
Reject False Consolation and Find the Real Thing

9shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThere are times when we find ourselves in an unexpected condition that is invaluable, priceless, actually, for our personal growth. We must decide whether we will try…

stay at home

How to Make Your Days Better During COVID-19

79shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCOVID-19 or the novel coronavirus is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous infections known to man. Many feel like it just jailed us in our homes and…

supplements and cvovid-19

Can Supplements Protect Against the New Coronavirus? Know the Facts

90shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCoronavirus is spreading without any sign of a slowdown. While there are new growths in diagnosis and vaccines, people around the globe are also looking for ways…

Covid-19 and Diabetes

Covid-19 and Diabetes: Why and How You Should Be Prepared

497shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCOVID-19 or novel coronavirus is a nightmare in today’s world. Most of the cases are mild, and people are recovering from it without any complications. However, the…

COVID-19 tests

Covid-19 Tests: How Accurate and Feasible Are They?

57shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCOVID-19 tests have become scarce in some places. At the same time, some countries have reported falsy test kits, which lead to further spread of COVID-19. Spain…

foods and tips for covid-19

COVID-19 Isolation: Foods and Tips to Maintain Physical and Mental Health

96shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCoronavirus pandemic has put most of the world in quarantine and isolation. The isolation during pandemics like these helps in maintaining social distancing and staying away from…

coronavirus and hot weather

Coronavirus: Can Summer or Hot Temperatures Slow It Down?

1.1Kshares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe novel coronavirus is now spreading faster and taking more lives than it was in the earlier stages. Statistics on the cases and fatalities are being updated…

coronavirus safety tips

Is Food & Grocery Delivery Safe from Coronavirus Spread ?

604shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThe coronavirus pandemic has forced governments around the globe to lock down cities and public places. International travel is also banned unless there is an emergency or…

Can the World Control COVID-19

Can the World Control COVID-19?

157shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppCOVID-19 has brought the world onto its knees. Global trade is slowing sinking, the markets are crashing, and the world is in a panic mode. Worldwide, the…


Here’s Why The Elderly Face The Greatest Risk Of Severe Illness From Coronavirus

383shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppThere’s a lot to know about COVID-19, the new Coronavirus, but one thing is clear: The risk for death rises with the elderly. A report from the…