How to Make a Cloth Face Mask With a Filter?

Medically reviewed by Dr. Vikram Chauhan
Medically reviewed by Dr. Vikram Chauhan on September 29, 2020
MD (Ayurveda) CEO & Founder of Planet Ayurveda & Krishna Herbal Company
Updated on September 29th, 2020
how to make a cloth face mask

2020 must be the craziest year we all have seen yet! One after the other natural calamities and dangers have showered on humankind, making them realize that nothing is in control of the human race, and many of them are the result of their bad practices. Coronavirus being the first one to hit hard on us.

Coronavirus’s[1] existence has changed everything around us, and a new normal has emerged in front of us within a few months. Be it clothing or going out, nothing is the same as earlier, and it will be good for us to accept this fact asap. After months of lockdown, now the markets and workplaces have started to re-open.

As time passed, every one of us has realized that it is a virus, and it won’t be going away suddenly like that, so we must know how to adapt to it and move forward. Yes, still the point—go out only when necessary, is in the line, but until we can avoid going out for essential things and work.

The process of un-lockdown is in progress in most of the countries, and we need to go out for the essential activities. So it is your responsibility to take care of yourself and follow the rules while you are out. 

[Read: The Science Behind the use of  Face Masks]

Now the question arises what the things to be followed when we are out are? When you are going out, you must have a hand sanitizer and a mask on your face. Mask! It is an essential accessory; everyone should be having on them in this new era. As this virus has affected almost the world, it is obvious to have a shortage of precautionary things, like hand sanitizers and masks.

Many people have reported that they are not getting masks anywhere in the market or are too costly, and one cannot go out without them. So what to do? Don’t worry as we have got your back! In this article, I will be telling you how to make your own homemade mask with filter. Yes, you can make them on your own and that too very easily. 

But before jumping to the tutorial part of making masks, you should know why it’s necessary to wear masks and why making your own masks is a good idea. Usually, people, especially in India, are taking wearing masks not so seriously.

[Read: Do’s & Don’ts of wearing a Face Mask]

You all must be surprised to know that people wearing masks are less than half at risk of getting infected as compared to the people not wearing them. When you go out, you are at risk of getting infected not only from ill-looking people but also then one who is looking completely healthy as they can be presymptomatic or asymptomatic.

it is not possible to differentiate and maintain distance from a particular type of people as anybody near you can be infected. When any infected person sneeze or cough, they release droplets containing the virus in the air.

These droplets can be breathed in by you or can land on your body or clothes, and even after evaporation of droplets, the virus still remains there for 7-8 days unless washed or sanitized. Wearing masks protect you from these droplets and prevent you from touching your nose, face, or mouth. 

Secondly, we should prefer homemade masks on market masks as the masks you buy from the market are the surgical masks usually, which are highly required by medical professionals. Due to the high demand for masks, they are having a shortage of these masks, which are necessary for them.

[Read: How to Avoid Bad Breath Under Your Face Mask]

Also, the homemade masks can be made in curved shapes, which are more comfortable than rectangular surgical masks. Lastly, the homemade masks can be of our choice pattern and are washable and re-usable. 

Now Let  Us learn How to Make a Cloth Face Mask

Material required:

  • Sewing machine, scissors, pliers, pins and iron.
  • First of all, you need a cotton fabric that is tightly woven. A piece from you clean old bed sheet, quilt, or a t-shirt will work.
  • Take 2 pieces of 5-6 inch elastic. You can use a rubber band, cloth strip, string, or hair ties.

Steps to assemble them:

  • First of all, cut your fabric into rectangle pieces of 10 and 6 inches. Arrange the two rectangle sides of the fabric one upon another
  • A quarter of the fabric to be folded to an inch and stitch it from one end to the other. 
  • Now from down fabric, fold an inch of the fabric and sew from one end to the other, making a pocket to place the filter.
  • Now the longer sides, i.e., 10 inches to be folded ¼ inch downwards and sew them with a sewing machine.
  • Now the shorter side is to be folded over and sew the edges. Leave some space for the elastic to be fitted.
  • Now put the elastic on both sides of the spaces and tie both the ends of the elastic tightly and then tuck the knots into the hem at the side.
  • Try it by using this mask on your face and adjust as per your comfort on the face and then remove it and stitch the elastic 
  • Cut the filter material as per the size you created for it in the mask and slip it into this pocket.

[Read: How to Safely Reuse and Clean Masks]

That’s it! Your mask is ready. See how easy and convenient it is to make. Making masks for your own will help by having a proper stock of mask and as per your fit and the medical professionals as they won’t have the shortage of masks for them.

You can use these masks whenever you go out for groceries, medical stores, or doctors, which are essential matters. However, while making a mask, always keep in mind that you should be able to breathe freely through it, and it won’t create suffocation for you.

We can, and we will fight these difficult times by acting wisely and bravely and also by supporting each other as alone we are weak, but together we are strong!

About The Author:

Dr. Vikram ChauhanDr. Vikram Chauhan – MD (Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda and Krishna Herbal Company.  He is an expert Ayurveda consultant from Chandigarh and practicing in Mohali, India.

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