Natural Remedies

3 Fantastic Ways of Using Ginger for Hair

Is your hair stubbornly stuck at shoulder-length? Do you get panicked to see your hair strewn all over the pillows and bed sheet? Has your hair lost its glamorous shine and luster?

Hair troubles can be disturbing and can make you sleepless with worries. You will end up buying expensive hair oils and branded shampoos but all in vain. The hair refuses to listen to your prayers and pleas and does not show any signs of development. So what do you do now? How do you make it long and lustrous before the wedding season?

Well, there is no Fairy Godmother brandishing magic wands and spells, but there is a tiny chunk of ginger that is just as magical. Read on to find out the most effective ways of using ginger for hair growth.

Ginger For Hair Growth

Some Exciting Facts about Ginger

  • Ginger (Scientific name: Zingiberofficinale) is a plant whose rhizomes or ginger root is extensively beneficial for health. It is indispensable in the culinary scene as well.
  • Ginger belongs to the family Zingiberaceae(1) along with turmeric, cardamom, and galangal.
  • The origin of ginger lies in the tropical rain forests from Southern Asia to the Indian subcontinent with substantial genetic changes.
  • Ginger is a hot and aromatic spice that possesses a host of medicinal benefits. The young rhizomes of ginger are juicy, fleshy, and rich in fragrance.
  • The juice of ginger is replete with health benefits for hair. Using ginger juice for hair growth helps in strengthening the hair follicles, stimulates the growth of hair, and makes the hair thick, durable, long, and shiny.

What exactly is hair growth?

Image: ShutterStock

There are about 100,000 hair follicles on the scalp. This number remains constant from birth to death. With advancing age, some of the hair follicles stop working and fail to produce new hair. The American Academy of Dermatology states that the hair on the scalp grows up to about half an inch in a month on an average and about six inches in a year.

The rate of growth of hair from the hair follicles depends upon the following factors.

  • Age
  • Specific types of hair
  • General health condition, and more

What are the primary causes that impede the growth of hair?

Some of the factors that affect the growth of hair adversely are as follows.

  • Excessive use of harsh chemical products like shampoos, hair spray, hair gel, etc
  • Thyroid problems
  • Poly-cystic ovaries
  • Dryness of the scalp
  • Infection of the scalp
  • Pregnancy
  • Excess consumption of birth control pills
  • Poor dietary habits and an unhealthy lifestyle
  • Excess exposure to heat styling treatments
  • Stress and anxiety

[ Read: How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety? – Top 4 Remarkable methods ]

Ginger Benefits for Hair

Fresh and juicy ginger is excellent for the strength and beauty of hair. It promotes hair growth and makes it glow with nourishment and health.

1. Promotes Blood Circulation

Ginger is rich in circulatory agents that aid in the stimulation of blood circulation in the scalp. The topical application of ginger paste and ginger juice in the scalp helps in increasing the blood circulation which triggers the hair follicles(2) to get stronger and produce more hair.

2. Acts as Anti-Inflammatory

Ginger is an excellent source of healthy fatty acids that contribute to its anti-inflammatory nature. Ginger juice aids in the cure of scalp inflammation and infection. The fatty acids help in the prevention of hair thinning and can cure hair loss and balding.

3. Acts as Antiseptic

The antiseptic property of ginger is incredibly beneficial for the natural treatment of dandruff and scalp infection. The application of ginger paste on the scalp can prevent lice and dandruff and aid in the growth and development of hair.

4. Promotes Healthy and Strong Hair


Ginger contains bio-active compounds that are incredibly effective for fighting against the dryness of hair, stumped hair growth, and other hair and scalp issues. It nourishes the hair with its rich variety of nutrients and makes it healthy, rich, and lustrous.

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Top 3 Methods of Using Ginger for Hair Growth Treatment at Home

1. With Olive Oil


Ginger for hair growth works fantabulous as it promotes the growth of new hair and olive oil is the all time favorite nutrition source for the hair.

How to use?

  • Grate an inch-sized piece of ginger into pieces and store the juicy bits of ginger in a bottle.
  • Add three tablespoons of pure and organic olive oil to the grated ginger in the bottle
  • Let the mixture steep for about half an hour within which time the grated ginger will get soaked in olive oil.
  • Massage your scalp gently with the mixture of olive oil and ginger. Apply the mixture to every strand of the hair from the roots to the tips.
  • Put on a shower cap and preserve the ginger and olive oil mask on your scalp for about half an hour.
  • Rinse the scalp with plain water to remove the mask. Do not shampoo your hair.


Olive oil is rich in essential fatty acids like oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, etc. and possesses a host of terpenes and squalene. The fatty acids nourish the scalp and keep it naturally hydrated. They act as emollients to make the hair soft and smooth.

Olive oil is rich in vitamin E that fights against oxidative damage caused by free radicals and protect the hair against the ravages of dust and pollution. The paste of olive oil and grated ginger promotes the growth of long and thick hair and keeps the scalp healthy and nourished.

[ Also Read: Benefits of Using Ginger for Hair ]

2. With Lemon Juice & Coconut Oil

Ginger and lemon juice mixture makes an excellent paste for the healthy growth and beauty of hair.

How to use?

  • Grate a fresh and juicy chunk of ginger and keep the ginger juice and peels aside.
  • Add three tablespoons of coconut oil to the grated ginger and let the mixture steep for about half an hour until the ginger gets imbibed in the oil.
  • Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture of ginger pieces and coconut oil and stir slightly to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to the scalp and hair.
  • Leave it on for about 30-40 minutes and wear a shower cup to preserve the mask.
  • Use a mild shampoo to rinse the mask off.
  • Follow this home remedy thrice or four times a week for hair growth and beauty.


The application of lemon juice to the scalp helps in the maintenance of the pH balance of the scalp. The acidic nature of lemon juice is beneficial for the growth and strength of hair. Coconut oil is rich in essential fatty acids that are incredibly beneficial for the nourishment and moisturization of the scalp.

The application of coconut oil prevents the dryness and flakiness of the scalp and promotes hair growth through the stimulation of the hair follicles. The use of the mixture of lemon juice, coconut oil, and ginger for hair growth is useful for the cure of scalp inflammation and hair growth.

3. With Coconut Oil, Basil Juice & Cucumber

The blend of coconut oil, basil oil, cucumber, and ginger is one such combination prepared by using ginger for hair growth that can act as a complete solution to all your hair issues.

How to use?

  • Grate a young, fresh and juicy piece of ginger and take two tablespoons of the ginger paste and juice in a dish.
  • Pound five tablespoons of freshly plucked basil leaves into a paste. Add two tablespoons of the basil juice to the grated ginger in the dish. Stir well to make a smooth mixture.
  • Mash an average-sized fresh and green cucumber into a paste. Add two tablespoons of the juicy cucumber mash to the mixture of basil juice and ginger in the dish.
  • Add three tablespoons of coconut oil to the mixture of basil juice, mashed cucumber, and grated ginger in the dish. Allow the mixture to stand for about half an hour until the ginger absorbs the basil juice, cucumber juice, and coconut oil.
  • Smear the paste all over the scalp and apply it to the hair from the roots to the tips.
  • Don on a shower cup to leave the mask on your scalp for about half an hour.
  • Rinse the mask off with a mild herbal shampoo.
  • Follow this home remedy twice or thrice a week for hair growth, health, and luster. For this method of using ginger for hair growth, you may use basil essential oil instead of basil juice for the same effects.


Coconut oil contains a plethora of fatty acids that nourish the scalp, stimulate the hair follicles, hydrate the scalp, and promote hair growth. Cucumber is rich in vitamin A, silica, and sulfur that contribute to the growth and development of hair.

The pure nature of basil juice is incredibly beneficial for the prevention and cure of dandruff and lice, two of the leading factors that impede hair growth. The mixture of coconut oil, basil juice, cucumber mash, and ginger is excellent for healthy and lustrous tresses.

A few words of caution

  • Make sure that the hair mask does not get into your eyes. If the spicy ginger mask comes in contact with the eyes, then rinse the eyes with cold water immediately.
  • Do not apply ginger to the scalp if your skin is allergic to it.

Don’t we all daydream of luxuriant and lovely locks and curls decked with silk ribbons and jeweled clips? We do indeed. And if there is one thing that can make our childlike daydreams come true, then that is ginger. Apply the homemade masks prepared by using ginger for hair growth for hair care at home. Combat all kinds of scalp infections with the ginger masks and let your hair grow into delightful lush of tresses.