General Health

What Foods to Consume If You Have Nausea?

Experiencing stomach discomfort? Do you feel an intense desire to throw up? Nausea is not a thing that you can ignore. This condition is a stem of several causes, and the symptoms can escalate to your upper abdomen, throat, and chest. Does this mean you have to seek medical help?

Nausea can have several causes; however, it might not always occur due to an underlying disease. Nausea generally affects people that are vulnerable to food poisoning, infection, virus, ulcer, medication, or any medical conditions (gastroenteritis, motion sickness, cancer, or chemotherapy).

According to Gastroenterology Clinics of North America, nausea and vomiting are common among 70-80% of all the pregnant women. In other words, a pregnant woman on average experiences morning sickness at least twice a day.

The good news is that Nausea is curable and has easy preventive measures. Quick tips? Avoid dehydration, consider having smaller meals, include bland food items in your diet, and if you are pregnant, eat crackers early in the morning. Here is some simple food for nausea that you could try.

Bizarre Facts

  • Studies conducted in Brown University states that people cannot differentiate the smell between parmesan cheese and vomit.
  • Vomiting could abruptly avoid the feeling of nausea.
  • Emetophilia is sexual arousal when a person is turned on by throwing up or by seeing someone upchuck.
  • According to Atlantic’s recent count, there are around 96 bags of vomit, urine, and feces on the moon due to unmannered lunar missions.
  • Nausea could also be a symptom of depression and anxiety.
  • Peppermint and ginger are one of the best foods for nausea.

Foods for Nausea

1. Apple


Little fiber makes all the difference in clearing out of your system’s ”nausea-inducing” chemicals but consuming too much at a time can leave you feeling even worse. Fiber slows up the digestion, so trying to slow the digestive process may assist in easy digestion, as well as easiness in case of nausea. Apple(1) can quickly help you.

Here is how you can prepare your applesauce:

  1. Peel the apples and slice them into tiny pieces. Transfer them to a big pot or a casserole.
  2. Add water, some juice of lemon, and a stick of cinnamon. Boil it on a high temperature and afterward decrease the heat. Cover and cook the apples for 20-30 minutes until they become tender.
  3. Puree this using a blender or a food processor to get smoother applesauce.

Snack on fiber-rich food items as an entire apple, all through the day. If you have difficulty in digesting any solid food, then try out applesauce or 1 cup of apple juice every day. You do know the cliché quote, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” don’t you?

[Also Read: 12 Home Remedies For Nausea]

2. Clear Beverages

Small amounts of clear, sugared liquids(2), including soda pop, mixed fruit juices, and popsicles can inhibit vomiting. Drinks carrying sugar can relax the stomach more quickly than any other form of liquid. Alongside, resting in a sitting position or lying position with support is essential.

Drink clear or cold beverages when attempting to manage nausea. Slowly drink the beverages. Gradually drinking more significant quantities of clear liquids can help you out in fighting the signs of vomiting.

To avoid dehydration, drink enough liquids between (rather than during) the meals and try to drink at least three liters of water regularly. Try eating when you’re less nauseated.

[Also Read: Acupressure for Nausea Treatment]

3. Wild Rice


If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, choose something fibrous. Wild rice is a great food option when you have an upset stomach. It is a grain-free submerged grass which looks precisely like regular rice and can be cooked like it, but it is comparatively more nutritious.

Best for all, wild rice offers a whole body of nutrients which are more challenging to acquire from the less nutritious but starchy foods. And it’s delicious as well! Try to make a wild rice soup or consume it instead of other grains as a “quick-on-the-tummy” breakfast alternative.

Eat a small bowl of wild rice soup every day to avoid the feeling of nausea.

[ Read: Nausea; A Complete Guide to Get Rid of it Naturally ]

4. Vegetable Broth

Choosing vegetable broth is an excellent method for nausea treatment and at the same time, to provide multiple nutrients.

Try selecting a fresh organic vegetable broth without adding salts or oils. Vegetable broth is highly rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and also vitamins C and A, needed by the body to balance as well as combat pathogens. Because it is a liquid type of nutrition and even a drink that could warm you up, it won’t cause stomachache after a dinner.

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You can drink vegetable broth(3) in the morning or whenever your stomach feels uneasy throughout the day or night.

5. Sweet Potatoes


Sweet potatoes function as more of a sponge in your belly for the harmful bacteria. They are among the cheapest, most humble superfoods we have at our disposal, found throughout the year. They have carbohydrates assist in soaking up the toxins in your digestive tract while being very easy to digest.

Sweet potatoes are very low on the levels of glycemic index, and because of vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium, they can help in relaxing the nerves. You can boil them and have them by sprinkling some salt over them.

If your stomach feels upset, eat calming, nutrient-rich foods such as one or two sweet potatoes.

[Read: Herbs for Nausea]

6. Cool Foods

To decrease the smell and taste of food, eat your food cold or at room temperature, and not warm if you want to reduce nausea.

Take juices of fruit, sherbet,  sports beverages and “non-fat” yogurt for nausea. Spicy foods can upset your gut even more. Nuts, along with milk for nausea can result to be very beneficial.

Proportionately consume the foods mentioned above to deal with the feeling of nausea.

7. Nuts


A deficiency of protein in the body can lead to nausea, so look for the foods that are protein-packed and simple to digest, like nuts, peanut butter (if you are not allergic to these). Nuts can replenish your drained energy rapidly, helping to maintain your nausea at home. Increased hunger, low levels of blood sugar, or sometimes pregnancy can cause vomiting. Thus, proteins and fats from nuts are highly essential.

You can add nuts to many of your dishes as toppings. If you are on the go, then you can try a peanut butter sandwich.

Do not consume a lot of nuts in a day, as they are warm and could, in fact, the situation.

Nausea is also common among children. For kids, “over-the-counter” medications can regulate lousy cough and fever. Some measures, like seating your kid towards the front window to avoid motion sickness in a vehicle (watching through the side windows moving at a fast speed can make nausea worse), could help.

Before a trip, taking an anti-nausea drug may also discourage your motion sickness. Alterations in eating practices like eating small meals can assist in decreasing the symptoms of nausea. You can also minimize nausea by preventing intense physical exercises after having meals. Also, avoid spicy, large-fat, or fatty foods or take small amounts of honey for nausea treatment.

Having the foods good for nausea can help control it up to a significant extent!


1. Can Nausea Occur Without Any External Stimuli?

The time at which you feel nauseatic or feel like vomiting could help define what really triggers you to vomit or feel nauseatic. Sometimes, even if you don’t think about food, the occurrence of nausea can be there. Also, if you have not consumed anything, you could vomit. We sometimes vomit, even if we have no nausea. In cases as such, visiting your doctor to know the exact cause for your nauseous feeling.

2. What Are the Most Effective Foods for Nausea?

Foods are a better option against supplementations, as most of them contain chemicals that can hurt your body in many ways. While some carry pure enzymes or useful probiotics and other ingredients which could worsen your condition Some of the foods good for nausea are –

  • Ginger
  • Wild rice
  • Vegetable broth
  • Peppermint oil
  • Sweet potatoes

3. How Do You Make Nausea Go Away?

Here are some tips that could help you get rid of your nauseous feeling immediately.

  • Open the windows or be seated in front of a fan.
  • Avoid crunching on your stomach; try sitting up straight.
  • Take deep breathes and meditate or shift your focus.
  • Apply pressure on specific areas of the body to reduce symptoms.
  • Stay hydrated all throughout the day.
  • Try peppermint, ginger, avoid carbonated beverages and lemon for nausea.