Fix the Unwanted Buzzes with Supplements! Say Good Bye to Tinnitus

Updated on November 15th, 2019
supplements for tinnitus

Supplements consisting of vitamins and minerals can manage tinnitus. Supplements for tinnitus include magnesium, vitamin B 12, and Vitamin D. Magnesium for tinnitus helps prevent dorsal cochlear nucleus malfunctions.

Magnesium stops the nucleus from increasing the sounds being perceived by humans. This locking prevents the presumption of the sounds related to tinnitus. Moreover, magnesium inhibits glutamate, which is responsible for transmitting sounds from the inner ear to the brain.

Furthermore, magnesium improves the blood flow due to which magnesium can help important antioxidants reach the inner ear. Consequently, nerve protection prevents tinnitus development. Thus, magnesium is a curative and preventative treatment.

Bizarre Facts

  • Severe tinnitus affects at least one to two percent of the world’s population.
  • Eating magnesium-rich foods can reduce ringing noise in ears. So munch onto dark chocolates and nuts!

Vitamins for tinnitus include vitamins B 12 and D. Vitamin B-12 produces myelin which protects nerves. Lack of B-12 deteriorates nerve coordination. It can cause impaired brain function in interpreting sounds. The result can be tinnitus development. Thus, supplements play a vital role in curbing Tinnitus.

Supplements That You Could Take

1. Magnesium Supplements


For increasing the magnesium levels in the body, the following supplements can be considered:

  1. Dietary supplements can be foods rich in magnesium made a regular part of the diet. Some best options can be dark leafy green vegetables and nuts. Moreover, bananas, avocados, seeds, and dark chocolate, etc. may be used.
  2. Purchase “over the counter” magnesium supplements for tinnitus treatment. These supplements can include magnesium oil or Epsom salt. Magnesium oil can be used orally. Epsom salt can be used externally, by means of skin absorption. For example, taking a bath in warm water mixed with Epsom salt can increase magnesium levels in the body.
  3. Prepare a magnesium supplement at home. For this, you need to take a 2-liter bottled chilled soda water. Slowly pour ¼ cup of Milk of Magnesia in it. Shake well and place the mixture in the fridge. The solution can be orally consumed as per requirement.

2. Vitamin B-12 Supplements For Tinnitus Treatment

Vitamin B-12
  1. Nasal supplements are available “over-the-counter.” However, these should only be taken if there is a severe deficiency of vitamin B-12 causing tinnitus.
  2. Dietary supplements can include foods like animal products. Moreover, vitamin B-12-fortified grains, liver, fish, and shellfish are also worthy options. Low-fat milk and milk products and eggs can be used. Research indicates that these supplements are a safe way to treat the condition(1).
  3. Oral dosages of concentrated vitamin B-12 are usually available at pharmacies.
  4. You can opt for injections of high dosages.

[Also Read: Vitamin B-12 for Weight Loss ]

3. Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D
  1. Valuable dietary sources can be added to regular food intake. For example, including fatty fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, etc.) can be added. Moreover, fortified vitamin D foods can be used. Furthermore, dairy products, orange juice, cereals, etc. Soy Milk, beef liver, and egg yolks may also be used.
  2. Oral supplements for vitamin D are available. It is recommended to consume these supplements after meals. This method allows for better absorption. However, usage on an empty stomach could have no serious implications. The oral supplements are available in the form of pills and liquids. Wafers are also an option; however, it is vital to chew the medicine instead of swallowing the complete wafer.

4. Zinc Supplements


Zinc supplements can also be taken. The antioxidant properties of zinc reduce tinnitus. You can try “over-the-counter” supplements that are easily available. Zinc intake can be improved in the form of dietary supplements focusing on seeds, legumes, shellfish, nuts, dairy products, whole grains, and eggs.

[Also Read: Get Rid of Tinnitus Naturally]

Moreover, research suggests that there are no adverse side effects of using zinc to treat tinnitus(2).

However, all these supplements can have numerous unwanted side effects. These may arise if regular medication is taken without supervision. An excess of these supplements for tinnitus can aggravate the condition.

It may also cause other health problems. So it is highly recommended to consult a trained medical practitioner for a suggested dosage.

Supplements for tinnitus can help patients manage tinnitus. They can even remove the condition. The associated benefits for magnesium, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and zinc can also act as a preventative measure, ensuring that the state does not resurface.

Moreover, all these supplements can be made at home. They can be increased naturally through food intake. Consultation with a physician is recommended. Patients may then opt for supplemental medicines to treat tinnitus.


1. Can Magnesium Overdose Aggravate Tinnitus?

Overdose of magnesium can affect the factors that can indirectly affect tinnitus, such as high blood pressure or nerve damage.

2. Using Dietary Supplements, How Much Time Will It Take to Treat Tinnitus?

Tinnitus treatment through dietary supplements can be gradual. It may be a prolonged medication. Expect anywhere between 3-4 months for complete recovery.

3. Is There Any Way to Boost the Treatment?

Supplemental medication may combine with other forms of treatment. However, a practitioner should be consulted first. Else the condition may aggravate.

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