
Top Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin You Must Know!

Out of the many skincare ingredients available in the market, vitamin E for skin is one of the most common and widely used ingredients. The National Centre for Biotechnology Information(1) confirms that it has been used for more than 50 years in dermatology. It protects the skin from various harmful effects and free radicals.

Some of the other benefits of vitamin E include

Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin

1. Moisturizes the Skin

Studies(2) reveal that vitamin E has long-lasting moisture retention properties. It can keep the skin moist for up to 16 hours. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties neutralize the harmful radicals acting on the surface and work to smoothen the skin. When used in combination with vitamin C, it can strengthen the skin and also treat acne.

2. Heals Wound

Researchers claim that vitamin E for skin can also promote wound healing(3). NCBI also reports that vitamin E, along with zinc and vitamin C, treats ulcers and skin burns(4). The antioxidant properties found in vitamin E provide skin protection from oxidative stress and promote healing in a short time.

3. Prevents Skin Cancer

The Skin Cancer Foundation(5) claims that vitamin E has many abilities to prevent skin cancer like absorbing energy from UV light, prevent damage from free radicals, anti-oxidizing the skin, etc.

Vitamin E supplements also reduce the side effects after chemotherapy. Skin cancer patients are suggested to intake vitamin E-rich food like spinach, soybean, wheat germ, almonds, in large quantities, etc.

4. Treats Eczema

NCBI(6) confirms that 400 IU/Day dosage of vitamin E can treat eczema in patients. It alleviates the itching, dryness, and flakiness associated with eczema and other skin diseases like dermatitis. Studies say that vitamin E is also used in dermatological moisturizers to treat skin diseases.

5. Prevents Sunburn


The photoprotective properties of vitamin E, combined with its ability to soothe skin, prevent skin burn. These properties also relieve the burning and itching from sunburns. A combination of Vitamin E and vitamin C oil can be used as a potent sunscreen.

Did You Know!

Changes in your skin can sometimes signal changes in your overall health.

How Can You Use Vitamin E?

1. Food

A regular intake of vitamin E is not only beneficial for the skin but also for several other processes in the body. It helps prevent oxidative stress and facilitates healthy muscles and smooth body functioning.

vitamin E is fat-soluble, and an essential nutrient that boosts immunity and treats oily skin, acne-prone skin and also protects the body from heart diseases, cancer, liver damage, kidney problems, etc.

Foods rich in vitamin E include spinach, shrimp, peanuts, avocado, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, asparagus, broccoli, etc. Vegetable oils like olive oil, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, etc. are also excellent sources for vitamin E.

Vitamin from natural sources should be part of a balanced everyday meal. An average adult should consume 8-10mg/day to reap the benefits of vitamin E naturally.

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2. Homemade Skin Packs

If you want to keep your skin fresh and clear, you can use masks made from vitamin E oil for acne, dry skin, and oily skin. You can also try many DIY skin and face masks at home with vitamin E oil.

Studies prove that vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins for skin and nourishes it from within. It also maintains healthy skin by protecting against free radicals caused due to environmental stress and pollution.

Easy DIYs with Vitamin E

1. Papaya and Vitamin E

You can easily make a cleansing mask with papaya and vitamin E.

  1. Add 15-20 drops of vitamin E oil in mashed papaya pulp.
  2. You can also add a few drops of rose water.
  3. Mix it well and apply it to the skin.

Let it dry for 10 minutes and wipe with a warm flannel cloth. Do this twice a week.

2. Egg and Vitamin E

To do make this make:

  1. Whisk an egg properly in a bowl.
  2. Add a tablespoon of yogurt with a few drops of vitamin E oil.
  3. Apply it on the skin evenly and let it sit for 15 minutes.

Wipe it after with a warm flannel cloth. Do this 2-3 times a week to achieve good results.

The skin renews itself every 28 days.

Precautions to be Undertaken

There is no need to limit your intake of vitamin E rich food. However, if you are taking supplements, then you need to monitor the dosage.

  • Large quantities of vitamin E can prevent blood clotting.
  • Studies(7) reveal that excessive intake can also cause bleeding in the brain or cause hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Journal of the American Medical Association(8) also reports that vitamin E supplements can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer in men.
  • High doses of vitamin E are dangerous for premature infants but safe to be taken orally by breast-feeding mothers.
  • It is also highly unsafe to inhale vitamin E through vaping products or e-cigarettes, as it can cause lung injury.


Although it is relatively safe to use vitamin E oil and products for skincare, always talk to your doctor before taking vitamin E oral supplements. Vitamin E is highly beneficial for your skin, and regular use will show positive results in a short period.


1. Does vitamin E clog pores?

As vitamin E has a thick consistency, it can clog pores for oily skin types.

2. Does vitamin E lighten skin?

Yes, the antioxidant properties of vitamin E can lighten as well as smoothen the skin.

3. How long should I leave vitamin E on my face?

A vitamin E face mask can be left to dry for 15-20 minutes.