Beauty & Skin Care

Can Epsom Salts Treat Acne

Can you solve this riddle? What comes as tiny specks and leaves wretched marks on the face is none other than our good old friend acne and dark spots. It’s the holiday season with jingling bells and evening parties but wait what’s this? What’s that ugly zit on the nose? Oh no here’s another one on the forehead and a few more on the cheeks!

Be it summer or winter, acne and spots always find a way to crawl back to you. And when they go away, they leave behind a host of acne scars and acne marks on the face. But this time you are armed against all kinds of dermatological nonsense. You have had enough, and its now time to fight back! But what should be your sword and shield against how to get rid of Acne? Well, a pinch of Epsom salt. (1)

Perhaps we should try getting a better glance at the facts and so why not take a look at the details below!

What is Epsom salt?

Epsom salt is an inorganic salt which is chemically identified by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry as magnesium sulfate. The chemical formula of Epsom salt is MgSO4·7H2O. Epsom salt has been in use since ancient times as a bath salt for the beauty and healthy glow of the skin. Athletes and gym-goers use the salt to soothe the soreness of muscles and ligaments.

Epsom salt is a part of the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. The topical administration of Epsom salt is incredibly useful in the natural treatment of acne, skin inflammation, boils and bumps, skin infection, and other dermatological ailments.

Why use Epsom salt For Acne?

There are several reasons for employing Epsom Salt for acne treatment. From soothing the pain to making the acne and acne scars vanish into thin air, Epsom salt plays a significant role in the natural cure of acne and blemishes. Some of the essential reasons for using Epsom Salt for acne include.

1. Epsom salt is anti-inflammatory

The anti-inflammatory nature of Epsom salt helps in the natural alleviation of the pain, swelling, redness, and inflammation of the skin caused due to acne.

2. Epsom salt is an exfoliating agent

Epsom salt is known for its potent exfoliating properties. The topical application of Epsom salt helps in the gentle exfoliation of the skin by sloughing the excess sebum, oil, and dead skin cells off the skin. The exfoliation helps in unclogging the skin pores and thereby promotes the cure of acne.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Acne]

3. Epsom salt is a quick absorbent

External application of Epsom salt aids in the absorption of the oil from the clogged pores. The absorption dehydrates and kills the bacteria which is responsible for the acne thereby making the pus-filled skin bumps dry out and disappear.

4. Epsom salt is rich in minerals

Epsom salt contains a plethora of minerals like potassium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D which in unison to make the skin clear and beautiful.

5. Epsom salt contains sulfur

Epsom salt is rich in sulfur which is incredible for the cure of acne because of its potent anti-fungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. The sulfur aids in the inhibition of the bacterial action on the skin which thereby heals the acne.

6. Epsom salt can calm the nerves

One of the leading causes of acne is stress. It is essential to beat stress to make the acne disappear and who can do that better than a dash of Epsom salt. Epsom salt contains magnesium which helps to soothe the taut nerves and calm the nervous system. Taking Epsom salt bath for acne can cure stress, reduce pain and swelling in no time.

[Also Read: Epsom Salt Detox]

How To Use Epsom Salt For Acne Treatment ?

1. Water and Epsom Salt

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Dab the acne with Epsom salt solution for the most straightforward use of Epsom salt for acne.

How to use?

  • Add two teaspoons of Epsom salt to a cup of purified water
  • Stir the solution until the salt gets completely dissolved.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the solution and then dab the acne on the face with the soaked cotton ball. Keep touching the skin with the solution for about five minutes
  • Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse your skin with lukewarm water. Pat your skin dry with a soft towel.
  • Follow this remedy on a daily basis for the natural treatment of acne
  • You may apply an oil-free moisturizer on your skin if it feels too dry after the application of the Epsom salt solution on the skin.


The Epsom salt solution aids in the exfoliation of the skin. It unclogs the skin pores by getting rid of the dry and dead skin cell from the surface of the skin. The antibacterial properties present in Epsom salt help in the natural treatment of acne by the inhibition of bacterial action on the skin and by the cure of bacterial infection. Rejuvenate the healthy glow of your skin and nourish the epidermis with Epsom salt to get rid of the acne.

[Also Read: Vitamin C for Acne Treatment]

2. Lemon, Olive oil, Honey, and Epsom salt

A paste of honey, lemon, olive oil, and Epsom salt can undoubtedly work wonders for the skin and make the acne disappear like magic.

How to use?

  • Take a tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass dish.
  • Add a tablespoon of organic honey to the Epsom salt in the dish to make a paste.
  • Add a tablespoon of freshly extracted lemon juice to the paste followed by a tablespoon of pure olive oil.
  • Mix the contents in the dish to prepare a rich and creamy paste.
  • Massage your face and other affected parts of the skin with the paste. Follow a gentle circular motion while massaging the dough on your face
  • Leave the paste on your skin for about 10-15 minutes or until the paste gets completely dry.
  • Rinse the paste off with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry with a tissue wipe or soft towel.
  • Apply an oil-free moisturizer as your face feels a little dry after the removal of the paste.
  • Follow this home remedy on a daily basis for the acne to go away

[Also Read: Use Olive Oil for Acne]


The topical application of the paste of lemon, honey, olive oil, and Epsom salt is an excellent use of Epsom salt for acne. Fresh lemon juice is rich in potent antibacterial properties. It fights against the acne-causing bacteria and accelerates the natural treatment of acne, pimples, and other spots and blemishes on the skin.

Honey works as a natural moisturizer for the skin. It helps to keep the skin soft and hydrated without inducing the secretion of sebum and natural oils. It also contains a plethora of nutrients that contribute to the nourishment of the skin.

Olive oil is an excellent healer and moisturizer. It works with Epsom salt to cleanse the skin and get rid of the excess oil and sebum from the clogged pores without stripping the skin of its natural oils. The paste works as a fantastic face mask and makes the acne disappear quickly. (2)

3. Milk, Eggs, Lemon, and Epsom salt

Check out the way to prepare the most effective face mask by using milk, eggs, lemon, and Epsom salt for acne.

How to use?

  • Crack a raw egg and scoop out its contents into a bowl.
  • Pour 1/4th of a cup of skimmed milk to the egg in the bowl and add a few tablespoons of freshly extracted lemon juice to it.
  • Add half a teaspoon of Epsom salt to the paste and then stir well to make a smooth mixture.
  • Wash your face with plain water before applying the mixture to the face
  • Apply the paste to your face and keep it on for about 10-15 minutes until it becomes dry.
  • Rinse the mask off with plain water and pat dry.
  • Follow this home remedy on a daily basis for the best use of Epsom salt for acne


The high protein content of eggs is incredibly beneficial for the health and beauty of the skin. The absorbent nature of egg works to absorb the excess oil and sebum from the skin thereby unclogging the skin pores. The vitamin C in lemon juice helps to nourish the skin and revive its health and beauty.  Milk helps in the hydration of the skin and contributes to cleansing the skin pores and hair follicles.

A few words of caution

  • Do not apply Epsom salt water to cuts and injuries on the skin.
  • Do not overexpose your skin to Epsom salt and make sure that your skin is not allergic to it.

Bottom Line

We all crave for healthy and beautiful skin, a skin that will be free of acne, pimples, spots, back acne and marks. Epsom salt is the panacea of all dermatological ailments. It cures acne and makes the skin supple and soft. Ditch the creams and lotions and adopt Epsom salt as the home remedy for acne. Follow through with the DIY recipes of Epsom salt for healthy and beautiful skin.


1. How long does it take for Epsom salt to work on acne?

Although this is a variable time interval, as it depends on the individual and the condition. However, in a general sense, it takes about 1-2 weeks to start acting on the acne.

2. How often should you take an Epsom salt bath?

You would need to keep your body soaked for atleast 12 minutes and you could do this atleast twice a week for the best results.