
how the Coronavirus Spreads Indoors

How the Coronavirus Spreads Indoors and What Can Be Done About It?

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCoronavirus is a threat that originated suddenly from somewhere and became a Pandemic within no time. It has come up like a bad dream that continued for…

COVID-19 and summer

How People at Higher Risk From COVID-19 Can Enjoy Summer Safely?

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppIt’s really hard to resist the temptation of enjoying those cool activities of summer with friends and family. But as this pandemic has affected and changed everything,…

How To Cope With Job Loss

How to Cope If You’ve Lost Your Job Amidst The COVID-19 Crisis

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe stress of unemployment can take a severe toll on your well-being under any condition. But during the COVID-19 crisis, your stress levels may be even greater…

Dos and Don’ts of Wearing a Face Mask

How to Wear a Face Mask: Dos and Don’ts

0share Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppBy now, we all know about the Pandemic outbreak, and it is strictly recommended to everyone to use face masks. The face mask’s usage is good as…

healthy habits you should continue after pandemic

7 Habits We Can’t Forget Even After the Pandemic is Over

2shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppEven for raging optimists, we are unsure if this pandemic will get better, forget over, by the end of 2020. But the pragmatic in us is nudging…