How To Cure

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Split Ends

Did you know that split ends are a common issue that Indian women struggle with? Nearly 25% of Indian women struggle with split ends(1) and resultant hair breakage! It can make your hair look dull and lifeless. What’s worse is that they keep recurring and stunt your hair’s growth.

A lot of women resort to cutting and trimming their hair, but it can be a rather tedious process. Are you seeking help on how to get rid of split ends at home? Do you feel that no matter how much and how hard you try, you can never get rid of split ends?

If yes, then you have come to the right place! Here we are not only going to discuss some really helpful remedies on how to get rid of split ends but will also explore the tips on how to prevent split ends!

What are Split Ends?

Split ends, sometimes called dead ends, are characterized by the splitting of the hair shaft at the tip. Your hair begins to resemble the tip of an unraveled rope. It is scientifically known as trichoptilosis and may result in hair breakage. It also results in the hair becoming dry, frayed, and brittle.

Why Does One Get Split Ends?

Before we take a look at how to remove split ends, we need to understand what causes split ends in the first place. Possible reasons for split ends include:

  • Improper hair care
  • Hair damage due to weather conditions or chemical treatment.
  • Excessive usage of heat-related hair techniques like straightening, blow-drying, and curling.
  • Improper brushing or an inappropriate hairstyle
  • Deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Hormonal imbalance

[Also Read: How to Treat Dry & Damaged Hair ]

How to Get Rid of Split Ends Using Natural Remedies

Wondering how to get rid of split ends? Here are a few natural remedies that actually work!

CURE 1: Foods for Split Ends

As a famous saying goes: you are what you eat. Take a look at the foods that can improve your hair health.

1. Walnuts


Walnuts are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. When eaten in moderation, these nuts offer a host of benefits to the body.

Why Does it Work?

The Omega-3 fatty acids present in walnuts can smoothen dry and brittle hair. In fact, it is an extremely effective remedy for menopausal women(2) who are experiencing hair split ends. It is even believed that walnuts possess the capacity to seal split ends. Walnuts also contain calcium, a mineral that strengthens hair.

Materials Required

  • Three to four walnut kernels

Procedure for Usage

  • Eat the 3-4 kernels of walnuts.


Consume walnuts every day, especially when the weather conditions are cold and dry.

2. Eggs

Eggs are a superfood that can significantly improve your health. Given that it is also an extremely versatile food ingredient, you will not have any problem incorporating it into your meals!

Did You Know? The color of a chicken’s earlobe indicates the color of the egg that they will lay. Chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs while chickens with red or brown earlobes will lay brown eggs!

Why Does it Work?

Eggs are rich in keratin, a protein that forms the building blocks of your hair. Further, one large egg contains about 1.4mg of Zinc, which helps prevent split ends and maintains scalp health. Thus, the consumption of eggs contributes to more elastic and healthier hair.

Materials Required

  • Three eggs
  • Water

Procedure for Usage

  1. Bring the water to a boil and take it off heat.
  2. Add the eggs to the water and let them sit for about 8 to 10 minutes (You may let it sit longer for more hard-boiled consistency)
  3. Peel the boiled eggs and eat it.


You can space out the three eggs as breakfast, evening snack, and dinner, or as per your preference.

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CURE 2: Essential Oils for Split Ends

Are you wondering how to treat split ends with essential and regular oils? Read on to know more!

1. Argan Oil


Argan oil, or Moroccan oil, has been a culinary delight for decades. However, it has recently blown up as the ultimate beauty secret for great hair and skin.

Why Does it Work?

Argan oil has the ability to reverse the damage caused to the hair shaft. It is loaded with vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which not only strengthens your hair but also deeply conditions it by locking in the moisture. The antioxidants present in the argan oil prevent the hair tips from splitting.

Materials Required

  • A tablespoon of argan oil

Procedure for Usage

  1. First, shampoo your hair and pat it dry with a towel.
  2. When the hair is still damp, apply a thin layer of the argan oil from the middle of the shaft right to the tip.
  3. Leave it on in your hair.


Follow this routine every time you shampoo your hair. However, if you have exposed your hair to excessive styling, you can apply the argan oil more regularly.

2. Sweet Almond Oil

Sweet almond oil is a common hair care product. It possesses emollient properties, which locks in the moisture, and as such promotes the health of skin, hair, and scalp by keeping it soft and hydrated.

Did You Know? While almonds are considered to be nuts, they are actually the seed of the almond fruit!

Why Does it Work?

Almond oil(3) is packed with Vitamin E, which can protect the hair from the damaging effect of the sun’s rays. Additionally, almond oil is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and phospholipids, which accelerates the repair process of the hair and prevents the drying of hair.

Materials Required

  • Three to four tablespoons of sweet almond oil

Procedure for Usage

  1. Heat the almond oil and rub some on your palm. Apply the oil from the roots to the tip of your fair.
  2. Massage the scalp using a circular motion.
  3. Clip up or loosely tie your hair and cover it with a shower cap. Let the almond oil stay in your hair overnight.
  4. Rinse off your hair using a herbal or mild, chemical-free shampoo and towel dry your hair.


Try out this remedy once a week for high effectiveness.

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CURE 3: Home Remedies for Split Ends

Let’s take a look at how to remove split ends using items readily available around your home!

1. Honey Hair Mask

Prepare this simple hair mask using honey, coconut milk, and regular milk to hydrate your scalp and to moisturize your hair!

Why Does it Work?

Honey(4) helps the hair follicle in retaining and regulating the moisture content of the hair shaft. Further, the proteins present in milk and coconut milk also contribute towards strengthening the hair. The pack collectively improves the health of the hair shaft and follicle while also nourishing the hair.

[Also Read: How to Get Rid of Dry Scalp at Home]

Related Post

Materials Required

  • Four teaspoons of organic honey
  • A teaspoon of coconut milk
  • 3 teaspoon of milk

Procedure for Usage

  1. Combine all the hair mask ingredients in a bow.
  2. Apply a thin layer of this mixture, right from the roots to the tips. However, if you happen to have an oily scalp, you can skip applying this mask to your scalp.
  3. Bundle up your hair and secure it in position. Put on a shower cap and let the mask sit for at least 2 hours.
  4. Rinse off the mask using an herbal shampoo and towel dry your hair.


Apply this hair mask at least twice a week.

2. Candle Cutting


Candle Cutting, or velaterapia, became popular when supermodel Alessandro Ambrosio posted a photo of this technique being carried out on her hair. If you are worried that you do not have the requisite fine skills, you can even get it done through a professional.

Why Does it Work?

With its origin in Brazil, candle cutting became the latest beauty trend for how to help split ends. It is a mechanical method of getting rid of split ends and is much quicker than cutting and trimming.

Materials Required

  • A lit candle

Procedure for Usage

  1. Have someone help you out for this remedy. (You could also consult a professional if you are not very confident or sure)
  2. They will section your hair and twist them in batches. The damaged strands of hair will stick out when the section of hair is twisted.
  3. Now, with the help of the burning candle, the helper can expertly burn the hair.


Do this whenever you wish to get rid of split ends.

3. Avocado Hair Mask

Do you have an overripe avocado laying around your house? Rather than disposing of the avocado, put it to good use with this hair mask recipe!

Did You Know? The Aztecs considered the Avocado to be a sign of love and fertility, especially as the fruit grows in pairs on a tree.

[Also Read: Avocado Oil to Fix Your Hair Problems]

Why Does it Work?

Avocados are loaded with Vitamin E, polyphenols, phytonutrients, and various minerals that hydrate your hair. They seal and lock in the moisture in your hair shafts and, as such, prevent split ends from forming.

Materials Required

  • A third of an avocado
  • Three teaspoons of sweet almond oil

Procedure for Usage

  1. In a bowl, mash the avocado as fine as you can.
  2. Drizzle in the almond oil and whip the hair mask until it becomes light, smooth, and airy.
  3. Apply the hair mask to your hair, right from the roots to the tips.
  4. Tie up your hair loosely and cover them with a shower cap. Let the hair mask sit for at least an hour.
  5. Rinse your hair with some cold water and shampoo it with a mild, chemical-free shampoo.
  6. Towel dry your hair.


Apply this hair mask once a week to gain the best results.

[Read: Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Hair]

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CURE 4: Supplements for Split Ends

If an excess of split ends in your natural hair has done irreversible damage, then it’s time to und the damage right from within. This is when you speak with your doctor to take supplements for your hair health.

1. Folic Acid

Vitamin B9, commonly known as folic acid or folate, is a highly potent nutrient that can singularly improve the condition of your hair. While folate is naturally derived from the food that we eat, folic acid is synthetically added to fortified foods.

Why Does it Work?

Folic acid is responsible for the healthy growth of the cells present in the skin tissues of your hair and nails. It also promotes the health of red blood cells, which nourish the hair follicles.

Procedure for Usage

Purchase a folic acid supplement if you are unable to absorb folate from the natural food items in your diet.

[Also Read: Foods for Hair Growth ]


The recommended daily intake (RDI) for folic acid is 400 mcg(5). However, do not overdose on this vitamin as excessive intake of folic acid could even lead to nerve damage!

2. Biotin


Biotin, also known as Vitamin H, is a part of the vitamin B-complex system. It helps in the synthesis of the vital fatty acids and boosts the metabolism of amino acids. Normally, pregnant women and those on the Keto diet use Biotin to prevent hair breakage. But it could also help improve your split ends conditions! Let’s see how!

Why Does it Work?

Research indicates that Biotin increases the thickness of the hair shaft and promotes hair growth. Additionally, it is said to mend and prevent split ends.

Procedure for Usage

You can purchase an organic biotin-enriched shampoo and use it to wash your hair. Alternatively, you could use supplements combining folic acid and biotin and consume it as per directions.


Wash your hair as per the directions that are given on the packaging of the biotin shampoo. Consult your doctor before consuming supplements containing biotin and folic acid.

Tips on Preventing Split Ends

Preventing split ends is rather difficult. However, here are a few tips that can help you reduce the frequency and severity of your split ends:

  • Get regular haircuts and have your hair trimmed periodically, preferably after every six weeks
  • Avoid washing your hair daily. And consider washing your hair with mild and nourishing conditioners rather than harsh shampoos.
  • Switch over to an all-natural hair shampoo that does not contain any harsh chemical or ingredients
  • Apply a leave-in conditioner or rinse off conditioner after every round of shampooing your hair.
  • Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair when they are wet
  • If possible, avoid hair damaging processes such as coloring or chemically straightening your hair.
  • Minimize heat treatment to the hair. However, if it is unavoidable, make use of a heat-protective spray.

Now that you know what to do with split ends, you can easily provide better care for your hair and reduce their impact. A few preventive measures can go a long way in improving your hair health. While you may have no intention of giving up styling tools, using them less frequently can help in preventing hair breakage.

[Also Read: Long and Healthy Hair Using Sesame Oil ]

What is your go-to technique for getting rid of split ends? Share your wisdom in the comments below!


Here are some frequently asked questions about hair split ends:

1. How to know if you have split ends?

Check your hair often to notice these common indicators of split ends include:

  • Hair strand forking into two or three different directions. Normally, they will be ‘Y’ shapes at the tip of your hair strand.
  • Difficult to style, dry, and frizzy hair with knotted ends.
  • Stunted hair growth

2. Can hair masks help get rid of split ends?

Yes! Hair masks can deeply hydrate and condition your hair, which in turn, prevents split ends.