Amla Powder for Hair: Benefits for Your Tresses

Updated on January 24th, 2020
amla powder for hair

Hair remains one of the most important determinants of physical appearance. Who would not want luscious, shiny locks that are healthy and strong? Fast, healthy hair growth is not a fairytale but a reality, if you use amla powder for hair. Getting to grow your hair correctly can be a task. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) powder makes it more accessible. It is associated with multiple benefits for hair and scalp health.

Nutrition Facts of Amla

Amla powder is made from Indian gooseberry leaves. The leaves are ground, and the powder is used in Ayurvedic medication for treating different maladies like jaundice and diarrhea.

It’s considered the next big thing for a healthier scalp and beautiful locks. The solution is rich in vitamins and other antioxidants or micronutrients. It is rich in vitamin C and tannins, besides containing antioxidants and flavonoids. It also contains gallic acid and kaempferol.

Amla is rich in:
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Pannins
  • Vitamin C

These different nutrients enhance hair texture. How can amla powder for hair growth be used? Let’s find out!

Amla Powder Benefits for Hair

Amla Powder

Studies have found the topical application of amla oil, for example, increases hair growth(1). The researchers suggest the benefits are tied to a high concentration of vitamin E oil in amla. For supporting healthy circulation, vitamin E is extremely beneficial.

Another study found applying amla promotes healing and cell generation in a given hair region; the topical application of amla powder for hair is more effective than minoxidil for an herbal solution that stimulates hair growth.

Further, the topical application delivers nutrients to the hair directly. This results in healthier locks. Vitamin C and other potent antioxidants help skin cells to regenerate, promoting a healthy scalp and reducing dandruff resulting in healthy hair.

[ Read: Herbs For Hair Growth ]

Ways to Use Amla Powder for Hair

Here are the recipes for amla powder(2) you can use for improving hair health.

1. Amla Powder for Hair Growth

For this remedy, you will need two teaspoons of amla powder and two tablespoons of coconut or olive oil. Processing time takes over 45 minutes. In a pan, heat the quantity of oil and add to two teaspoons of amla powder.

Heat the oil till it turns brown. Turn off the heat and then set the oil to cool. Once the charred powder, which is heated, settles, collect the oil in the bowl. It is slightly warm, applying to scalp and hair. The scalp needs to be massaged for close to 15 minutes.

Once the scalp is massaged, the hair is fully covered in oil. Wait for 30 minutes with the oil applied to the hair. Wash the oil with a mild, sulfate-free shampoo and use fresh or lukewarm water. The hair needs to be washed at least thrice per week.

How This Works:

If coconut oil is used, it has a robust penetrative property that seeps within the hair shafts. It nourishes the hair using amla. It also has antibacterial properties that maintain scalp health. Along with olive oil, it is a natural conditioner that hydrates hair, making it easy to manage and smooth. It deals with issues like split ends and breakage effectively.

[ Read: Burdock Root for Hair ]

2. Amla Powder and Shikakai for Hair Growth

shikakai powder

For this, one will need two tablespoons of amla and shikakai powder and four tablespoons of water. The preparation time for this remedy is 40 minutes. Taking a bowl, mix the amla and shikakai powder with water to get a paste that is consistent and smooth.

This paste needs to be applied as a hair mask to the scalp and hair. Once the hair and scalp are covered, leaving the mask for 40 minutes, wait for the mixture to harden. Washing the hair with fresh water, keep hair clean. Skip shampooing as shikakai has cleansing properties. Use this remedy once per week.

How This Works:

If there is a hair fall problem, the pack helps to curb it. Shikakai is a fantastic ingredient for cleansing the hair and the scalp. Amla powder benefits for hair include removing product buildup, dirt, and grease. It leaves hair silky and soft, unclogging follicles, so scalps reap maximum hair nourishment.

[ Read: Benefits of Shikakai ]

Possible Side Effects

There have been causes of amla allergies, too. If you are allergic to amla powder, you can face hives or irritation. Performing a patch test determines how the skin reacts.

Women who are pregnant or nursing/breastfeeding should talk to the doctor before using this remedy. Amla powder should not be used for children or infants.Always do a patch test before applying amla powder for hair.

Amla powder is one of the secrets of Ayurveda that could help your hair and give you the desired locks and shine that you would want for your hair. Hence, don’t lose hair and hope and try this powder!

[ Read: Natural Remedies for Hair Loss ]


1. How to use amla reetha shikakai powder for hair wash?

Mix an equal part of amla, reetha, and shikakai powder with double the amount of water. Mix and apply this paste on the hair. Let the mixture harden before using shampoo and water to wash your hair.

2. How do I dye my hair with Amla powder?

Amla powder: You can mix two teaspoons of the powder with one teaspoon of hair oil of your choice, preferably coconut in a bowl. To this, add a little hot water into the mixture (just enough to cover the oil and amla). Stir until the mixture is smooth. Apply the paste to your clean hair then cover with a shower cap for an hour.

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