on sensitive skin. Your doctor might be able to help you better. Make sure you consult with him before applying any oil on your face.

2. Can essential oils treat acne permanently?

Response: Acne is not a disease but a skin condition which may reoccur. However, regular use of essential oils for face might reduce the risk of scars and acne to a great extent.

Essential oils are a house of natural remedies. Skin concerns can be treated entirely with the regular and accurate use of essential oils along with taking necessary precautions. Attain a radiant skin happily with the help of essential oils!

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