Easy Exercises for Rotator Cuff for an Immediate Relief!

Updated on April 7th, 2020
Rotator Cuff

A few movements like reaching for a book on the last shelf, swimming in the pool may, in a way, could cause a rotator cuff along with excruciating pain. Home exercises for rotator cuff are the most common and recommended treatment for treating weariness, tendonitis, injury, or post-surgery procedure that is related to this area.

What’s worse is that this will make you lose your grip on objects. However, it is nothing serious and can be treated with physiotherapy exercises for the rotator cuff. If you have mild pain, these exercises for Rotator Cuff will effectively help you.

How Can These Exercises Help You

Exercises for Rotator Cuff at home are one of the most recommended treatments for recovery. Easy and effective, to these easy exercises help to alleviate pain and strengthen your arm muscles(1).

7 Exercises for Rotator Cuff

In the case of rotator cuff injury, you can perform these physiotherapy exercises for rotator cuff, which may benefit you.

1. Arm reach

Arm reach

To do an arm reach

  • Lie down flat on the back, and extend the arms and legs, to engage the abdominal muscles.
  • Reach one arm towards the ceiling, lifting it till the shoulder blade comes off the floor.
  • Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Return arm to the floor.

Repeat for another arm.

[Read: Natural Ways to Heal a Torn Rotator Cuff Injury]

2. Lying Down External Rotation

Lying Down External Rotation

  • Lie down on the side of the body on a firm surface, holding a lightweight in the upper hand.
  • Bend the top elbow to 90 degrees. Keep the upper arm against the side of the body and letting the weighted hand rest toward the floor in front of the body.
  • Keep the elbow against the side of the body, rotate the arm at the shoulder, bringing the weight towards the ceiling.
  • Then, lower the weighted arm back to the initial position.

Repeat on the other side of the body.

3. Pendulum

  • Lean forward with one hand hanging with ease.
  • Use the other arm against a chair for support.
  • Gently swing the hanging arm from side to side, forward to back and in a circular motion.
  • Slowly return to a standing position.

Repeat on the other side.

[Read: Relieve Shoulder Pain Naturally]

4. Crossover Arm Stretch

Crossover Arm Stretch

  • Lift one arm, so it is perpendicular to the floor, and extend it straight without locking.
  • Hold the wrist of the extended arm with the opposite hand.
  • Gently pull the arm across the front of the body.
  • Hold this stretch for 5 seconds before slowly releasing it.

Repeat on the other side.

5. Lawnmower

  • Place one foot slightly forward in a way that the feet shoulder-width apart
  • Hold a lightweight in one hand.
  • Keep the other hand on your hip, lean slightly forward and bend the knee, so the weight is parallel to the opposite knee.
  • Pull the elbow of the arm with the weight back across the body.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat around 8 to 10 times.

Repeat on the other side.

6. Doorway Stretch

Doorway Stretch
  • Standing in a doorway, hold both sides of the frame at or just below shoulder height.
  • Lean forward gently, keep the back straight until there is a light stretch in front of the shoulders.
  • Lean forward to intensify the stretch.

Return to a standing position.

[Read: Poses of Yoga for Shoulder Pain]

7. Two Wall Arm Stretch


  • Stand straight with your back against a wall.
  • Raise each arm sideways onto an L shape, with the upper arms parallel to the floor, keeping the arms as flat as possible against the wall.
  • Maintain the elbow bend, move the arms up the wall to bring the hands closer together, then move them back down.

Return to starting position.

Side Effects and Warnings

While there are no side effects, you need to assess the extent of the injury before attempting a workout. If it is of a severe extent, you will need to visit a physiotherapist, who will show you exercises for rotator cuff tendonitis(2). Physical therapy exercises for rotator cuff may help you in case of an injury. There are many shoulder exercises for rotator cuff, that may bring you relief.

In case you have a rotator cuff injury, perform some physiotherapy exercises for rotator cuff injuries in order for some relief. Instead of relying solely on pain medication, try a combination of rehabilitation exercises in conjunction with medications to tackle a rotator cuff injury. And finally, always consult a physiotherapist before attempting any exercises.


1. Can Pregnant Women Perform These Exercises?

Yes, pregnant women can easily perform exercises for the rotator cuff.

2. Will These Exercises Give Relief in the Long Run?

Well, long term relief depends on a number of factors, but for short term pain relief, these exercises are great.

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