Beauty & Skin Care

8 Effective Supplements That Work For Acne Treatment

The Acne is an irritating condition, and it usually takes quite a long time to heal. Acne breakouts, clogged pores, dead cells, and a dull appearance, are all common symptoms of Acne. The clogged pores often result in pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the forehead, face shoulder, and chest.

Acne is a common skin condition among teenagers and adults. Many over-the-counter creams are available for topical medication. Here we suggest some of the best natural supplements for Acne that will give you a clear skin effortlessly.

[Also Read: Natural Treatment to Cure Acne]


  • The number of people affected by Acne in America is around 50 million.
  • About 85% of people in the age group of 12 to 24 years get affected by it.

Supplements for Acne

1. Vitamin A


Vitamin A for Acne is an antioxidant(1) which helps to get rid of dead skin cells. It also has anti-aging properties, improves immunity, vision, and production of red blood cells. Retinoid, chemically altered Vitamin A for topical use, is highly effective for Acne. It helps to reduce Acne scarring, inflammation and heals the skin quickly.

Vitamin A is considered the best supplement for Acne, but you should be careful to take it appropriately to get the best results. According to The University of Michigan, Vitamin A oral disadvantages outweigh its advantages. Hence, the topical application of Vitamin A is considered better. A lot of creams contain Vitamin A. You can also try foods containing Vitamin A i.e. cod liver oil, goat cheese, beef liver, spinach, eggs, etc.

As Vitamin A is fat-soluble, it keeps accumulating in your body. So, it could be toxic if you consume high levels of Vitamin A supplements. Thus, Vitamin A for Acne dosage should not be more than 10,000 International Units (IU) of the supplement, especially during pregnancy. In which case, topical medication is a better option. Brands like adapalene (Differin) and tazarotene (Tazorac) are quite popular as they have very fewer side effects.

[Also Read: Essential Vitamins to Heal Your Acne]

2. Zinc

Zinc is not just a natural supplement for Acne, but it also helps in a lot of body functions. It benefits the reproductive system, metabolism, immunity, and also helps in wound repair. Zinc is used to cure Acne as it helps to regulate the secretion of oil by the glands.

You could use zinc for Acne as an oral supplement or as a topical medication. A topical lotion containing 4 % erythromycin with 1.2% of zinc acetate helped to treat Acne as per a study. You could also get zinc from food like shellfish, eggs, red meat, lentils, chickpeas, cashews, etc.

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, the daily dosage should be 8-11 milligrams for adults. Some evidence also points out that the dosage of 30 milligrams could be used safely to treat Acne. You should be careful as an overdose of zinc could lead to copper deficiency, making you ill. However, topical treatment is safer to use.

[Also Read: Zinc for Acne Treatment]

3. Vitamin C


Vitamin C is excellent for your body. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help you to deal with Acne breakouts. Vitamin C benefits in collagen synthesis, eradicating free radicals and deterring melanin production. It makes your skin glow and improves the texture too.

You could use creams or supplements of Vitamin C for Acne. Vitamin C supplements are safe to be consumed. You could also use skincare products containing Vitamin C.  Foods like oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, lemon, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, etc. are rich in Vitamin C. Include these food items in your diet.

For an oral supplement, take a Vitamin C tablet a daily. Your body could take in 1000 milligrams of Vitamin C in a day. Natural foods can contribute to this intake.

[Also Read: Vitamin C Supplement for Acne]

4. Selenium

Selenium is one of the best supplements with numerous health benefits. It is believed to help against heart disease and cancer. It is a mineral that helps in preventing the level of other antioxidants in your body. This mineral aids smooth functioning of glutathione(2). Glutathione is a natural antioxidant inside your body which checks inflammation.

Selenium supplements are safe to be consumed. For best results, selenium should be taken with zinc, and Vitamin E for acne.  Natural sources of selenium are sardines, Brazil nuts, halibut, grass-fed beef, and yellowfin tuna.

You could consume 400 mcg of selenium safely every day. When selenium is taken in combination with Vitamin E, it is said to show results in 6 weeks on Acne.

5. Magnesium


Your body releases magnesium naturally to protect against stress. It helps to manage your adrenaline system and also enables healthy sleep. Magnesium supplements help you deal with stress and anxiety, which ultimately leads to clear Acne. You should remember that it is essential that you focus on managing the stress levels in your life.

Magnesium supplements are readily available. You could opt for creams that contain magnesium. Oral supplements of magnesium are said to be more effective than topical creams and lotions. Magnesium-rich foods include dark chocolate, avocados, banana, dark leafy vegetables, figs, raisins, fish, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds could also be beneficial.

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You could take 310-320 milligrams of magnesium per day. Magnesium supplements have laxative properties, so you could go for various lotions and creams with the magnesium content.

6. Omega-3

Omega-3 is fat! So does it help deal Acne? Yes, it does. Omega-3 is what we call ‘the good fat,’ a powerful fatty acid. It is a type of fat which plays an essential role in your body’s functioning. It benefits the heart, encourages healthy aging, and prevents skin inflammation. According to a journal, people benefitted when they took Omega-3 supplements like fish oil for Acne. Not only does fish oil help to effectively deal with Acne but will also make the scars less prominent.

You could take your daily dose of Omega-3 from food or Omega-3 supplements for Acne. These supplements obstruct PGE2 and LTB4, chemicals responsible for breakouts. Foods known to be rich in Omega-3 are seafood, canola oil, walnuts, and flax seeds.

You could take 2-4 capsules of fish oil for Acne. A good fish oil supplement should contain the right amount DHA and EPA in it. Alternatively, you could try evening primrose oil for Acne solution. This oil is rich in Omega-6 and GLA, a fatty acid.

[Also Read: Magical Essential Oils for Acne]

7. Vitamin B5


Vitamin B5 is a quite popular supplement for Acne. Dermatologists prefer it because it has a three-fold effect on the skin – preventing Acne, moisturizing, and healing wounds. It reduces the secretion of oil by the glands of your body. According to a study, Vitamin B5 supplements helped to reduce lesions.

You could take oral supplements of Vitamin B5 safely. For better results, it should be taken with Carnitine-L. Foods rich in Vitamin B5 include egg yolk, chicken, yogurt, shellfish, pork, etc.

The recommended dosage for an adult is 5 milligrams per day. You need to take Vitamin B5 every day as it is flushed out from your body through urine. Vitamin B5 is safe when taken as per the recommended dosage. However, an overdose might result in health issues like diarrhea.

8. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is useful not only as a supplement for Acne but also regulates the immune system. It is important for bone health as it helps in the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.

According to a study conducted in 2016, people having Acne were found to have a low level of vitamin D when compared to those who did not have Acne. Another study in 2014 claimed that Vitamin D helped to block P. Acnes from affecting skin cells.

Using Vitamin D topically might reduce Acne caused by bacterial overgrowth. Oral supplements of Vitamin D might help to fight the inflammation. You can also try some Vitamin D rich food are beef liver, mushrooms, fatty fish, eggs, cheese, and fortified foods.

You could take 100 micrograms of Vitamin D daily. It would be best if you take it with meals. You must be careful if you are taking other supplements as well.

[Also Read: Vitamin E for Acne Treatment]

No matter how unwanted Acne is, you cannot always prevent Acne, as it might be genetic. You could, however, try a few precautions which might reduce the risk of Acne. Avoid tight clothes, showering after a workout, using mild skin products, and shampooing your hair often.

Once you have Acne, try not to touch it and avoid strong medications, if possible. You could always opt for natural supplements for Acne. Choosing the right supplement is very important, so take advice from a doctor. Learn the correct dosage and method of using it and rid your skin of Acne.

[Also Read: Home Remedies for Acne Scars]


1. What Are Other Natural Remedies to Fight Acne?

There are various supplements for Acne that can be used orally or for topical application. The best supplements for Acne are zinc, magnesium, selenium, omega-3 as well as Vitamin A, D, B5, and C, an Fish oil too. Consult an expert and have the correct information for more information on these supplements.

2. How Can You Prevent Acne?

There are various precautions to decrease the occurrence of Acne.

  • Clean your skin gently to get rid of excess oil and dead cells.
  • Taking a bath after a workout
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes
  • Use mild skin products
  • Use a shampoo for your hair regularly.
  • Do not touch your pimple

If all this fails, try numerous natural supplements to help you.