
How Is Sassafras Tea Right for Your Health?

Sassafras tea is renowned for its medical benefits, aromatic flavor, and its extracts for flavoring root beers. It is rich in essential nutrients such as alpha-pinene, tannins, safrole, and asarone. It is also enriched with healthy amounts of potassium, sodium, and sugar.

How is it prepared?

Ingredients to use:

  • 4 pieces of Sassafras tea roots
  • Raw honey (optional)
  • 2 quarts water

Procedure to follow:

  • Firstly, crush dried sassafras roots or leaves.
  • Brew it in water for 15 minutes.
  • To spruce up the taste of the tea, add a few drops of lemon and sugar.

Health Benefits of Sassafras tea

Consuming the prescribed amount of sassafras tea boosts the body with significant health benefits. Below are a few of the many ways sassafras tea enriches human health.

1. Good for Liver

Sassafras tea maintains a healthy hormonal balance and cleanses the toxins in the liver. It stimulates the liver, which in turn supports the body by sweating out toxins and enhancing detoxification.

2. Cures cold and flu

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Sassafras tea plays a major role in alleviating symptoms of cold and flu. It also helps in curing fever, nasal congestion, and cough caused by cold or flu.

3. Treats kidney ailments

Sassafras tea is packed with diuretic properties. It helps in treating irritation, infections, stones in kidneys, and various other kidney-related issues.

4. Treats bronchitis

Sassafras tea helps in lowering down the symptoms of bronchitis. It helps in treating swelling in the throat & nose, and also keeps the lungs healthy.

5. Relives adrenal stress

Adrenal stress can become the cause of menopause symptoms. To solve this problem, you can start taking Sassafras tea in a limited amount regularly.

6. Fights rheumatism and arthritis


Drinking sassafras tea is beneficial to those suffering from arthritis. It also eases the pain by eliminating the toxins from your body.

7. Treats skins diseases

Sassafras tea contains significant amounts of possesses some antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Consumption of this tea also helps in healing many skin problems like irritation, eczema, and insect bites.

8. Immune system

Sassafras contains analgesic , antiseptic, and other essential properties that boosts the immune system. It also is a good source for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels

9. Good for digestion


Sassafras tea consumption is good for the health system. It helps in lowering down the issues of constipation(2), gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea.

[ Read: Tea for Constipation ]

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10. Used as a blood thinner

Sassafras tea acts as an anticoagulant agent, which helps in purifying the blood when taken in a small amount. It is one of the metabolic processes which keep the body in healthy condition.

Medicinal Uses for Sassafras tea

Sassafras tea is also boosted with some excellent properties that come in handy to maintain a healthy life. Sassafras tea is used as a proper remedy for the medicinal uses:

1. Sassafras root spring tonic

Sassafras tea promotes a healthy thinning of blood, which promotes good circulation to the brain in the old age. Thus, it is often recognized as a “spring tonic” or “blood thinning” herb

2. Blood and circulatory system

Sassafras tea functions as a tonic for the liver with its ability of effective actions on blood and circulatory system. It enhances the overall function of the body.

3. Cooling and demulcent lead

Sassafras tea acts as a demulcent, which supports in soothing or coating dry throats.  

Side Effects of Sassafras Tea

Although sassafras tea is loaded with medicinal properties, it may trigger some symptoms which could severe complications or have negative effects on the body.

  • Vomiting
  • Stupor
  • Excessive sweating
  • Hot flashes
  • Skin rashes
  • High blood pressure
  • Hallucinations

Due to such side effects, it is advised to consume sassafras tea in moderation and no more than the prescribed amount

[ Read: Incredible Pu-Erh Tea Benefits ]


1. How to make Sassafras tea?

Gather the Sassafras roots and then wash them. After that, cut off the saplings which have a greenish hue. Boil it by adding water. Simmer the gas until the water gets a brownish-red color. After straining the water, add honey to taste.

2. What is Sassafras tea good for?

Sassafras tea helps strengthen up the immune system. It helps in enhancing detoxification plus increasing sweating. It helps in assisting the body of people who are suffering from cold and flu.